Newsletter No. 416
6 No. 416, 19.4.2013 語言學與華語二語教學研討會 Symposium on CSL Teaching and Learning 第三屆語言學與華語二語教學國際研討會於3月22日假祖堯堂舉行,由雅禮中國語文研習所主辦,語言學及現代 語言系和中國語言及文學系漢語語言學研究中心協辦。是屆會議主題為「語用能力培養的理論與實踐」,有逾 一百五十人名來自中、港、台、新加坡和美國等地的語言學專家,以及從事漢語教學的教師和研究生出席。 五十周年傑出學人講座 Anniversary Distinguished Lectures 香港終審法院首席法官馬道立先生及哈佛大學亨利 • 福特 二世社會科學榮休講座教授傅高義教授應大學邀請,主 持五十周年傑出學人講座系列。 • 馬道立論憲法的實踐與未來 馬道立法官於3月22日主講「香港社會的精粹─成文憲 法的實踐與未來」,吸引近四百名學者、學生、司法界人 士及公眾出席。 馬法官指出,大部分港人,包括他本人在內,認為香港的 法律制度健全。司法獨立是本港法律制度的核心,法庭 會以法律為依據,並根據事實對具有爭議的案件作出判 決,並不受公眾輿論的影響。展望未來,他的其中一個重 要責任,就是確保市民和關心香港的人士繼續信任和尊 重本港的司法制度。 • 傅高義看中日關係 傅高義教授以「中日能否和平共處?」為題,於3月28日演 講,吸引約五百名師生、校友、學界及公眾人士,以及多 位駐港領事出席。 傅高義教授在講座中闡述了長久以來中日複雜起伏的關 係,從日本向華學習語言、佛教、城市建設及建築起,至 其後中國反向日學習現代化和紡織技術。1978至1992 年間,日方對中國的現代化提供不少支援,兩國的關係 重回友好,可是,釣魚台列島的爭端,讓中日關係再起波 瀾。他並剖析兩國可採取的改善措施。 傅高義教授是著名的中國問題專家,他傾十年心力完 成的巨著 Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China ,去年5月由中大出版社出版繁體及簡體版《鄧小 平傳》,並授權北京三聯書店於今年1月出版刪節本簡體 版,首版即達五十萬冊,至今已加印至八十萬冊,是內地 最受矚目的政治類暢銷書之一。傅高義教授並將其內地 版稅全數贈予他的母校俄亥俄衞斯理安大學,以鼓勵美 國年輕人研究中國及東亞,第一筆逾六十萬美元捐贈已 通過中大出版社交予衞斯理安大學。 Mr. Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li, Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong, and Prof. Ezra F. Vogel, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus at Harvard University, were invited to host the University’s 50th Anniversary Distinguished Lectures. • Chief Justice on Reality and Future of Constitution Mr. Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li presented a lecture on ‘The Essence of Our Society: From a Written Constitution to Reality and into the Future 50 Years’ on 22 March. The lecture drew an audience of about 400 academics, students, legal practitioners, and members of the public. In the lecture, Mr. Justice Ma pointed out that most people in our community, including himself, believe that the legal system which exists in Hong Kong is a good one, and stressed the independent judiciary is a core value of the system. Whether or not a case is a controversial topic, the court will simply apply the law. One of his main responsibilities is for the judiciary to continue to earn the respect and confidence of the community and all who are concerned with Hong Kong. • Chinese Expert Speaks on Sino-Japanese Relations Prof. Ezra F. Vogel hosted a lecture on ‘Can China and Japan Make Peace?’ on 28 March to share his views on the relationships between China and Japan. The lecture attracted a full house of around 500, including academics, students, alumni, members of the consulates, and the public. Professor Vogel talked about the ups and downs of Sino-Japanese relations, starting from the Japanese learning from China language, Buddhism, city layout and architecture, etc., to the Chinese learning modernization, textiles from Japan later on. From 1978 to 1992, Japanese gave assistance to China’s modernization and Sino-Japanese relations was good. However this relationship has been tested by the current crisis in Diaoyu Islands. He then discussed possible measures to improve relations. In May 2012, the Chinese University Press (CUP) published the Chinese edition (both traditional and simplified character versions) of Professor Vogel’s book, Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China . In January 2013, the CUP authorized SDX Joint Publishing Company in Beijing to publish an abridged simplified character version, 500,000 copies of which was printed in the first edition. A total of 800,000 have been printed since then, making it one of the most eminent political books being sold on the mainland. To encourage young people in the US to launch Chinese studies, Professor Vogel donated all his royalty from the mainland to his alma mater, Ohio Wesleyan University. The initial donation of US$600,000 was transferred to Wesleyan through the CUP. 雅禮中國語文研習所所長吳偉平博士指出,研討會旨在於語 言研究與教學實踐間架起橋樑,連繫學者和教師,互相了解 交流。研討會亦是中大校慶活動之一。 The Third International Symposium on CSL Teaching and Learning was held on 22 March at Cho Yiu Hall. Themed ‘Theories and Practices in the Training of Pragmatic Abilities’, the symposium was organized by the Yale- China Chinese Language Centre, with support from the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages and the Research Centre for Chinese Linguistics of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Over 150 participants, including key players in the field from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and the US, and stakeholders such as language teachers and postgraduates, were in attendance. Dr. Wu Weiping, director, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, pointed out that the symposium helped to bring CSL researchers and practitioners together for exchanging views and sharing experience. The sysmposium is also one of the CUHK’s 50th anniversary celebratory events. 馬道立法官 Mr. Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li 傅高義教授 Prof. Ezra F. Vogel
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