Newsletter No. 330
No. 330, 4.1.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 興建一個新家 善衡書院動土 Building A New Home for S.H. Ho College Students • 善 衡書院於12月15日下午舉行動土典 禮,兩年後,中大校園將出現學生的另 一個「家」。典禮儀式由何善衡慈善基金會主 席何子焯博士( 下圖中 )、何善衡慈善基金會董 事何子樑醫生( 左二 )、中大校董會主席鄭維 健博士( 右二 )、劉遵義校長( 左一 ),以及善衡 書院候任院長辛世文教授( 右一 )主持,並承 蒙利國偉爵士伉儷( 右圖,前排右六及七 )等六 十位大學成員及書院友好出席。 善衡書院得以成立,厚蒙何氏家族創立的善衡 慈善基金會慷慨捐款。何子焯博士表示:「先 父何善衡博士是一位致力造福人群的慈善家。 作為何氏家族的一分子,本人、何子樑醫生及 家族各成員竭力將先父的理念發揚光大。我們 非常認同香港中文大學的書院理念,因此支持 成立善衡書院。何善衡慈善基金會將與中大携 手培育年輕人,積極進取,在順景逆景中亦能 盡力貢獻社會。」 T he ground-breaking ceremony of the construction of S.H. Ho College was held on 15 December. This new ‘home’ for the students is expected to be completed after two years. The ceremony was officiated by Dr. Ho Tzu-cho David (left, centre), chairman of The S.H. Ho Foundation and Dr. Ho Tsu-leung (2nd left), director of The S.H. Ho Foundation; Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng (2nd right), Chairman of the Council, CUHK; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (1st left), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; and Prof. Sun Sai-ming Samuel (1st right), Master-Designate of S.H. Ho College. In attendance were about 60 members of the University and supporters of the College including Sir and Lady Lee Quo-wei (above, front row, sitting and 6th right). S.H. Ho College was established with generous donations from The S.H. Ho Foundation which was set up by the Ho Family. ‘My father, the late Dr. Ho Sin-hang, was a philanthropist who was committed to promoting the welfare of humanity. As members of his family, I myself, my brother Dr. Ho Tzu-leung and others, take great pride in realizing his vision and are keen to carrying on his philanthropic mission. We very much embrace the same collegiate ideal as The Chinese University of Hong Kong and enthusiastically support the establishment of the new S.H. Ho College,’ said Dr. Ho Tzu- cho David. ‘We consider the Chinese University and the S.H. Ho College as our long-term partners in cultivating young minds who are keen to learn, share and contribute to society in times of bloom and adversity.’ ‘Half a century ago, Sir Winston Churchill said, “A University Education ought to be a guide to the reading of a lifetime”. S.H. Ho College will be furbished with fully residential and communal dining facilities in two years’ time,’ said Prof. Lau. ‘I sincerely hope that the intimate and supportive environment of this new College will foster close relationships among students and staff, and help students to continue to learn and grow, even after graduation, benefiting many generations to come.’ S.H. Ho College is expected to accept its first cohort of students in the fall of 2010, and will accommodate a total of 600 students on a fully residential basis. All S.H. Ho College students as well as the Master will reside and dine in the College. The College aims to nurture in students a profound sense of culture, high moral standards, trustworthiness and a strong sense of personal responsibility. This sets the foundation for students to live, work and serve the community in the future. Prof. Sun said, ‘S.H. Ho College will strive to provide a homely setting, so that its students and teachers can learn, develop, and grow together in a caring, supportive, interacting, and stimulating environment, like a seed in fertile soil which germinates, grows, develops, and flourishes.’ The College is grateful for the munificent support from the Wei Lun Foundation, Ho Tim Foundation, Chan Chun Ha Charitable Trust, Wu Yee Sun Charitable Foundation and Young Chi Wan Foundation for its development. On 15 December, it signed a letter of intent for an exchange programme with Yuanpei College of Peking University. Prof. Zhou Qifeng (below, front row, left), President of Peking University and Prof. Lau (front row, right) signed the letter for the two colleges, witnessed by Dr. Ho Tzu- leung (front row, centre). 劉校長說:「半世紀前邱吉爾爵士曾說:『大學教育是積累 一生經驗的指引』。善衡書院的興建工程將於兩年後完 成,為學生提供全宿共膳設施。本人盼望此新書院能為學 生及教員提供一個親切融和的學習環境,一起成長,學成 後繼續造福人群。」 善衡書院將容納六百名學生,並計劃於2010年秋季錄取首 批學生。書院採用全宿共膳模式,院長及學生皆於書院住 宿及用膳。善衡書院期望培養具文化素養、高尚品格、為 事盡力、為人有誠信的學生,這亦是他們做人處世、投入 工作及服務社會的根基。 辛世文教授說:「善衡書院致力為同學提供一個『家』的 培育環境,並提供一個安定但富啟發性、多元及互動的校 舍;促進知識和思想交流,讓同學在親切、關懷,具歸屬感 及充滿期望中,如一顆種籽於優良土壤中發芽,繼而茁壯 成長。」 善衡書院非常感謝偉倫基金、何添基金、陳震夏慈善信託 基金、伍宜孫慈善基金及楊志雲慈善基金的慷慨捐款及大 力支持,已積極開展各項籌備工作,並於12月15日早上與 北京大學元培學院簽訂交換生計劃意向書,由北京大學周 其鳳校長( 右圖,前排左 )與劉遵義校長( 前排右 )代表簽 署,何子樑醫生( 前排中 )見證。
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