Newsletter No. 438
8 CUHK enjoys great diversity in terms of its students’ ethnic and religious affiliations. The University has also introduced a wide range of global cuisines on campus to cater to students with different dietary customs. Located at the Lee Wai Chun Building, a newly opened canteen provides Halal food. The canteen specializes in donar lamb kebab, a traditional Turkish dish. ‘Donar’ (Turkish spelling: döner) means ‘turn around’ and ‘kebab’ refers to ‘roasted meat’. This dish is made of lamb or chicken roasted on a vertical rotisserie. When the surface layer is done, it is sliced into thin, crisp shavings and put into a warmer. The sliced meat is then placed on a thin slice of pita bread, and served with lettuce, tomato and onion, and dressing. The roll is wrapped in a foil. The authentic dish recreates the flavour of the Middle East on our campus. Halal is an Arabic word meaning ‘lawful’ or ‘permitted’. The Halal diet is practiced by Muslims and features certain restrictions on the choice of ingredients, method of slaughtering animals and cooking methods according to the Quran. For example, pork, blood and alcohol are forbidden, and any animals that died from stranguation or being beaten are not allowed. According to the canteen staff, many restaurants may claim they provide Halal cuisine, but the canteen on campus has been issued the ‘Halal Certificate’ by the Incorporated Trustees of the Islamic Community Fund of Hong Kong. This means that the whole food handling process meets the requirements of Halal food, and Muslims at CUHK can dine here worry-free. 清真羊肉卡巴 Halal Lamb Kebab 中大錄取的學生,國籍、種族和信仰漸 趨多元,為照顧各種飲食習慣和需要, 大學引入提供不同菜式的食肆,最近 就有一間清真飯堂在李慧珍樓登場,為 本已百花齊放的校園帶來新滋味。 這款「羊肉卡巴」是該飯堂頭號熱賣。 「卡巴」原文指烤肉,亦是土耳其一款 傳統美食的名稱。製法是將大塊的羊、 雞肉掛在旋轉烤爐上,每待表層烤熟, 就以刀削下,放在保溫箱。客人落單, 師傅就將肉塊鋪在一塊薄薄的、內軟 外帶煙韌的中東包上,配以生菜、蕃茄 和洋葱,再混上從印度進口的醬汁,以 錫紙裹成卷狀,一份「卡巴」便製成。 地道的傳統菜式,使飯堂隱隱瀰漫着中 東風情。 信奉伊斯蘭教的穆斯林恪守《可蘭經》 列明的飲食要求,如不吃豬肉、不沾 酒、不帶血等;宰殺牲畜和處理食物方 法,也有嚴格的規定,例如動物不得因 窒息或毆打致死,符合的方可稱為「清 真」食品。餐廳負責人稱,坊間掛着「清 真」幌子作招徠的餐廳很多,這裏領有 香港回教信託基金總會清真標誌和認 證,換言之由選材到各項程序細節,均 經過評核,完全符合清真要求,中大的 穆斯林在這裏大可吃得放心了。 《李氏中文字典》發布會 The launching ceremony of the Li's Chinese Dictionary 1980年,中文大學創校校長李卓敏博士編撰的 《李氏中文字典》面世,由中文大學出版社出 版。《李氏中文字典》共收一萬二千八百多個單 字,分為一千一百七十一部。字典捨棄傳統依字 義、音韻、偏旁的漢字分類法,而採用形聲部首 分類;另外,字典利用了由李博士發明、簡單易 記的「垂扇檢字法」,將許多筆劃相同的字,按 點、撇、豎、捺、橫的次序排列,方便讀者查閱。 《李氏中文字典》歷時十五年完成。李校長在字 典的「序」嘗言,創辦中大的工作非常繁重,為 保持心理健康,他大多數公餘時間都放在編纂 這本字典上,是他「十多年來最有效的神經鎮靜 劑」。字典現於大學展覽廳展出。 In 1980, the Li’s Chinese Dictionary , compiled by CUHK founding Vice-Chancellor Dr. Choh-ming Li, was published by The Chinese University Press. The dictionary, which includes more than 12,000 characters under over 1,100 categories, marks a breakaway from the traditional classification methods (i.e., by meanings, by initials and finals of Chinese syllables, or by radicals). Instead, most of the characters are categorized in accordance with their phonetic components. Besides, developed by Dr. Li, its ‘Fan’ indexing system arranges characters with the same number of strokes in accordance with the shape of their first strokes, namely, ‘dot’, ‘left-falling stroke’, ‘vertical stroke’, ‘right-falling stroke’, and ‘horizontal stroke’. This system provides readers with an easy and quick way to access an entry. This remarkable work took more than 15 years to complete. Dr. Li spent most of his holidays and leisure time on it in order to balance his heavy workload as Vice-Chancellor of the University. ‘It was my most effective tranquilizer over the last decade,’ says Dr. Li in his ‘Foreword’ to the dictionary, which is now on display in the University Gallery. 左圖:掛上雞肉的旋轉烤爐 Left photo: Chicken on the vertical rotisserie No. 438, 19.5.2014
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