Newsletter No. 436
No. 436, 19.4.2014 3 「鎖 王」 李從㙈 形容自己是個「可怕的人」,可以神不 知鬼不覺進出一個密閉空間,甚至無需破壞門 鎖,當場用工具銼出鎖匙。他是獲大學頒發2013年度長期 服務獎的一百零二名員工之一。 李從㙈是物業管理處屋宇設備組一級監工,入職二十五年 修讀逾二十個工程牌照,現已成為全港首屈一指的開鎖大 王,曾僅以兩分鐘便為副校長成功解開高保安度夾萬。「中 大工作時間穩定,進修機會多。2006年我向學校申請到美 國鎖匠協會作短期進修,獲學校慷慨資助機票和學費。」擁 有三項開鎖工具專利的他,公餘喜愛鑽 研魔術,擅長做各式魔術道具,不少著 名魔術師的道具均出自他手。「再神秘 的魔術師也不得不把秘密從實招來!」 另外一位長期服務獎得主是社會工作學 系系主任 馬麗莊 教授。馬教授的研究專 於家庭治療及精神健康,率先在香港引 入家庭治療和家庭小組治療,為情緒病 患者及其家人製造對話和分享平台。近 年更獲研究資助局三項資助,研究深港 兩地家庭治療對進食失調症、專注力失 調和過度活躍症患者的成效。她從未放棄前線輔導工作, 堅持在深圳南山醫院用家庭治療幫助厭食症患者。「深圳 是個移民城市,我的案主有來自東北、西安、內蒙古、貴州 等地,風俗習慣各異,反倒給我上了很多人生的課。」 在4月9日舉行的頒獎禮上,共有八十八名員工 獲頒二十五年長期服務獎,十四名員工 獲頒三十五年長期服務獎。 M r. Lee Chung-ho , nicknamed ‘locksmith master’, described himself as a ‘dangerous character’ for being able to break into an enclosed area without anyone knowing. He can use a hand file to cut a key at a mere glance into the keyhole. Mr. Lee is one of the 102 staff members who were presented the 2013 Long Service Awards. Mr. Lee is a works supervisor of the Building Services Section, Estates Management Office, responsible for maintenance of machinery and ironware. Over the 25 years he has obtained over 20 engineering licenses and is considered a locksmith master in Hong Kong. He once succeeded in opening a high security safe for a pro- vice-chancellor in just two minutes. ‘The University is a stable work environment that encourages career and personal development. In 2006 I applied for a short-term locksmith course in the US, and was granted a generous subsidy for my tickets and tuition.’ An owner of three patents for locksmith tools, Mr. Lee is also gifted in manufacturing magic props. Some most well-known 一百零二名員工獲頒長期服務獎 102 Staff Members Receive Long Service Awards magic tricks are made possible by his craftsmanship. ‘Even the most inscrutable illusionist has to let me share his best- kept secrets!’ Another recipient of the Long Service Awards is Prof. Joyce Ma , chairperson of the Department of Social Work. Professor Ma’s research interests include family therapy and mental health. She spearheaded the introduction of family and family group therapies to Hong Kong, which provide a platform for dialogue and sharing of feelings among young people suffering from mental health problems and their families. Recently she has received three grants from the Research Grants Council to support her research in the effectiveness of family therapy for eating disorders in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, as well as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder patients. As the chairperson of her department, Professor Ma persisted in her counselling services in Nanshan Hospital in Shenzhen, using family therapy to help anorexic patients. ‘Shenzhen is a city of immigrants. My subjects came from Northeastern China, Xi’an, Inner Mongolia, and Guizhou, etc. They all had different customs and traditions. I have, in return, learned a lot from my subjects.’ Eighty-eight received the award for having worked at CUHK for 25 years and fourteen, for 35 years in the ceremony held on 9 April. 馬麗莊教授(右)及李從㙈先生 Prof. Joyce Ma (right) and Mr. Lee Chung-ho
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