Newsletter No. 541

的變化,如初期地圖標示各書院和大學行政部門散落於港九 不同地點,後期地圖則見各書院匯聚於沙田馬料水校園。 大學檔案組除收集印刷出版物,也收集電子通訊等電子出 版物。可是,保存電子出版物跟保存印刷出版物的方法截然  不同。 「以選修科目的手冊為例,從前是印刷出版的,十年前開始 改成電子版。選科手冊揭示課程的設計和發展,所以我們務 須小心探索如何保存電子版的選科手冊。」 大學檔案組不僅珍重中大的過去,也積極參與社區聯繫。曾 女士去年就曾應沙田一中學邀請,講述中大歷史,作為2018 年度沙田節的環節之一。大學檔案組也參與2018年度國際 檔案日活動,在場內展示大學早期的檔案。 「中大一直是本地教育和歷史的一員。我們希望大眾明白 中大的過去,把過去和現在連繫起來。與社區人士接觸的時 候,我們常遇到不少校友;他們知道大學建立了自己的檔案 部門,都顯得十分雀躍。」 歷史給予我們探索未來所需的安全感。熟識過去,我們便可 恪守創校先賢的宗旨,以自信和決心,穩步向前。 A ffiliation to an organization invariably evokes a sense of shared identity among its members, as is evident in the CUHK community. The University Archives, kept by the University Library, is tasked with the mission of keeping intact the contours of our shared past through collecting and preserving the University’s historical records. Ms. Louise Jones , the University Librarian, said, ‘Although only 55 years old, CUHK has a rich and significant intellectual history, and has played an important part in the development of Hong Kong, touching many lives for the better. The Library was delighted when the University agreed to establish a University Archives team within the Library, and we appointed a University Archivist in 2015.’ The University Archives is more than a repository of inactive records and memorabilia, for its collections are given a new lease on life through conservation and research. Ms. Sintra Tsang , who is in charge of the Archives, gave us a quick walkthrough of its features, as well as some of the CUHK secrets kept there. ‘We aim to acquire records of historical value that reflect our teaching and learning initiatives, research, knowledge transfer activities, administration and alumni relations. The Archives is a platform where historical resources about the University are preserved for use by the greater CUHK community and public. ‘Some good examples of the records collected are meeting minutes, papers, reports, and internal as well as external correspondence. These records are especially important because they often reveal decision-making processes. However, our collection is not limited to documents; we also collect photos, publications, artefacts, audio-visual materials, etc.’ Ms. Tsang and her colleagues regularly visit Faculty and departmental offices to encourage staff to transfer records to the Archives that are no longer in active use. In addition, the Archives also purchases records from external sources, such as The National Archives (TNA) of the UK. As a former British colony, records relating to Hong Kong’s colonial past can be found in TNA. The files from TNA offer a fascinating glimpse of the tertiary education of Hong Kong during the 1950s and 1960s, and in particular the preparatory work relating to the establishment of CUHK. Ms. Tsang said, ‘The then Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas of the UK, responsible for education affairs in British colonies, had its files kept in TNA. Of the many files belonging to the Council, about 30 are related to CUHK. They touch on a wide range of issues, including the setting up of the constituent Colleges and the selection of the Vice-Chancellor.’ These files have been digitized and can be viewed on campus from the Library’s website at /en/collection/ uknationalarchive . A precious asset of CUHK, the Archives also proves valuable to members of the wider public and the academic community. For example, photos of Professor Sir Charles Kao, CUHK’s third Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate, are now on loan to the Hong Kong Heritage Museum for display at the exhibition titled ‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: A History of the World in 100 Objects from the British Museum’. In fact, Lady Kao donated to the Archives more than 100 items originally belonging to Professor Kao, including photos, slides, medals, awards and certificates. The Archives is a treasure trove for CUHK’s best-kept secrets. The four Chinese characters constituting the motto of CUHK, Bo Wen Yue Li , as well as the Vice-Chancellor’s seal and the wooden box set, were designed by the late Mr. Chao Ho-ch’in, whose proposal to the University regarding the seal and box is retained by the Archives. Replicas of the seal and the box are now on display at the University Gallery inside the Main Library. Another item worth mentioning is the set of documents related to the widely-used Lin Yutang’s Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage , published by the Chinese University Press in 1972. The dictionary project lasted seven years and attracted financial support from various donors, including Swire Shipping and Hysan Development Company Limited. The collection of the University Archives also boasts a set of campus maps, extracted from the CUHK Calendar from 1967 through 2006, that portray the development of the University through the years. The maps show how a multitude of Colleges and administrative offices, originally located on various spots in the territory, eventually came to be sited on the Shatin campus. Besides print publications, the Archives also actively collects and preserves digital publications, such as e-newsletters. The preservation challenges of print publications and born-digital publications are, however, completely different. ‘For instance, the manual for course selection, which used to be a print publication, became an online version around 10 years ago. Such manuals tell us a lot about curriculum design and development. It remains imperative that we exercise care to explore and pursue the best way to preserve them.’ The Archives not only provides a record of CUHK’s past, but also actively reaches out to the community. Ms. Tsang was invited to deliver a talk on the history of CUHK in a secondary school in Shatin in 2018 as part of the Shatin Festival. The Archives also participated in the International Archives Day 2018, when records concerning the early days of the University were put on display. ‘CUHK has always been an integral part of the education and history of Hong Kong. We want to tell people what the past of the University was like, so that they can connect the past and present. During community outreach activities, we very often come across our alumni, most of whom are thrilled to find that their alma mater has established its own archive office.’ History provides a sense of anchorage, which we need when venturing into the uncertain future. With a good knowledge of our past, we will not lose sight of what CUHK set out to achieve when it was first established, and will be able to move forward with even surer steps and greater determination. Eliza Chan 中大校長印章連木盒 The Vice-Chancellor’s seal and box set 檔案處理ABC First Aid for Incoming Records 新收集以作長期貯存的檔 案必須經過特別處理。文件 上的釘書釘須用特製撬棒 移除,以黃銅夾子取代。相 片宜用無酸性膠袋保存。 刊物及文件應於攝氏零下 三十度連續冷藏三天消毒, 然後才可放置檔案盒內。 檔案室溫度及濕度控制嚴 謹,並且備有FM200氣體自 動滅火系統。 Acquired materials must be treated before they are fit for permanent retention. For instance, staples, if any, are removed using specially designed levers. Brass clips are then used to hold the document together, in place of stapling. Photos should be placed in acid-free photo sleeves, and incoming publications and documents are sanitized by freezing at –30˚C for at least three days. Treated documents are then placed in archival boxes. The storage of the Archives is strictly controlled for temperature and humidity, and is equipped with an FM 200 fire suppression system. 並非束之高閣 Filed but not Closed 本地和海外學者皆可借助大學檔案組的材料作研 究。研究中大發展或香港高等教育的學者,可先瀏覽 圖書館數碼館藏( /en/ collection/archive ),或把研究問題電郵給中大檔案 組。 檔案組將尋找適當的檔 案供申請者閱覽。 Scholars in Hong Kong and elsewhere can use the materials offered by the Archives for research projects. Researchers on the development of CUHK or on higher education in Hong Kong are welcome to browse the Library’s digital collection ( repository. ) or send questions to the Archives by e-mail at archives@ Upon request, the Archives will identify the relevant records that may be helpful to their research. 中大校訓「博文約禮」的四個篆體字 The four Chinese characters constituting the motto of CUHK, Bo Wen Yue Li 消毒文件用的冷凍櫃 The freeser for sanitizing documents 03 # 5 4 1 | 1 9 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 9