Newsletter No. 414
《車廂》 2012,水墨設色紙本 一組三件,每件175 x 96厘米 賴筠婷,2008年中大藝術系畢業,2011年獲藝術碩 士學位,憑此作品奪得2012年香港當代藝術獎。 Car Compartment 2012, Ink and colour on paper Set of three, 175 x 96 cm each Lai Kwan-ting, an alumna of the University (Bachelor of Fine Arts 2008, Master of Fine Arts 2011), has won the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Award 2012 with this set of Chinese painting. 法語副修生奪演講賽季軍 Third Prize in French Speech Competition 語言學及現代語言系法語副修學生謝知秋( 中 )於2月23日假廣東外語 外貿大學舉行的「粵港大學生法語演講比賽」中奪得季軍。是次比賽 由法國駐廣州總領事館、法國駐港澳總領事館及港澳法語教師協會合 辦,共有八位來自香港及珠三角地區的學生參加,演講題目為「在珠江 三角洲尋找成功」。 Xie Zhiqiu Silvia ( centre ), a French minor in the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, won the third prize in the Pearl Delta Inter-university French Speech Contest on 23 February at the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. A total of eight students from universities in Hong Kong and Guangdong took part in this regional competition, which is co-organized by the French Consulates of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau, the Association of French Teachers in Hong Kong and Macau. The theme of this year was ‘Finding Success in the Delta’. 兩建築生獲海外實習資助 Architecture Graduates Awarded Overseas Internship Grants 建築學院碩士畢業生 潘樂芊( 左 )及陳俊宇, 獲九龍倉建築設計資源 基金成立的「建築設計 實習計劃2012 – 2013」 資助各三十五萬元,分 別前往柏林的BE Berlin GmbH建築師事務所及 日本SANAA位於東京 的建築師事務所實習一 年,接觸最時尚創新的 建築設計和經驗。 「建築設計實習計劃」 旨在讓本地建築系畢業 生有機會到海外享負盛名的建築師事務所實習,從而提升建築設計的卓越水平,栽培業界明日之星。透 過與頂尖設計師並肩工作,畢業生可拓展視野,了解外地建築業界的運作,以及不同文化背景的城市設 計。完成實習後,畢業生將以他們所得的經驗,貢獻本地建築設計界。 Poon Lok-chin Ruth ( left ) and Chan Chun-yu Ricco, two fresh graduates of the Master of Architecture Programme, have been selected to enter the 2012–13 Architectural Design Internship Programme established by The Wharf ArchDesign Resource Trust of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited. Ruth and Ricco will undertake a 12-month internship with the architectural offices of Baumschlager Eberle Berlin GmbH in Berlin and SANAA in Tokyo respectively. The trust will provide financial support up to HK$350,000 for each graduate intern. The programme aims at fostering excellence in architecture and grooming future star architects by providing students with placement opportunities in internationally-renowned design firms. Working alongside distinguished designers in an atelier setting will broaden participating graduates’ horizons and allow them a hands-on understanding of architectural practice and urban design with different cultural heritage. At the end of the programme, the graduates will be required to return to Hong Kong and contribute to architectural design in the territory with the experience gained abroad. 8 No. 414, 19.3.2013
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