Newsletter No. 330
No. 330, 4.1.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 香港相思—余光中的文學生命 The Literary Life of Yu Kwang Chung • 莫慶堯醫學講座教授就職演講 Mok Hing Yiu Endowed Professorship Lecture • 香 港相思—余光中的文學生命展覽於12月15日 揭幕,余光中教授除親臨主禮外,更於同日在逸夫 書院大講堂主持講座,與近五百位聽眾分享創作心得,並 親自朗誦他的作品《禽畜三題 • 問雞》、《牙關》、《低速 公路》和《冰姑,雪姨—懷念水家的兩位美人》等。 展覽由文學院、聯合書院與大學圖書館系統合辦,重點介 紹余教授居港期間的文學創作及活動,精選展出他的著 作、手跡、照片、評論專輯和私人珍藏等,讓廣大讀者有機 會認識和了解這位現代文學巨匠的傑出成就。展期至1月 7日結束,其間並舉辦多場中學 生導賞團,帶領他們走進余教 授的文學世界。 余教授與中大淵源甚深,他在 1974至1985年間,曾任教中國 語言及文學系,在吐露港畔以 其中西融貫的學養和迸發的繆 思,啟迪學子無數。 另外,為讓公眾人士深入認識 余教授的創作風貌,大學圖書 館與香港公共圖書館於12月 13日合辦「余光中的新詩與散 文」文學講座,由中國語言及文 學系樊善標教授和中國現代文 學研究計劃陳智德博士擔任主 講嘉賓,剖析余教授的作品。 T he exhibition ‘Memories of Hong Kong–The Literary Life of Yu Kwang Chung’ is now on at the exhibition hall of the University until 7 January. Prof. Yu officiated at the opening ceremony on 15 December and hosted a literary talk to an audience of 500 on the same day. He also recited some of his poems. Jointly organized by the Faculty of Arts, United College and the University Library System, the exhibition places special emphasis on Prof. Yu’s literary achievements during his stay in Hong Kong. On display are the manuscripts, letters, photos and private collections of Prof. Yu. Guided tours for secondary school students are scheduled during the exhibition period. Prof. Yu has a very long association with CUHK. He taught at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature from 1974 to 1985. 醫 學院副院長(常務)、內科及藥物治療學講座教授 暨逸夫書院院長沈祖堯教授於12月16日發表莫慶 堯醫學講座教授就職演講,講題為「消化系統相關癌症的 預防及早期診斷」。 沈教授指出,腸癌及結直腸癌(俗稱大腸癌)是最常見的 癌症,不過兩者皆可預防,若及早發現,病人通常可以利用 外科手術切除腫瘤而得以治癒。 沈教授領導的研究發現某種幽門螺旋菌(cag-A及bab- A+幽門螺旋菌)及遺傳因素(IL-1 β 511多態性)與胃癌息 息相關,而從與胃癌相關的基因組蛋白質着手,有助診斷 早期胃癌。 大腸鏡檢查為現時診斷大腸癌主要方法之一,屬入侵性。 沈教授的研究小組正努力研製非入侵性的測試方法,從血 液中尋找有關大腸癌的微型核糖核酸(microRNA),以診 斷大腸癌及提高檢查的準確度。研究顯示測試的敏感度 及特異性分別高達八成半及八成,相信這簡單的血液測試 能為大腸癌篩查提供一個認受性高及方便的途徑。 莫慶堯醫學講座教授席由莫慶堯醫生於2007年11月捐 款成立,以支持及肯定醫學院教授在醫學領域上的卓越 成就。 P rof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, associate dean (general affairs) of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, and head of Shaw College, delivered his inaugural lecture of the Mok Hing Yiu Endowed Professorship on 16 December. It was entitled ’Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Cancers’. Gastric and colorectal cancers are among the most common malignant diseases worldwide. But in fact, both are preventable. With early diagnosis, patients can recover through surgical resection. Prof. Sung’s studies found that certain strains of H. pylori (cag-A and bab-A positive H. pylori ) and certain subjects (IL-1 β 511 polymorphism) are related to gastric cancer. His team also found that certain proteomes can make early diagnosis of gastric cancer possible. Colorectal cancer screening is invasive. Prof. Sung’s team is in the process of developing a blood test to detect microRNA specific for the diagnosis of colorectal adenoma and colorectal cancer. Research shows that the test can detect colorectal cancer with a sensitivity of 85.5% and a specificity of 80%. It is believed that this simple blood test holds promise of developing into an acceptable and convenient screening for colorectal cancer. Dr. Mok Hing Yiu established the Mok Hing Yiu Endowed Professorships in November 2007 to support professors from the Faculty of Medicine who are at the forefront of their fields of expertise. To enhance appreciation of Prof. Yu’s works, a public lecture on ‘The Poems and Prose of Yu Kwang Chung’ was co-organized by the CUHK University Library System and the Hong Kong Public Libraries on 13 December at the lecture theatre of Hong Kong Central Library. The lecture was hosted by Prof. Fan Sin-piu of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Dr. Chan Chi-tak of the Modern Chinese Literature Research Project. 精神瞿爍的余教授親誦其幽默詩作 Prof. Yu reciting his poem about a dental visit with a pinch of humour
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