Newsletter No. 407
No. 407, 19.11.2012 3 小聖堂特色 Features of the Chapel h h 鐘樓 Bell Tower 連接神學樓的鐘樓,頂層置有全港唯一掛有 二十四只銅鐘的鐘琴,音域達兩個八度,總 重逾一千五百公斤。鐘琴由電腦控制,由早 上八時至晚上十時每小時報時,更可自動敲 奏九十九首聖詩。清脆嘹亮的鐘聲,在山谷 中迴盪,為校園添上靈氣。 The bell tower connected to the Divinity School has Hong Kong’s only 24- bell carillon. The computer-controlled instrument has a range spanning two octaves and weighs 1,500kg. Besides chiming every hour from 8 am to 10 pm, it can play 99 hymns. Its music heard far and wide, infuses the campus with spirituality. h h 雕塑 Sculpture 於聖堂外的草坪的「耶穌為門徒洗腳」雕塑,由上 海藝術家胡珂先生創作,寓意基督徒要有耶穌「非 以役人,乃役於人」的謙卑精神,服侍教會和社 會。 On the grass outside the chapel sits a sculpture of Jesus washing the feet of his disciple. Created by Hu Ke, an artist from Shanghai, the work captures the spirit of equality, humility and service as exemplified by Jesus Christ according to the Bible. h h 洗禮盆 Baptismal Font 甫進小聖堂,迎面是有大半個人般高的洗禮盆,代表透過水禮,得以潔淨進 入教會。聖水從盆中涓涓流出,是一片幽靜中的唯一聲響,象徵源源不絕的 生命力。 Just inside the chapel is a baptismal font about half the height of an adult. Its water offers symbolic cleansing to visitors before they enter the interior of the chapel. When there's no service, water trickling down the font is the only sound in the hallowed space. h h 聖壇 Altar 聖壇為一圓桌,設於聖堂中央,日光由上方天窗注入,照在聖壇上,猶如神 的臨在。過往四十年,這桌曾供神學生學習、討論、進膳之用,現移至聖堂 作為聖壇,象徵神學生委身的心志、學習的熱忱和團契生活的分享。 The altar is a round table in the middle of the chapel. Above it natural light streams from a roof window. Aptly, this very table had seen theology students studying, discussing and having meals in the past 40 years, before it took on its new sublimated function. h h 十字架 Crucifix 聖堂的十字架是崇基學院校徽中的十字架。當基督教傳至中國時,宣教士 為使中國人容易接納,遂加入本土特色,因此十字架的設計包含代表道教 的祥雲和代表佛教的蓮花。 The crucifix is the one used in the College logo. Incorporated into its Western-style structure are clouds and lotus, symbols representing Taoism and Buddhism respectively. The juxtaposition of Eastern and Western religious motifs was a way in which Western missionaries in the early days attempted to make Christianity more acceptable to locals in Asia. h h 銅鑼 Gong 外國教堂往往在崇拜前敲鐘,以安靜會眾心靈,準備專心敬拜。神學院得一 位專長亞洲聖樂的牧師在台灣宜蘭訂製這匠心打造的銅鑼相贈,每敲一下, 即發出沉渾和弦,餘音裊裊,充滿東方韻味,更仿如天籟,縈繞聖殿。 Bells are chimed before service to church-goers in a tranquil and religious frame of mind. A pastor who is an expert in Asian sacred music bought a magnificent artisanal gong in Yilan, Taiwan. The deep and solemn reverberations of the instrument serve the same purpose of the bell, but, appropriately for a chapel on the Chinese University campus, with a tribute to ancient Chinese culture. h h 合一環 Ring of Unity 天花頂的合一環,是基督教的合一精神,是不同宗派的合一,是文化、社 會、來自不同背景信徒的合一。 The ‘Ring of Unity’ design on the ceiling stands for the spirit of unity in Christianity—the unity of different denominations, of culture, society, and believers from different backgrounds. h h 信徒標記 Disciples 聖堂內有十二根柱子支撐屋頂,每根都有象徵使徒的標 記。除十二使徒外,大門上方也放置了代表使徒保羅的 標記。 The chapel is supported by 12 pillars, and on each, you'll see an emblem for one of the 12 disciples. You’ll also find a motif representing apostle Paul above the main door. h h 彩繪玻璃 Stained Glass 聖堂四周全裝上玻璃窗,採入自然光,而會眾敬拜時也看到窗外神創造的 自然景致,實在的感到神同在。其中十四塊彩繪玻璃上繪「十四苦路」( 見 第2頁底 ),記載耶穌被判刑、被釘十字架以至被葬的情景。 The chapel is surrounded by windows to maximize natural light and make nature part of the worship experience during service. Fourteen stained glass windows are etched with images of the condemnation, the crucifixion and the burial, etc., from the Fourteen Stations of the Cross ( see bottom of p.2 ).
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