Newsletter No. 420
6 No. 420, 19.6.2013 高錕教授學生創意獎 Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 高錕教授學生創意獎2013頒獎典禮於5月27日假祖堯堂舉行,由張妙清副校長( 前排右四 )致開幕辭,華雲生常務 副校長( 前排右五 )頒獎。主席評判梁廣錫教授( 後排右七 )在典禮上表示,今年參賽作品無論質與量都比往年有顯 著提升,勝出學生的表現實在可喜可賀。 高錕教授學生創意獎前身為「校長杯」,自2004至05年度起舉辦,這項兩年一度的科技創意比賽,開放予中大全日 制學生參與,旨在推動學生的創新文化,鼓勵跨學科跨年級合作,集思廣益,締造更卓越的科研成績。 On 27 May, the Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 2013 (PCKKSCA) Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at Cho Yiu Hall. The ceremony was kicked off by Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung ( 4th right, front row ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor, who delivered the opening speech. Prof. Benjamin W. Wah ( 5th right, front row ), Provost, presented the awards. Prof. Leung Kwong-sak ( 7th right, back row ), chairman of the judging panel, congratulated the winners on their outstanding performances. He also commented that the overall quality and the number of entries this year are much better than in previous years. The PCKKSCA is a biennial competition in technological innovation for full-time students of CUHK. It was first introduced in 2004–05 as the Vice-Chancellor's Cup of Student Innovation. The competition under the theme ‘Innovation for Better Life’ this year aims at promoting the culture of innovation and encouraging inter-disciplinary collaboration among undergraduate and postgraduate students. 城市可持續旅遊國際會議 Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Urban Environments 地理與資源管理學系可持續旅遊社會科學碩士課程,於5月8至10日在康本國際學術園舉行 第二屆城市可持續旅遊國際會議。是次會議由崇基學院贊助部分經費,並獲北亞利桑那州立 大學、國際地理學聯合會及世界休閒組織全力支持。 與會人士來自世界各地,發表了 共二十八篇學術報告,涵蓋多 個可持續旅遊議題,包括文化 遺產、地質旅遊、僑民旅遊、資 源保護、主題公園、公眾參與、 社會責任、環境態度及旅遊相 關課題。會後並安排了香港新 界東北地區的實地考察,參觀 印洲塘海岸公園及荔枝窩客家 民居。 The Master of Social Science Programme in Sustainable Tourism of the Geography and Resource Management Department hosted the second International Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Urban Environments from 8 to 10 May at the Yasumoto International Academic Park. The conference was partially sponsored by Chung Chi College and supported by the Northern Arizona State University, the International Geographical Union, and the World Leisure Organization. The conference brought together participants from all over the world who presented 28 papers covering sustainable tourism topics such as culture and heritage, geotourism, diaspora and tourism, conservation, theme park, public participation, social responsibility, environmental attitudes and tourism related issues. The delegates participated in a field trip to North East New Territories. 網上遊戲促進學習 Online Game to Promote Collaborative Learning 教育學院資訊科技教育促進中心於2012至 13年度獲知識轉移處知識轉移基金資助, 開展「建立跨校虛擬互動電子學習社群─ 提升初中生對議題探究的興趣和能力」計 劃,邀請二十所中學的初中生於學習通識教 育科內的自我與個人成長、社會與文化及科 學、科技與環境等三個單元時,利用中心研 發的「學習村莊」( www.learningvillages. net )網上遊戲,進行協作議題探究。 計劃評估顯示,學生的協作及探究能力均有 所提升,教師亦從而汲取跨校議題探究活動的實戰經驗。中心並先後於三個大型 展覽會中展出了「學習村莊」及學生的協作學習成品,進一步向公眾推廣計劃的教 學理念。 Supported by the Knowledge Transfer Project Fund of the Knowledge Transfer Office, the Centre for the Advancement of Information Technology in Education (CAITE) has conducted a project titled ’Promoting Junior Secondary Students’ Motivation and Skills in Issue-enquiry through Inter-school Game-based Collaborative Learning’ in the 2012–13 academic year. Under the project, students from 20 secondary schools took part in CAITE’s online game-based virtual learning platform, LearningVillages (LV) ( www. ) , to pursue collaborative issue-enquiry in the three learning areas of liberal studies—self and personal development; society and culture; and science, technology and the environment. During the school year, not only did the participating students advance their collaborative and enquiry abilities, the teachers involved also gained concrete pedagogical experience in co-facilitating inter-school issue-enquiry activities. To disseminate the pedagogical ideas promoted in this project to the community, LV and the students’ collaborative learning artefacts were showcased in three major exhibitions. 聯校圖書館之合作與競爭 Conference on Future of Libraries 由大學圖書館系統與特區 政府大學圖書館長聯席會 合辦的「第三屆學術圖書 館館員學術會議:求同存 異,動靜陰陽:未來聯校 圖書館之合作與競爭」, 於5月30及31日舉行,吸引 約三百位來自本地及海外 的專業人士參加。是次會 議亦為中大五十周年慶祝 活動之一。 會議就學術圖書館聯盟的管治、合作培訓館員、存取和儲 存共用紙本及數碼館藏的尖端方法,以及集中統一館藏管 理和技術服務四項課題深入討論。 The University Library System and the Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee jointly organized a conference entitled ‘Academic Librarian 3: The Yin-Yang of Future Consortial Collaboration and Competition’ on 30 and 31 May. The conference attracted about 300 local and overseas delegates, and was one of the celebratory events of the 50th anniversary of CUHK. The themes addressed in the conference were academic library consortia governance; co-operative staff development; cutting edge approaches to access and storage of shared paper-based and digital collections; and centralizing collection management and technical services. 許敬文副校長致開幕辭 Prof. Michael K.M. Hui, Pro- Vice-Chancellor, delivering the opening speech
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