Newsletter No. 493
05 # 4 9 3 | 0 4 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 7 Two classrooms in Ho Man Yuen Building and Sino Building (photo) accommodating 64 and 72 students respectively, have been renovated by the Campus Development Office to promote interactive teaching and e-learning. Many aspects of these two classrooms, including the walls, floors, lighting, furniture, hardware and software, and Wi-Fi connection, are tailor-made to facilitate group work. For example, big screens are placed next to each discussion table so that students can display their work from their digital devices through wired or wireless connections. It facilitates them to freely exchange ideas and collect feedbacks from their groupmates. Teachers can also choose to broadcast any group presentation using the control panel to facilitate other groups to respond to their classmates’ presentations. 為推動互動教學和電子學習,校園發 展處翻修了位處伍何曼原樓和信和樓 (圖)兩間分別可容六十四及七十二位 學生的課室。課室內的設施都別出心 思,無論是牆身、地面、燈光、桌椅、軟 硬件和Wi-Fi裝置等,都是為促進學生小 組學習而設。例如,討論桌旁均設有大 屏幕,讓學生透過有線或無線網路把自 己電子裝置內的學習材料展示出來,與 組員交換意見,並收集組員對課題的回 應。教師可以透過控制面板播放任何小 組的匯報片段,方便其他小組回應。 互動課室 Interactive Classrooms personality. Your fanpage followers abhor hypocrisy, but your genuine expressions.’ In face of online criticism, Mr. Lee found it inappropriate to delete controversial posts and negative comments, or even ‘unfriend’ criticizers from the social platform. Rather than promptly answering criticisms one by one, one may give an overall response when the incident cools off. Social media is not monopolized by youngsters. Many celebrities and politicians also make use of this platform for personal branding. On 21 February, Ms. Sharon Cheung, part-time lecturer of the School of Journalism and Communication invited Mr. James Tien (right), LEGCO councilor, and his social media team to talk on personal branding. Mr. Tien said, ‘Social media helps you reach a wide online population when the posts go viral. If politicians make good use of it, they don’t need to organize press conferences whenever issues arise. Reporters from different newspapers will quote your posts when they are released.’ Mr. Tien’s boldness and sense of humour have been well- received by netizens. In fact, there is a group of young unsung heroes from his party who have been giving him suggestions and drafting posts. Mr. Dominic Lee (left) is one of them. He opined that the expressions of posts have to be succinct and creative, and said, ‘The values and stance you convey should be consistent. The posts’ style should reflect your 社交媒體不純粹是年輕人的玩意,不少名人政客都 會藉此平台提升個人品牌形象。2月21日,新聞與傳 播學院客席講師張寶華女士舉辦了關於建立個人品 牌的嘉賓講座,邀得立法會議員田北俊先生(右)及 其社交媒體團隊前來分享,田先生說道:「社交媒體 接觸面廣,傳播速度快得驚人,政客如果運用得宜, 根本用不着事事都開記者招待會,你一出post,不 同報館的記者隨即會引述。」 田先生敢言、幽默的作風深得網民認同,其實背後 有其政黨的年輕成員義務為他獻策和撰文,當中一 位是李梓敬先生(左),他指出貼文的遣詞用字要精 警、有創意,又說:「貼文的價值觀和立場要一致,風 格要反映版主的言行,絕不可以造作,因為網民喜 歡版主真情流露。」若面對網上的惡言批評,他認為 版主千萬不可刪除貼文或批評者的留言,也不用逐 一回應批評甚或 ‘ unfriend ’ ,待事件稍為平息時撰文 回應便可。 田北俊談社交媒體 On Facebook with James Tien decade, the international community has focused on satellite remote sensing for rapid urban infrastructure health diagnosis. A number of countries have launched high-resolution radar remote sensing satellites, while many research institutions have put more resources into relative data processing software development to enhance the application of engineering to the technology. These advances have shed light on a health diagnosis of urban infrastructure.’ Civil infrastructures are the urban lifeline. Under progressive natural and man-made stressors, slow ground subsidence and infrastructural deformation have become potential geo-hazards that threaten economic sustainability and human well-being. For instance, the sinkhole subsidence which occurred in Fukuoka, Japan, was probably caused by nearby tunneling works. InSAR is a key research area of ISEIS at CUHK. Prof. Hui Lin remarked, ‘Over the past 1月17至19日,中大太空與地球信息科學研究所(太空所)與德國 航天局合辦國際研討會,探討利用合成孔徑雷達干涉技術(InSAR) 監測城市基建結構健康的最新進展,以及研發與應用相關技術的重 大挑戰。研討會由太空所所長林琿教授和德國航天局遙感研究所 所長Richard Bamler教授(圖)共同主持,吸引近百名來自歐洲、東 南亞和中國等地的學者和學生出席。 城市基建結構有其生命周期,其穩定性時常受地質條件和人為活動 影響。去年日本福岡車站的塌陷事件,以及各國城市由於地面沉降導 致的基礎設施倒塌災害,均可視作重大警號。InSAR技術是中大太空 所的重點研究方向,林教授表示:「近十年來,國際社會開始應用衛 星雷達遙感以快速監測城市基建,並相繼發射高解析度的雷達遙感 衛星,科研機構亦投入資源開發相應的資料處理軟件,使該技術的應 用趨於成熟。」 The Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) of CUHK and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) jointly hosted the International Workshop on InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) Technologies for Urban Infrastructural Health Diagnosis from 17 to 19 January. In the workshop, the most innovative research on InSAR technologies for urban infrastructural health diagnosis was presented and the key challenges were discussed. Prof. Hui Lin, director of CUHK ISEIS and Prof. Richard Bamler (photo), director of the Remote Sensing Technology Institute, DLR co-chaired the workshop attended by nearly 100 scholars and research students from Europe, Southeast Asia and the mainland. 城市基建結構健康監測 InSAR Technologies for Urban Infrastructural Health Diagnosis
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