Newsletter No. 438
6 在亞洲房顫患者數據當中,服用新一代口服薄血藥「利伐沙班」和傳統薄血藥 「華法林」的約各佔一半。研究結果顯示,「華法林」對亞洲患者的治療效果較為 遜色,而「利伐沙班」能有效降低亞洲房顫患者中風的風險達三成二,較非亞洲 患者的一成一為佳。黃教授建議屬於中風高危的房顫患者,應考慮採用此新藥物 作第一線治療。 A recent research led by Prof. Lawrence K.S. Wong ( left ), Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine and Chief of Neurology at CUHK, reveals that the new oral anticoagulant, Rivaroxaban, is more effective than the traditional Warfarin in stroke prevention among Asian patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), and is more effective in Asian patients than in non-Asian patients. As AF patients are five times more likely to have a stroke than normal persons, they should be prescribed anticoagulants to prevent clot formation. Professor Wong studied the data of 932 Asian patients participating in the international large-scale study, ROCKET AF, which involved a total of 14,262 AF patients from 45 countries worldwide. After comparing the data of the 932 patients from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea, with that of non-Asian patients (mainly from Western countries), it is found that stroke incidence among Asian patients is 11% higher than among non-Asians. In Professor Wong’s study, half of the patients were treated with the new oral anticoagulant Rivaroxaban, and the rest were prescribed the conventional Warfarin. Results showed that Warfarin is relatively less effective in Asian patients. The study also revealed that Rivaroxaban could reduce the risk of stroke by 32% among Asian AF patients, but only 11% in non-Asians. Professor Wong concluded that the new drugs should be used as the first-line treatment for AF patients with high risk of stroke. 中大莫慶堯內科醫學講座教授、內科及藥物治療學系腦神經科主任黃家星教授( 左 )領導的 最新研究發現,對亞洲的心房顫動(房顫)患者而言,新一代口服抗凝血藥物(即薄血藥)「利 伐沙班」預防中風的成效,比起傳統薄血藥「華法林」較佳;而對亞洲患者的成效亦比非亞洲 患者為佳。 房顫患者的中風風險較一般人高五倍,須處方薄血藥作預防。為探討薄血藥對亞洲房顫患者 的成效及重要性,黃家星教授在一項共有一萬四千多位來自四十五個國家的房顫患者參與的 國際大型研究ROCKET AF當中,抽取了內地、香港、台灣及韓國四個亞洲地區共九百三十二位 患者的數據,進行延續性研究,並與其他地區(主要為西方國家)患者的數據比較,發現亞洲 房顫患者曾經中風的比率較其他地區高百分之十一。 新薄血藥更有效防亞洲房顫患者中風 New Anticoagulant More Effective in Stroke Prevention for Asian Patients with Atrial Fibrillation The HKAEE was launched in 2008 by the Environmental Campaign Committee in conjunction with nine organizations. It gives recognition to achievements of different sectors in environmental management. In 2013 the scheme had 12 Sector Awards for big businesses and 4 Sector Awards for small and medium enterprises, with Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award and Certificate of Merit for each. students have made remarkable achievements in energy conservation, water conservation, waste reduction, ecology preservation and environmental improvement, and collaborated closely with suppliers and canteens in green purchasing, promotion of low-carbon diet and reduction of food waste. Apart from its all-out efforts on campus, CUHK reaches out to the community to raise awareness of sustainability. 中大於5月2日第二度獲頒「香港環保卓越計劃」公營 機構及公用事業界別的「界別卓越獎」金獎;5月8日, 中大再下一城,在U Magazine 以公眾投票方式進行的 「『您』想綠色生活選舉」中,獲選為「我最喜愛的綠色 校園:大專院校」。 「2013香港環保卓越計劃界別卓越獎」共有八百九十 六所機構參與角逐,是歷年來最多的一屆。評審準則主 要包括環保領導、環保計劃與表現,以及夥伴協作三方 面。中大師生在節能、節水、減廢、保育生態及改善環境 等方面均有出色表現,並與供應商及飯堂緊密合作,推 廣環保採購、低碳飲食和減少廚餘。除了全方位在校內 推行環保設施和教育,中大更外展至社區,推動可持續 發展的公民教育。 於2008年起推行的「香港環保卓越計劃」,由環境保護 運動委員會及九個機構合辦,旨在表揚不同界別推行全 面環保管理的成就。2013年計劃設有十二個大型企業的 界別及四個中小型企業的界別,各設金、銀、銅獎及優 異獎。 CUHK was honoured for the second time with the Gold Award for the Public Organizations and Utilities Sector of the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE). The award ceremony was held on 2 May. The University was also voted ‘My Favourite Green Campus: Tertiary Institution’ by U Magazine and received the award on 8 May. A record number of 896 institutions vied for the HKAEE awards in 2013. The key factors of the assessment criteria are green leadership, programme and performance, and partner synergy. CUHK staff and 左起:校園規劃及可持續發展處處長何婉兒女士、協理副校長馮通教授、署理校長華雲生教授、校園環境委員會主席朱利民教授、 物業管理處處長譚必成先生 From left: Ms. Vivian Ho, Director of Campus Planning and Sustainability; Prof. Fung Tung, Associate Vice-President; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Acting Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Chu Lee-man, chairman of the Committee on Campus Environment; Mr. Benny Tam, Director of Estates Management 中大環保工作屢獲肯定 CUHK Green Work Widely Recognized No. 438, 19.5.2014
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