Newsletter No. 425
6 No. 425, 19.10.2013 做好準備迎接豐盛晚年 Preparing for a Meaningful Old Age 據統計顯示,香港人平均壽命男性為 八十二歲,女性則是八十九歲,而現 時六十五歲以上的人口已經多於零至 四歲的年齡層。踏入老年並不代表只 是退化,近年有研究發現,一些準備 功夫可以讓老年過得既有意義又豐 盛,心理學系馮海嵐教授於10月5日 在香港中央圖書館主講中大五十周年 博文公開講座,便以「如何裝備自己 以迎接一個豐盛的老年?」為題,吸引 了逾三百五十名師生、校友、學界及公 眾人士出席,現場座無虛席,未能進 場的觀眾須觀看現場視像轉播。 要活出精彩的老年,馮教授建議的策略是:「一、只揀選三數件必要維持的事情。二、應 明白,要維持這些事情,必須付出比青壯年期更多的時間和精力,或許更要進行某些訓 練。三、對於要放棄的事情,則要以正面態度來看,別單與勝過自己的人來比較,這樣感 覺會來得好些。」她舉一位鋼琴家的故事來解釋這三項要訣,鋼琴家年事已高,但演奏 水準並沒下降,乃因他只挑選三數曲目來彈奏,並花上較過去更多時間專注練習,且把 節奏拖慢,以掩蓋他無法彈出昔日急速的節奏。 According to statistics, the average life expectancy of Hong Kong men and women are 82 and 89 years respectively. The size of the elderly population, those over 65 years, is larger than that of children aged zero to four years. Getting old does not have to mean suffering from age-related losses and declines. Recent research revealed that with some preparation, the majority of older adults can enjoy a meaningful and productive old age. Prof. Helene Fung of the Department of Psychology hosted a CUHK 50th Anniversary Fair Public Lecture entitled ‘How to Prepare Yourself for an Enjoyable and Productive Old Age?’ at Hong Kong Central Library on 5 October. The lecture drew a full house of over 350 participants, including academics, students, alumni and members of the public. Live broadcast was arranged to cater to extra audience. Professor Fung suggested a three-point strategy: ‘First, selecting three or four activities you would like to keep doing. Second, the elderly should be aware that they have to devote more time or energy to maintain these activities than in the past. Sometimes, training is needed. Third, view those things you have given up positively. Don’t draw upward comparisons.’ She illustrated this strategy with the story of a pianist who manages to maintain his performance standard despite getting old. It is because he only plays several pieces and practises more. He also slows down to cover up his weakness in playing rapid rhythms. 中秋古琴雅集 Mid-Autumn Guqin Concert 9月13日晚,中國文化研究所文物館展覽廳的大堂、樓梯,以至頂層,擠滿二百多位來 賓。文物館副館長許曉東博士歡迎來賓,德愔琴社社長蘇思棣先生簡介當晚的古琴曲目 及相關古琴知識後,展覽廳變成了演奏廳,琴人隨即演奏,送上《憶故人》、《黃葉舞秋 風》、《漁樵問答》等名曲,琴韻悠揚,人人屏息靜賞。據云音響效果最佳的頂層更站了 不少知音。 賓客盈庭,有中大教職員、校友、學生,也有不少是琴人琴曲的知音。沈祖堯校長、馮通 協理副校長、中國文化研究所所長李熾昌教授、文物館諮詢委員會主席莫華釗先生、收 藏家不如閒室主人和夢蝶軒主人都是座上嘉賓,與眾同樂,濟濟一堂。 On 13 September, the hall, staircases, and the upper floors of the Art Museum, Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), were packed with over 200 guests. After the welcoming address of Dr. Xu Xiaodong, associate director of the Art Museum, Mr. Sou Sitai, chair of the Deyin Qin Society, introduced the programme of the evening, and offered a brief note about Qin . The exhibition gallery then morphed into a concert hall. A few guests placed themselves on the top floor of the gallery, which was said to have the best audio effect. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Fung Tung, Associate Pro-Vice- Chancellor; Prof. Archie Lee, the director of ICS; Mr. Christopher Mok, chairman of Advisory Board of the Art Museum; the masters of the Buruxian Shi and Mengdiexuan, were among the guests which comprised CUHK staff, alumni and students, as well as fans of the Deyin Qin Society. 伊斯蘭文化協會捐款支持教研 Donation for Islamic Research 伊斯蘭文化協會(香港)慷慨捐贈中大三百萬元成立基 金,支持人文學科研究所促進及推廣本校伊斯蘭文化教 研工作,包括舉辦講座和研討會、聘請教研人員及開設 伊斯蘭文化學科等。支票致贈儀式暨合作計劃啟動禮 於9月13日假祖堯堂舉行,由沈祖堯校長( 右四 )、協會 會長楊興文教長( 左四 )、香港愛群道清真寺楊興本教長 ( 左三 )、霍泰輝副校長( 左二 )、人文學科研究所所長 熊秉真教授( 右三 )、文化及宗教研究系賴品超教授( 右 二 )和譚偉倫教授( 左一 ),以及歷史系講座教授蒲慕州 教授( 右一 )主禮,過百嘉賓包括駐港領事及協會代表及 友好出席。 典禮後隨即召開「多重視野中的伊斯蘭文明」學術會議, 邀請來自馬來西亞著名伊斯蘭學者 Ibrahim Mohamed Zain教授、索岩梅博士、台灣學者林長寬教授和蔡源林 教授、中國學者潘世杰博士、丁士仁教授和祁學義博士, 以及數位本港學者發表論文,並舉辦圓桌座談,從比較 角度看宗教與歸屬。 The Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong) has made a generous donation of $3 million in support of the study of Islamic culture being undertaken by the Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH) at CUHK, which aims at fostering and promoting research and academic activities related to the culture. The funding will support academic lectures, conferences and research projects on Islamic culture, hosting visiting scholars and developing a cluster of courses on Islamic studies that will be open to all students of CUHK. The cheque presentation and inauguration ceremony for the programme were held at the Cho Yiu Hall on 13 September. Officiating guests included Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 4th right ), Vice- Chancellor of CUHK; Mohammad Noorudin Yang ( 4th left ), chairman of the association; Uthman Yang Xing Ben ( 3rd left ), Imam of Masjid Ammar; Prof. Fok Tai-fai ( 2nd left ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Hsiung Ping- chen ( 3rd right ), director of RIH; Prof. Lai Pan-chiu ( 2nd right ) and Prof. Tam Wai-lun ( 1st left ), both professors of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies; and Prof. Poo Mu-chou ( 1st right ), Professor of History. Over a hundred delegates of the association and guests including consul generals were in attendance. Following the ceremony was the conference on ‘Islamic Civilization in Multiple Perspectives’. Prof. Ibrahim Mohamed Zain and Dr. Suo Yan-mei from Malaysia; Prof. Lin Chang-kuan and Prof. Tsai Yuan-lin from Taiwan; and Dr. Pan Shiji, Prof. Ding Shiren and Dr. Qi Xueyi from China, and several scholars from Hong Kong presented papers. Scholars had a lively discussion on the topic ‘Religion and Belongingness from Comparative Perspectives’ at a roundtable session.
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