Newsletter No. 472
6 472 • 4.2.2016 校園消息 Campus News 第二十屆國際粵方言研討會 The 20th International Conference on Yue Dialects 「國際粵方言研討會」是漢語語言學學界的重要學術活動,一直以來主要在香港、澳門、廣東、廣西等地輪流舉行。第二十 屆國際粵方言研討會由中國語言及文學系主辦,中國文化研究所吳多泰中國語文研究中心協辦,文學院、新亞書院、聯合書 院、香港語言學學會贊助,於2015年12月11至12日召開。本屆研討會的主題是「比較語法」,通過比較的方法,尋找粵語的 特點,從形式研究、歷時研究、跨範疇的接口研究等不同角度,探索粵語語法的特點。海內外從事粵語研究的專家學者及學 生聚首一堂,切磋跟粵語語言學相關的問題。 The International Conference on Yue Dialects is a prestigious annual academic event in the field of Chinese linguistics and is organized by the tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, Macau, Guangdong, and Guangxi in a rotational manner. The 20th International Conference on Yue was held at CUHK from 11 to 12 December 2015, organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, co-organized by the T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies, and sponsored by the Faculty of Arts, New Asia College, United College, and the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. The theme of the conference was ‘Comparative Grammar’, with a special focus on the properties of Cantonese grammar under formal approaches, diachronic grammar, and interface studies. The conference provided an ideal occasion for experts and students in the field from different parts of the world to share current research findings on Cantonese and other Yue dialects. 伍宜孫書院學生勇奪半馬拉松 挑戰組冠軍 Student of WYS College Becomes Champion in Half Marathon Challenge 伍宜孫書院周漢聶同學挑戰2016渣打香港馬拉松,成為 半馬拉松挑戰組(男子少年組)冠軍。比賽當日雖然下着 雨,但無損周同學的鬥志,反而激勵他勇往直前,最終摘 下金牌,並贏得寶貴的參賽經驗。 Hanniel H.N. Chow of Wu Yee Sun College has won the Championship in Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2016 Half Marathon Challenge (Male Junior). The bad weather and heavy rain did not deter Hanniel from performing his best in the competition. His perseverance has gained him both the trophy for Championship and an unforgettable experience. 諾貝爾獎得主彼得 ‧ 戴蒙德談「優良的退休金制度」 Nobel Laureate Peter A. Diamond on ‘Good Pension Design’ 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主彼得 ‧ 戴蒙德教授於1月14日親臨中大 康本國際學術園,以「優良的退休金制度」為題演講,吸引 逾三百名中大教職員、學生、校友及公眾人士出席講座。 戴蒙德教授在是次講座中,分享了他對優良退休金制度的 見解,並透過探討多個國家備受好評的退休金制度,了解各 國如何組合不同的退休金計劃,為老年人士提供多方面的 經濟保障。 去年12月,香港政府提出退休保障公眾諮詢文件,包含 「不論貧富」和「有經濟需要」兩個方案,被問及對這兩個 方案的看法,戴蒙德教授認為現時香港在有關方面的討論 「極度不足」,因為文件所提的兩個「極端」方案以外,還 有許多可行的方針。他又引用其他國家現行的退休金制度 作例子,如荷蘭的方案涵蓋了所有國民、智利無須供款的退 休金計劃能令約六成人受到保障,此制度相對較新,將來 更有望增加至八成;加拿大的方案則能保障高達九成半長 者。戴蒙德教授補充,擁有良好退保制度的國家仍在不斷努 力改良方案。 戴蒙德教授現時是麻省理工學院的榮休教授,曾就多個國 家的公共養老金制度提供意見,當中包括︰澳洲、智利、中 國、法國、德國、意大利、荷蘭、新西蘭、西班牙、瑞典、英國 及美國。 One of the world’s top experts on retirement protection, Prof. Peter A. Diamond, 2010 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, gave a lecture entitled ‘Good Pension Design’ to some 300 CUHK staff, students, alumni and members of the public on 14 January at the University’s Yasumoto International Academic Park. In the lecture, Professor Diamond shared insight into good design and discussed the pension systems in several countries which are generally regarded as good systems. These systems have different combinations of pension plans in order to address the multiple aspects of providing economic security in old age. In December 2015, the Hong Kong government released two options on retirement protection for a six-month public consultation. The two options consist of two models at the opposite ends of the spectrum—one ‘regardless of rich and poor’ and another only providing for those ‘with financial needs’. When asked what he thought of the proposals, Professor Diamond said he thought Hong Kong’s debate on retirement protection has been ‘hopelessly inadequate’ as all intermediate options between a contributory and a non-contributory system proven sustainable and agreeable in other places are left out. ‘The setup is missing the central fact that there is a continuum of different ways of setting up between two. In the Netherlands, the system pays out to everyone. In Chile, it’s non-contributory to 60%. The Chilean system is a relatively new system with the goal to expand to 80%. In Canada, it is 95%.’ Professor Diamond added that countries with a good system keep working at it. Professor Diamond is an Institute Professor Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has also advised on the public pension systems in many countries including Australia, Chile, China, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, the UK and the US.
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