Newsletter No. 428

4 No. 428, 4.12.2013 斯蒂格利茨談汲取經濟危機經驗 Joseph Stiglitz Reflects on Post-Crisis Era 2001年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主約瑟夫  ‧ 斯蒂格利茨教授應中文大學及新鴻基地產邀請, 在11月8日假康本國際學術園舉行公開講座,題目是「危機過後亞洲及世界的可持續發 展」,吸引了六百名學者、學生、政商界人士及公眾出席。 斯蒂格利茨教授分析2007年金融危機對經濟理論和政策所帶來的影響及啟示,特別着 重講解中國及亞洲的情況。市場及監管失控引發全球經濟衰退,可惜經濟學家和決策 者並未因此而汲取經驗。 斯蒂格利茨教授提出的資訊經濟學理論,為他贏得諾貝爾獎。他提出資訊的不均衡會 造成市場以至經濟決策錯誤,導致危機。由此理論引申的「逆向選擇」和「道德風險」 等關鍵概念,已成為現今經濟理論及政策分析的重要工具。 CUHK and Sun Hung Kai Properties jointly presented a public lecture on ‘Sustainable Growth in the Wake of the Crisis: Lessons for Asia and the World’ by 2001 Nobel Laureate in Economics Prof. Joseph E. Stiglitz. The event, held on 8 November at Yasumoto International Academic Park, drew a full house of 600 academics, students, members of the commercial and financial sectors, and the public. In the lecture, Professor Stiglitz evaluated the implications of the financial crisis that began in 2007 for economic theory and policy, particularly in relation to China and Asia. The market and regulatory failures that sparked the global downturn were stark lessons for economists and policy-makers, but those lessons have not all been learned—at least not as much as they should have been. Professor Stiglitz was the creator of a new branch of economics called ‘The Economics of Information’ which earned him the Nobel Prize in 2001. He suggested that asymmetries of information and other imperfections of information in the market could have profound effects on how the economy behaved. He pioneered such pivotal concepts as adverse selection and moral hazard, which have now become the standard tools of theorists and policy analysts. 第六屆中大新聞獎 The 6th Chinese University Journalism Award 新聞與傳播學院校友會舉辦的第六屆中大新聞獎頒獎典禮於 11月8日舉行,今年有九名優秀的本地新聞工作者獲得殊榮。 該獎於2003年創辦,為兩年一度的新聞界盛事。籌委會主席 張宏艷表示:「今屆得獎者有經驗老到的資深記者,亦有入行僅 兩三年的年輕記者。有賴大家積極參與,不論新舊人都可以憑着 優秀的報道獲得嘉許。」大會希望藉此為業界樹立良好榜樣,提 升香港新聞工作的專業水平。 The 6th Chinese University Journalism Awards presentation ceremony was held on 8 November, honouring nine distinguished journalists. First launched in 2003, the award became a biennial event for the journalism profession. ‘Among the winners this year were veterans as well as fresh reporters. The prizes were given to those who had demonstrated the highest level of professionalism and achieved distinction in their reporting, regardless of seniority,’ said Ms. Lavender Cheung, chairperson of the organizing committee. By recognizing outstanding reports, the award is aimed at boosting the overall standard of the journalism profession in Hong Kong. 第十三屆挑戰盃中大學生奪佳績 CUHK Teams Shine at the 13th Challenge Cup 中大六支學生隊伍參加10月13至18日在蘇州大學舉行的第十三屆挑戰盃全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽 (挑戰盃),贏得三個一等獎,並連續第六屆贏得港澳優勝盃,成績驕人。在11月14日祝捷會上,副校長張妙清 教授( 左四 )表示:「挑戰盃是全國規模最大、最具影響力的學術科技創新賽事,同學今次能取得多個獎項實 在令人興奮。期望大家繼續運用創意和智慧,作出裨益人類的研究。」 本屆挑戰盃,中大六項參賽作品皆獲表揚。三個一等獎分別是「仿生拉線機構及高效推進機器魚」、「高效紅 外到可見光的能量上轉換及其太陽能電池上的運用」及「『五專一村』鄉村可持續發展支援計劃」;獲二等獎 的是「按鍵式能量收集模塊」,獲三等獎的是「虛擬實境手套」和「音樂—自動和弦辨認:和弦分析儀」。作品 將於2014年1月6日至17日在大學圖書館展覽廳展出。 Six teams of CUHK students won three first awards in the 13th Challenge Cup held at Soochow University from 13 to 18 October, and clinched the Hong Kong and Macau Cup again for the sixth consecutive time. At a celebration held on 14 November, Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung ( 4th left ), Pro-vice-Chancellor of CUHK, said, ‘The Challenge Cup is considered the premier national competition for the extracurricular technological projects of university students. I am pleased with the students’ outstanding results. I hope that our students will continue to use their creativity and intelligence to benefit humankind.' Three projects received the first award. They were ‘Under-actuatedWire-driven Mechanism and Highly Efficient Robot Fish’, ‘Converting Infrared Light into Broadband Visible Light at High Efficiency Using Lanthanide- sensitized Oxides’, and ‘Five Institutions with One Village’. The ‘Battery-less Wireless Keyboard’ got the second award; and the ‘Virtual Reality Gloves’ and ‘Chord Analysis’ received the third award. These projects will be on display in an exhibition held on the ground floor of the University Library, from 6 to 17 January 2014. 關梓寧(左)是其中一位獲表彰的年輕記者 Kwan Tsz-ning (left), one of the young journalists to receive the award