Newsletter No. 264
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座敎授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任 Prof. Michae l J. McConville 為法律學講座教 授,任期由二零零五年八月三十一日起生效。 Prof. McConville 於一九七一年取得倫敦大學法律學學 士學位,七五年獲諾定咸大學哲學博士學位,曾任紐約大 學 Walter E . Meyer 教授( 1984-85 )、華威大學法律學院主 任( 1993-2001 )和香港城市大學法律學院院長 (2001-04) 。 Prof. Michael J. McConville has been appointed professor o f law from 31st August 2005. Prof. McConvill e receive d his LLB fro m London University i n 197 1 and his Ph.D . from Nottingham Universit y i n 1975 . He was Walter E . Meyer Professo r a t New Yor k University from 1984-85, chairman of the School of Law at the University of Warwick from 1993 to 2001, and dean of the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, from 2001-04. 敎 學 人 員 評 審 事 宜 及 敎 職 員 進 修 資 助 申 請/ 提 名 Annual Academic Staff Review and Staff Development Grants Applications/Nominations 大學現接受二零零六至零七年度教學人員之晉升、屆退休年齡後延任,以及教職 員進修資助之申請/提名,日程如下: 審議事宜 截止申請/ 提名日期 遞交申請 / 提名或查詢 教學人員晉升(導師職級或 以上) 二零零五年十月六日 請將提名或申請於截止 日 期 前送交人事處副處長阮健驄 先生(大學行政樓南座三樓 人事處)。 查詢請電二六零九七二四九 /二六零九七二八零。 教學人員屆退休年齡後延任 (導師職級或以上) 二零零五年十月六日 教職員與導師進修資助 二零零五年十月十五日 查詢請電二六零九七二八八/ 二六零九七一九一。 詳情可查閱人事處經學系/部門辦公室和資訊科技服務處「大量發送電郵服務」 發出之有關通告,或瀏覽人事處網頁人事通告 (Personnel Announcements) —欄 h t t p s : / / p e r n t c . p e r . c u h k . e d u . h k / p e r s o n n e l / a n n o u n c eme n t . a s p 。 有關按「甲」、「乙」及「丙」類服務條例及相類合約聘用的非教學人員之評審事 宜,容後通告。 The annual academic staff review exercise for the academi c year 2006-07 has no w commenced and the following are the respective deadlines for applications/nominations : Applications/Nominations for Deadline Submissions to be forwarded to/Enquiries Advancement (teaching staff of Instructor grade and above) 6th October 2005 Mr. K.C. Yuen, Deputy Director o f Personnel, 2nd Floor, South Wing, University Administration Building. Please direct enquiries to 2609 7249/ 2609 7280. Extension of service beyond retirement date (teaching staff of Instructor grade and above) 6th October 2005 Staff development grants/ programmes (teaching staff and non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A)/(HA) or equivalent contracts) 15th October 2005 Please direct enquiries to 2609 7288/ 2609 7191. Details concerning the above are set out in general circulars issued by the Personnel Office for dissemination to members of the teachin g staff via department chairmen/schoo l directors/unit heads, and the CU mass mailing service. The circulars are also available in the Personnel Announcements section of the Personnel Office website: https://perntc.per. cuhk. asp. The schedule for staff review matters of non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A), (B) and (C) or equivalent contracts will be announced in due course. 二 零 零 六 至 零 七 年 度 敎 職 員 進 修 資 助 計劃 Staff Development Grants/Programmes 2006-07 1. 關祖堯教職員進修基金、利希慎教職員進修基金及中英友好信託獎學金現接受申 請。有關詳情已於八月下旬送達各學院院長、系主任及部門主管,以供教職員參 考。有意申請者,可上網瀏覽詳細資料及手續,網 址 為 hk/personnel/announcement.asp 。 截止申請日期為二零零五年十月十五日。查詢可 致電人事處(內線七一九一或七二八八)。 2. 其他教職員進修資助計劃及由學術交流處統籌的學術交流/交換計劃的資料及申請 辦法,也可透過上述網頁查閱。 1. Th e C.Y. Kwan Endowment Fund for Staf f Development, the Lee Hysan Foundation Endowment Fund for Staff Development and the Sino-British Fellowship Trust Fund are now open for application. Staff members interested in applying for the grants may obtain detailed information at https://perntc.per. asp. Th e deadline for application is 15t h October 2005. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191 or 7288). 2. A summary on other staff development grants/programmes and major academic exchange or linkage programmes under the auspices of the Offic e of Academic Links was already sent to all faculty deans and departmen t chairmen/unit heads for reference. It is also available at the website mentioned above. 圖書館閉館 Library Closure 大學圖書館暨各分館將於十月一日(星期六,國慶日)和十月十一日(星期二, 重陽節)閉館。 The University Library and all branch libraries will be closed on 1st October 2005 (Saturday, National Day) and 11th October 2005 (Tuesday, Chung Yeung Festival). 交通改道 本科入學資訊日籌委會公布:大學於九月二十四日(星期六)舉行「本科入學資 訊日」,由早上八時至下午六時,車輛需使用池旁路接車站路前往大學站及附近停車 場。當天車站路會改為單線行車。 二 零 零 五 年 校 長 盃 及 嘉 年 華 同 樂日 Vice-Chancellor's Cup 2005 and Fun Fair 中文大學職員協會銳意推動校園運動風氣,在校長劉遵義教授、書院、體育部及 中央行政單位的大力支持下,定於二零零五年十一月二十七日(星期日)在大學體育 中心舉辦兩年一度的校長盃。賽事包括羽毛球、籃球、足球、乒乓球球及網球。參賽隊 伍分為中央行政隊、崇基學院隊、新亞書院隊、聯合書院隊及逸夫書院隊。教職員可 向隸屬的書院報名;未有隸屬任何書院的同人則歸入中央行政隊。 今年校長盃初賽於十一月二十日(星期日)舉行。十一月二十七日複賽及決賽當 天’大會同時舉辦嘉年華同樂日,以及籃球友誼比賽。嘉年華同樂日設有各式遊戲攤 位,並安排家庭健體活動如一哩步行及活木球等,入場費全免,歡迎全校教職員及家 屬踴躍參加。 有關比賽詳情及報名方法可致電各隊聯絡人查詢: 單位 隊長 聯絡人 電話 中央行政隊 廖柏偉教授 黃雪芬女士 二六零三六六零零 崇基學院隊 梁元生教授 阮伯仁先牛 二六零九六九八六 新亞書院隊 黃乃正教授 梁鳳蓮女士 二六零九七六九七 聯合書院隊 馮國培教授 陳鄧翠怡女士 二六零九八六五七 逸夫書院隊 程伯中教授 陳寶玲女士 二六零九七三五七 With the support of Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, vice-chancellor o f the University , the Chinese University Staff Association, the Physical Education Unit, the colleges and central administration units, the VC's Cup will be held on 27th November 2005 at the University Sports Centre. There will be preliminary round s and finals fo r fiv e sportin g events — badminton , basketball, football , table tennis and tennis. Five teams will complet e for the VC's Cup , namely: Central Administration Team, Chung Chi College Team, New Asia College Team, United College Team and Shaw College Team. Staff members should enrol through their colleges. Those who are not affiliated to a college are grouped under the Centra l Administration Team. Competitions date s are: Preliminary rounds : 20t h November 2005, Sunday Semi-finals an d finals: 27t h November 2005, Sunday A fun fair and a friendly basketball match between CUHK alumni and CUHK staf f will also be held on 27th November. Game stalls and health-related games will be organized at the fun fair. Admission is free. Staff and thei r family members are welcome to participate. For details and registration, please contact: Unit Team Captain Contact Person Tel. No. Central Administration Team Prof. Liu Pak Wai Ms. Cecilia Wong 2603 6600 Chung Chi College Team Prof. Leung Yuen Sang Mr. Yuen Pak-yan 2609 6986 New Asia College Team Prof. Henry Wong Ms. Elean Leung 2609 7697 United College Team Prof. Fung Kwok Pui Mrs. Eastre Chan 2609 8657 Shaw College Team Prof. Ching Pak Chung Ms. Pat Chan 2609 7357 5 第二六四期二零零五年九月十九日
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