Newsletter No. 406
8 No. 406, 4.11.2012 1975 2012 大 學保健醫療中心投入服務已超過四十年,1971年開幕 之初,吐露港兩岸仍是鄉郊野地。今時今日,馬鞍山和 馬料水的高樓直插雲霄,令昔日稱雄山腰的保健中心顯得嬌小 玲瓏。 T he University Health Centre has already served the members of the CUHK community for over 40 years. When it was opened in 1971, the area around Tolo Harbour was still primitive farms and grassland. Now, skyscrapers stretch from the foot of Ma On Shan to the hilltop of Ma Liu Shui. The once solitary health centre occupying the east end of Main Campus looks tiny among other giant structures.
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