Newsletter No. 529/530

靜觀改善更年期徵狀 Mindfulness Practice Relieves Menopausal Symptoms 中大研究團隊發現坐禪冥想、站立冥想、靜觀瑜伽及身 體掃描練習等靜觀減壓課程有助緩解婦女更年期徵狀, 特別是排解焦慮及抑鬱徵狀。中大醫學院同時宣布成立 「香港中文大學敬霆靜觀研究與培訓中心」,這是全亞 洲首間由大學醫學院籌辦、集「靜觀」研究及培訓於一 身的機構,旨在推廣靜觀治療,提升大眾身心健康。 A study conducted by a CUHK research team reveals that mindfulness exercises including sitting and walking meditation, mindful yoga and a somatically focused skill are effective in reducing menopausal symptoms, especially anxiety and depressive symptoms. CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine also announced the establishment of the CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training, the first mindfulness centre in Asia founded by a university medical school for research and training purposes, to promote health and well- being by fostering mindfulness-based therapies. 遊刃於代碼世界 Navigating in the House of Codes 為協助大學各部門網站管理 員提升網站內容,資訊處與資 訊科技服務處於12月6日舉行 的「網站及數碼內容開發論 壇」講解相關實務應用,並邀 得業界人士分享,約有一百五 十人出席論壇。在副校長吳基 培教授致歡迎辭後,資訊處助 理處長許永恒先生講解製作 優質、高效網站的十個訣竅; 資訊科技服務處阮家和先生 介紹嶄新的內容管理平台雲 端服務,並介紹處理改善網絡保安的技巧;theOrigo的高樹豐先生解釋提升網站自然排名及製作優質網站 內容的要素;最後,資訊處處長曹永強先生闡述如何巧用圖像與標題令內容妙趣橫生。 The Forum on Development of Websites and Digital Contents co-presented by the Information Services Office (ISO) and the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) took place on 6 December, where 150 participants learned how to enhance the website content. Following welcoming remarks by Pro-Vice- Chancellor Prof. Dennis Ng, Mr. Danny Hui, assistant director of ISO, gave 10 tips for great and effective website development. The second talk was delivered by Mr. George Yuen of ITSC on content management system with cloud service and solutions to some security issues. Mr. Alvis Ko of theOrigo unravelled the secrets of organic search ranking and the key factors of quality website content. Last but not least, Mr. Tommy Cho, director of ISO, expounded on the art and craft of using photos and headlines to create captivating content. 簡報檔案載於   Presentation materials could be found at 中大(深圳)唱響大灣區 CUHK (SZ) Sings for the Greater Bay Area 11月25日晚,中大(深圳)在 深圳音樂廳舉行音樂會,與海 外校友、特邀嘉賓、師生及家 長一同感受古典樂與現代流 行樂的融匯之美,同時表達對 粵港澳大灣區的嚮往。香港中 文大學合唱團及音樂系師生 亦參與演出。 The 2018 Concert of CUHK (SZ) was held in the Shenzhen Concert Hall on 25 November. The concert showcased the fusion of classical and modern pop music. The performers also sang for a better tomorrow for the Greater Bay Area. CU Chorus and members of CUHK‘s Department of Music also took part in the concert. 08 # 5 2 9 / 5 3 0 | 1 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 8 到 任 同 仁 / N ewly O nboard Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .  若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。