Newsletter No. 173

4 No. 173 19th November 2000 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 第五十六屆大會典禮特別安排 Arrangements for the Fifty-sixth Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 大學第五十六屆大會(頒授學位典禮)將 於十二月七日(星期四)分兩部分舉行。典禮 之第一部分於上午十時在林蔭大道舉行,由 李國章校長主持,頒授榮譽博士學位、高級 學位及學士學位。 第二部分由成員書院、研究院和兼讀學 士學位課程各自為所屬學士及碩士學位畢業生舉行畢業禮,依次由各書院院長、副 校長楊綱凱教授和副校長金耀基教授主持。時間及地點表列如下: 畢業典禮 時間 地點 聯合書院 中午十二時至下午二時 邵逸夫堂 新亞書院 下午一時十五分至二時四十五分 林蔭大道 崇基學院 下午一時三十分至三時三十分 崇基禮拜堂 兼讀學士學位課程 下午三時至四時三十分 逸夫書院大講堂 逸夫書院 下午三時十五分至五時十五分 邵逸夫堂 碩士學位課程 下午三時三十分至五時 林蔭大道 披袍處 大學行政樓祖堯堂為披袍處。典禮行列準於九時四十分列隊,並於九時五十五 分離開祖堯堂。 交通 典禮當日,范克廉樓、富爾敦樓、大學行政樓、中國文化研究所、田家炳樓及 大學圖書館等停車場,皆保留予嘉賓及公務車輛專用。 邵逸夫堂對面停車場暫停開放 邵逸夫堂對面之停車場將闢作畢業生座席,該停車場由十一月十八日至十二月 十日暫停開放,以便蓋搭帳篷。 停課 醫科一、二年級、醫學科學增插學年學士學位課程及研究院課程是日停課。 范克廉樓部分餐廳暫停服務 范克廉樓教職員餐廳及學生餐廳是日由上午七時三十分至下午三時暫停服務, 以便安排典禮後之茶會。快餐店亦於上午十一時三十分至下午二時三十分暫停營 業,以舉行兼讀學士學位課程畢業午餐會。 天雨安排 如遇天雨,典禮第一部分改在邵逸夫堂舉行;而新亞書院畢業典禮及碩士學位 課程畢業典禮則改在新亞書院體育館舉行。 The 56th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees will be held in two parts on Thursday, 7th December 2000. Parti The first part of the ceremony, to be presided at by Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, vice-chancellor of the University, will be held at 10.00 a.m. at the University Mall. Honorary, higher, and first degrees will be conferred. Part II The graduation ceremonies held by the four colleges and the Part-time Degree Programmes (PDP) for first-degree graduates, and the Master's Degree Graduation Ceremony will take place as follows: College/Programme Time Presiding Officer Venue United 12.00-2.00 p.m. Head of College Sir Run Run Shaw Hall New Asia 1.15-2.45 p.m. Head of College University Mall Chung Chi 1.30-3.30 p.m. Head of College Chung Chi Chapel Part-time Degree 3.00-4.30 p.m. Prof. Ambrose King, PVC Shaw College Lecture Theatre Shaw 3.15 - 5.15p.m. Head of College Sir Run Run Shaw Hall Master's Degree 3.30 - 5.00 p.m. Prof. Kenneth Young, PVC University Mall Robing The Cho Yiu Conference Hall of the University Administration Building will be used as the robing room. Marshalling of the procession will begin at 9.40 a.m. The procession will leave the University Administration Building for the ceremonial ground at 9.55 a.m. Parking Car parks at the Benjamin Franklin Centre, John Fulton Centre, University Administration Building, Institute of Chinese Studies, Tin Ka Ping Building, and the University Library will be reserved for guests with special parking labels. The car park opposite Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, to be used as a seating area for graduates, will be temporarily closed from 18th November to 10th December for the erection of a canopy for the ceremony. Suspension of Classes Classes for Medical Years 1 and 2, the Intercalated Degree Programmes in Medical Science, and postgraduate programmes w i ll be suspended for the day. Temporary Closure of BFC Canteens The Benjamin Franklin Centre staff canteen and student canteen w i ll be closed on the day from 7.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m., as they will be used for the reception for higher degree graduates after Part I of the ceremony. The Fast Food Shop will also be closed from 11.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. for the lunch gathering of Part-time Degree Programme graduates and their families. Wet Weather In case of wet weather, Part I of the Ceremony will be held at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall while the New Asia College Graduation Ceremony and the Master's Degree Graduation Ceremony will take place in the New Asia Gymnasium. 職員審議 Staff Review of Non-teaching Staff Members 校方將開始審議二零零一至二零零二年度(甲)類服務條款職員之擢升及退休/延 任事宜之提名或申請。 所有提名或申請須於二零零零年十二月三十日前送交行政事務委員會秘書譚壽 森先生(大學行政樓三樓人事處),查詢請電內線七二六九。 又,行政事務委員會已於日前函邀各學系及部門主管,就有關乙類及丙類服務 條款僱員之退休、延任、擢升事宜提供意見或舉薦人選。各學系/部門提交有關函件 之截止日期為二零零零年十二月三十日。職員自行提交之申請將不獲考慮,惟彼等 可與其學系門主管商討其晉升機會等事宜。 Applications/nominations are invited from all full-time non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A), with respect to retirement/extension of service and promotion, for consideration in the staff review exercise for the year 2001-2. The deadline for submission is 30th December 2000. Applications and nominations should be sent to Mr. S.S. Tam, Secretary, Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Office, 2/F, University Administration Building (Ext. 7269). Further enquiries may be directed to him. The Administrative Affairs Committee has also invited department chairmen/unit heads to make nominations and recommendations concerning the retirement, extension of service, and promotion of non-teaching staff members on Terms of Services (B) and (C). The deadline for submission of nominations is 30th December 2000. Direct applications from individual staff members will not be considered. They may, however, discuss their promotion prospects with their department chairmen/unit heads. 海洋科學實驗室改名 行政與計劃委員會已批准海洋科學實驗室改名為海洋科學研究中心,其英文名 稱則不變。 Staff Ball 2000 The 2000 CUHK Staff Ball, organized jointly by the Staff Common Room Club and the Staff Club/Associations of the four colleges, will be held on Saturday, 16th December 2000, at 6.30 p.m in the ballroom of the Ritz-Carton Hotel in Central. The evening will feature dinner, performance, games, lucky draw, and dancing. A l l participants w i ll enjoy a subsidized fee of $650 p er head. A spec ial 10 per cent discount will be given to bookings by table. Dress code for the evening will be black tie or lounge suit. Bus coupons between CUHK campus and Central are sold at $35 per person per round trip. University units are invited to organize their own tables. Book now before all tickets are sold out. For enquiries and booking, please call 2603 6528 or visit http://mmlab.itsc. cuhk. edu. hk/ugh/event. htm. 范克廉樓快餐店消息 The Latest from BFC Fast Food Shop 范克廉樓快餐店西餐部已命名為池畔軒,除供應午、晚餐外,亦提供特色下午 茶套餐及自助餐。池畔軒於星期一至六上午十一時半至晚上十時半開放,訂座電話 為二六零三五一二二。 另,快餐店之玻璃屋可租予校內人士舉辦聚餐、酒會等活動,惟租借時間僅限 於下午三時後,使用人數亦不得少於五十人。查詢或索取租借表格,請致電二六零 九八六一零。 The Western Dining Section of the BFC Fast Food Shop has been named Poolside Cafe. In addition to lunch and dinner, Poolside Cafe also serves special tea sets and tea buffet. It is open from 11.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Please call 2603 5122 for reservations. The glass house of the BFC Fast Food Shop can be reserved by students and staff of the University for holding functions after 3.00 p.m. The minimum number of users is 50. For enquiries and booking, please call 2609 8610.