Newsletter No. 206
4 No. 206 4th September 2002 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任校董 New Council Member 鄭振耀教授獲教務會推選,繼劉兆佳教授出任大學校董,任期由二零零二年 八月二十一日至二零零四年七月三十一日。 Prof. Jac k C.Y . Chen g ha s bee n electe d b y th e Senat e a s a member o f th e Counci l succeeding Prof . La u Siu-kai , fo r th e unexpire d perio d o f membershi p o f Prof . La u from 2 1 s t August 200 2 t o 31s t July 2004 . 教學人員評審事宜及教職員進修資助申請/提名 Annual Academic Staff Review and Staff Development Grants: Applications/Nominations 大學現接受二零零三至二零零四年度教學人員之晉升、屆退休年齡後延任,以及教 職員進修資助之申請及提名,日程如下: 審議事宜 截止申請/提名日期 遞交申請/提名或查詢 教學人員晉升 (導師職級或以上) 二零零二年 九月三十日 請將有關提名或申請於截止日期 前送交人事處助理處長阮健驄 先生(大學行政樓南座三樓人 事處)。 查詢請電內線七二八五/七二四 九/七 二八零。 教學人員屆退休年齡 後延任(導師職級或以 上) 二零零二年 十月十五日 教職員與導師進修資助 二零零二年 十月十五日 各項進修資助計劃詳見本期 《中大通訊》。 查詢請電內線七一九一 /七二八 八。 人事處已發出有關之通告,詳情可向學系或部門辦公室索閱,或瀏覽人事處網 頁( ) 內「人事通告 Personne l Annoimcement 」 一 欄。 有關按「甲」、「乙」及「丙」類服務條例及相類服務條件聘用的非教學人員之評 審事宜容後通告。 The annua l academi c staf f revie w exercis e fo r th e academi c yea r 2003- 4 ha s commenced an d the following ar e the deadline s fo r applications/nominations : Applications/Nominations for Deadline Submissions to be forwarded to/Enquiries Advancement (teachin g staf f o f Instructor grad e an d above ) 30.9.2002 ; Mr. K.C . Yuen , Assistan t Director o f Personnel, 2n d Floor, Sout h Wing, University Administration Buildin g Please direct enquirie s t o Ext. 7285/7249/7280 . Extension o f servic e beyon d retirement dat e (teaching staf f of Instructor grad e and above ) 15.10.2002 Staff development grants / programmes (teachin g staf f and non-teaching staf f on Terms o f Service (A)/(HA ) o r equivalen t contracts) 15.10.2002 Details o f the staf f development grants/programmes are announced in the sam e issue o f the CUHK Newsletter. Please direc t enquirie s t o Ext. 7191/728 8 Details concernin g th e abov e ar e outline d i n a general circula r issue d by th e Personnel Offic e fo r disseminatio n to members o f the teaching staf f via departmen t chairmen/unit heads . Th e circula r an d th e requisit e applicatio n form s ar e als o obtainable f r o m th e websit e o f th e Personne l Office : / personnel/. The schedul e for staf f review matter s of non-teaching staf f on Terms of Servic e (A), (B ) an d (C ) o r equivalen t Term s w i l l b e announce d i n du e course . 二零零三至二零零四年度教職員進修資助計劃 Staff Developmen t Grants/Programme s 2003-200 4 關祖堯教職員發展基金及利希慎教職員發展基金現已接受申請。有關詳情已 於九月初送呈各學院院長、系主任及部門主管,以供教職員參考。有意申請者,請 上網瀏覽詳細的申請資料,網址為h ttp:// h t m。 截止申請日期為二零零二年十月十五日。查詢可致電人事處(內線七一九一 或七二八八)。 其他主要教職員資助計劃及由學術交流處統籌的學術交流/交換計劃的資料及 申請方法,也可透過上述網頁查閱。 The C.Y. Kwan Endowment Fund for Staf f Development and the Lee Hysan Foundatio n Endowment Fun d for Staf f Development ar e now ope n for application . Staf f members interested i n applyin g fo r th e grant s ma y obtai n detaile d informatio n a t http://www . Th e deadlin e fo r applicatio n i s 15t h October 2002 . Furthe r enquirie s ma y be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext . 719 1 o r 7288). A summar y o f th e regula r staf f development grants/programme s an d the majo r academic exchang e or linkage programmes under the auspices of the Office of Academic Links ha s already been sent to all Faculty Deans and Department Chairmen/Uni t Heads , and are available fro m the website mentione d above . Microsoft Campus Agreement Renewal From the ITSC: The Microsof t Campu s Agreement ha s been renewed fo r th e University fo r th e perio d from Jun e 2002 t o May 2003 . The University ha s set aside a budget fo r th e renewal o f the agreemen t fo r th e entir e University . N o extr a fundin g w i l l b e require d fro m individual departments . A l l Universit y department s ar e authorized to use the software covered by th e ne w Microsoft Campu s Agreement fo r th e year 2002-3 . Thi s includes : • Microsof t Windows Deskto p Operating System (OS) Upgrades (Upgrade to Window s 98, Windows 200 0 Professional , Windows X P Professional) ; • Microsof t Offic e Professiona l (Word , Excel , PowerPoin t an d Access) fo r Window s and Macintosh Editions ; • Microsof t FrontPage ; • Microsof t Visua l Studi o .NE T Professional ; • Microsof t Projec t (new) ; • Microsof t Publishe r (new) ; • Microsof t VISI O Professiona l (new) ; • Microsof t Cor e Clien t Access Licens e ( CA L fo r Windows Server , Exchange Server , Systems Managemen t Server , SharePoin t Porta l Server ); an d • Microsof t SQ L Clien t Access Licens e The Campu s Agreement give s th e Universit y th e righ t durin g th e agreemen t t o run th e above software o n all the institution-owned PCs . The University ha s the optio n to run the most current version, or any previous version of the software, in any availabl e language i n eithe r a Macintosh o r Windows version , a s applicable . Under th e Wor k a t Home Us e Rights , facult y an d staf f members als o hav e th e right t o run on e copy o f the software , fo r university-relate d purpose s only , o n a home PC 一 a laptop o r desktop 一 tha t they own or lease. To exercise the Work a t Home Us e Rights, facult y an d staff are required t o registe r on-lin e an d abide b y th e terms o f th e Campus Agreement . Please visi t l fo r th e programme an d registration details . 公積金及強積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes and MPFS 財務處公布公積金及強積金計劃內各項投資基金之回報如下: The Bursary announce s the following investmen t return s i n the Designated Investmen t Funds o f th e 199 5 an d 198 3 Scheme s an d th e Mandator y Providen t Fun d Schem e (MPFS). 二零零二年七月 July 2002 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指摽回報 Benchmark Return 強積金計劃 M P F S * (只供參考 for referenc eonly ) 1995 1983 (未經審核數據un audited) 增長 Growth -5.89% — -5.86% -6.01% 平衡 Balanced -3.57% -3.16% -4.53% -4.52% 穩定 Stable -1.72% — -1.30% -1.69% 平穩增長 Stable Growt h — — — -3.07% 香港股票 H K Equit y -3.96% — -3.11% -3.83% 香港指數 H K Index-linke d -3.25% — -3.11% —— 保本 Capital Preservation — — — 0.02% 港元銀行 存款 H K D Ban k Deposit 0.22% (年息 Annualized 2.63%) 0.14% (年息 Annualized 1.62%) 0.03% (年息 Annualized 0.41%) 一 美元銀行 存款 U SD Ban k Deposit 0.21% (年息 Annualized 2.52%) 0.14% (年息 Annualized 1.66%) 0.03% (年息 Annualized 0.36%) — *強積金數據乃根據有關期間内之單位價格變動,並以標準投資管理費計算’未包括管理費 回扣。 Based on the changes in unit price during the period concerned, and using standard investment management fee. Fee rebate has not been reflected. 圖書館休館 Library Closure 大學圖書館暨各分館於九月廿一日(中秋節)休館。 The University Librar y an d all branch libraries will clos e on 2 1 s t September 2002 (Mid - Autumn Festival) .
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