Newsletter No. 412
6 No. 412, 4.2.2013 國際中央銀行家巴塞爾III研討班 Advanced Programme on Basel III for Central Bankers 由全球經濟及金融研究所(研究所)主辦的國際中央銀行家巴塞爾III研討班,於1月17至19日舉行,多位金融界重量級 人士就與巴塞爾III這個全球金融監管標準協議有關的重要經濟課題發表演講,講者包括前中國銀監會主席、研究所 BCT銀聯集團傑出研究員劉明康教授、前香港金融管理局總裁及研究所傑出研究員任志剛教授( 圖 )、前中大校長及 研究所藍饒富暨藍凱麗經濟學講座教授劉遵義教授、前香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會主席沈聯濤博士,演講題目 包括巴塞爾III的最新知識及利弊、人民幣在國際貨幣體系的角色,以及國際金融危機的教訓等。 To promote the leading role of Hong Kong as an international financial and banking centre, the Institute of Global Economics and Finance (IGEF) has launched an advanced programme on Basel III from 17 to 19 January. Basel III or the Third Basel Accord is an international regulatory framework for banks. Featured speakers include Prof. Liu Mingkang, former chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and BCT Distinguished Research Fellow of IGEF; Prof. Joseph Yam ( photo ), former chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Distinguished Research Fellow of IGEF; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, former Vice-Chancellor and Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics, CUHK; Dr. Andrew Sheng, former chairman of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. 人手餵食保持腦退化患者生活質素 CUHK Advocates Hand-feeding Dementia Patients 中大內科及藥物治療學系老人科郭志銳教授( 右 )領導的 研究團隊與沙田醫院老人及內科合作進行的一項研究調 查發現,餵食喉會增加末期腦退化症患者感染肺炎的風 險,亦無助延長病人壽命,過程中患者活動亦受限制,因此 建議在護理有吞嚥困難的患者時,應採用舒緩性的手法, 例如以人手餵食代替餵食喉,以保持他們的生活質素。 A collaborative research conducted by a team led by Prof. Kwok Chi-yui Timothy ( right ), Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, CUHK and Department of Medicine and Geriatrics at Shatin Hospital found that the use of feeding tubes could raise the risk of chest infection among advanced dementia patients and restrain physical movement, while failing to extend their lifespan. CUHK suggests that the palliative care approach, such as hand-feeding, should be adopted to alleviate the suffering of advanced dementia patients with swallowing problems. 五十周年校慶活動展開 CUHK 50th Anniversary Celebrations Kick off 中大於1月27日舉行「中大五十周年校慶啟動典禮 ‧ 健步行暨嘉年華」,標誌着校慶活動 全面起動,多項精彩活動陸續展開。中大校董會主席鄭海泉博士( 上圖左五 )、五十周年 校慶籌備委員會主席梁英偉先生( 右四 )、校長沈祖堯教授( 左四 )、五十周年校慶統籌 及工作委員會主席許敬文教授( 左三 )、校友評議會主席陳志新博士( 右二 )、校友會聯 會會長殷巧兒女士( 左二 )、周大福慈善基金代表孫志強董事( 右三 )、學生會會長楊政 賢先生( 左一 ),以及研究生會主席徐冰先生( 右一 )共同主持啟動典禮。 多達三千人參加隨即在嶺南體育館起步的健步行活動,為I ‧ CARE博群計劃籌得逾二百 萬港元。當天下午於嶺南運動場設有嘉年華,除了有綜藝表演,並有有獎攤位遊戲、兒 童樂園、親子活動、運動天地等。 CUHK held the ‘CUHK 50th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony • Walkathon and Carnival’ on 27 January, initiating an exciting assortment of programmes spanning the whole year. Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng ( left photo, 5th left ), Chairman of the Council; Mr. Leung Ying-wai Charles ( 4th right ), chairman, 50th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 4th left ), Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Michael K.M. Hui ( 3rd left ), chairman, 50th Anniversary Celebration Co-ordinating and Working Committee; Dr. Chan Chi-sun ( 2nd right ), chairman of the Convocation; Ms. Yan Hau- yee Lina ( 2nd left) , president, The Federation of Alumni Associations; Mr. Peter Suen ( 3rd right ), representative of Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation; Mr. Johnson Yeung ( 1st left ), president, The Student Union; and Mr. Xu Bing ( 1st right ), president, The Postgraduate Student Association; officiated at the ceremony. Over 3,000 walkers participated in the walkathon that took place at the Lingnan Stadium after the ceremony. A total of over HK$2 million was raised for the I • CARE programme by this event. In the afternoon, a carnival was held at the Lingnan Stadium. Highlights included variety shows, booth games, children’s funland, parenting activities and trainer facilities. * Photos by Cheung Chi-wai
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