Newsletter No. 409

6 No. 409, 19.12.2012 十七教授獲工程師學會資深會員銜 Seventeen Engineering Professors Named Fellows of HKIE 工程學院十七名教授獲香港工程師學會授予資深會員資格,他們為Prof. Thierry Blu、陳錦泰教授( 右一 )、 杜如虛教授、金國慶教授、林偉教授、李浩文教授、梁浩鋒教授、梁美兒教授( 右二 )、李端教授、廖維新教 授( 左一 )、呂榮聰教授、蒙美玲教授、許正德教授( 左二 )、黃田津教授、許建斌教授、任揚教授和于旭教 授。該榮銜是會內最高級別的會員資格,授予在工程學範疇具豐富專業知識及表現優秀的人士。 Seventeen engineering professors have been named fellows of the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE). They are: Prof. Thierry Blu, Prof. Chan Kam-tai ( 1st right ), Prof. Du Ruxu, Prof. King Kuo-chin Irwin, Prof. Lam Wai, Prof. Lee Ho-man Jimmy, Prof. Leung Ho-fung, Prof. Leung May-yee Janny ( 2nd right ), Prof. Li Duan, Prof. Liao Wei-hsin ( 1st left ), Prof. Lyu Rung-tsong Michael, Prof. Meng Mei-ling Helen, Prof. Shu Ching-tat Chester ( 2nd left ), Prof. Wong Tien-tsin, Prof. Xu Jianbin, Prof. Yam Yeung and Prof. Yu Xu Jeffrey. The fellowship is the highest class of membership in the HKIE and is given to those who have achieved positions of responsibility to which they have brought superior knowledge and practice in an engineering discipline. 論死亡的意義 Forum on Meaning of Death 博群論壇「死亡的意義」於11月30日黃昏在新亞書院圓型廣場 舉行,講者為哲學系關子尹教授和時事評論員梁文道。縱然當天下 着毛毛細雨,卻不減參加者的熱情,數百師生打着雨傘,堅持繼續 與講者思考和討論死亡的問題。 The I • Care forum ‘Meaning of Death’ was held on 30 November in the New Asia Amphitheatre, attracting an audience of a few hundred. Speaking at the forum were Prof. Kwan Tze-wan, professor in the Department of Philosophy, and Mr. Leung Man- tao, a local current affairs commentator. A light drizzle that evening did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participants who in spite of it, discussed and exchanged views with the speakers under umbrellas. 趙慧君教授膺中國青年女科學家 Rossa Chiu Awarded Chinese Young Women in Science Fellowship 化學病理學系趙慧君教授( 左 )憑藉在無創性產前診斷研究及應 用的成就,在全國一百八十八名候選人中脫穎而出,成為本年度 「中國青年女科學家獎」十位得主之一,更是港澳地區唯一的獲獎 女科學家。頒獎典禮於12月11日在北京釣魚台國賓館舉行。趙教 授對獲獎感到鼓舞,她勉勵年輕人:「不要埋沒自己的求知慾,不 要低估自己的能力,只要不斷探索,一步一步的挖掘每個問題背後 的答案,未知的領域就是你開創未來的疆土。」 「中國青年女科學家獎」由中華全國婦女聯合會、中國科學技術協 會、中國聯合國教科文組織全國委員會及歐萊雅(中國)聯合創立,旨在表彰在生命科學和基礎科學領域內 成就卓著的四十五歲以下女科學家,鼓勵更多年輕女性投身科學界,貢獻人類福祉。 趙慧君教授利用DNA測序技術分析孕婦的血液樣本,安全準確地檢測胎兒是否患有唐氏綜合症,開無創性產 前檢查之先河,免除入侵性檢測引起的流產風險。她的最新研究進展是把DNA測序技術應用於癌症檢測。 Prof. Chiu Wai-kwun Rossa ( left ) of the Department of Chemical Pathology was awarded the Chinese Young Women in Science Fellowship for her research and development of non-invasive prenatal diagnostic approaches. Professor Chiu was one of the 10 awardees selected from 188 candidates from all over the nation. She was also the only awardee from Hong Kong and Macau to have received the honour this year. The award presentation ceremony was held in Beijing on 11 December. Professor Chiu was honoured to receive the award and had words of encouragement for the young. ‘Don’t kill your curiosity and underestimate your own ability. Dig into every question you encounter to find the answer. The unknown is that which you need to conquer and push the frontiers of knowledge.’ The Chinese Young Women in Science Fellowship was jointly founded by the All-China Women’s Federation, China Association for Science and Technology, the UNESCO China National Committee, and L'Oreal China. The award aims to reward elite female scientists aged below 45 in all fields of science and to encourage young females to engage themselves in science research and contribute to the welfare of mankind. Professor Chiu has been widely acclaimed for her successful clinical applications of the DNA testing of maternal plasma for Down syndrome. These have opened up possibilities for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis which would eliminate the chance of miscarriage associated with invasive procedures. Her latest research breakthrough is applying DNA sequencing in cancer diagnosis. 陳啟明教授仁心獲表揚 Prof. Chan Kai-ming Wins Humanitarian Award 醫學院矯形外科及創傷學講座教授、「站起來」發起人陳啟明教 授( 中 ),於2008年四川汶川大地震協助醫療救援工作,其傑出貢 獻獲中華醫學會骨科學分會(COA)頒發2012仁心獎。頒獎禮於 11月15至18日在北京舉行的中華醫學會第十四屆骨科學術會議暨 第七屆COA國際學術大會的開幕式中進行。 Prof. Chan Kai-ming ( centre ), Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, and founder of the Stand TALL project, was awarded the Chinese Orthopaedic Association (COA) 2012 Humanitarian Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the provision of medical care and assistance to the victims of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. The award presentation ceremony was held at the opening of the Seventh International Congress of COA in Beijing from 15 to 18 November. 工程學院副院長(外務)黃錦輝教授(右四)與部分獲資深會員銜教授和工程師學會代表 Prof. Wong Kam-fai (4th right), associate dean (external affairs) of Engineering Faculty, with some of the fellowship recipients and the representatives of HKIE