Newsletter No. 414
兩教授獲選IEEE院士 Two Professors Elected IEEE Fellows 工程學院信息工 程學系講座教授 任德盛教授( 左 ) 及系統工程與工 程管理學系系主 任 蒙 美 玲 教 授 ( 右 ),獲電機 及電子工程師學 會(I EEE)頒授 2013年度院士榮 銜,以表揚他們分別在「通訊網絡的建構和資源管理」及「語音系統 及多模態系統」上的重大貢獻。今年全球共有二百九十七位學者獲選, 中大教授佔兩席,中大的IEEE院士總數至此增至三十位。 Prof. Yum Tak-shing Peter ( left ), Professor of Information Engineering and Prof. Meng Mei-ling Helen ( right ), chairman of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, have been elected fellows of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2013 for their remarkable accomplishments in ‘architecture and resource management of communication networks’ and ‘spoken language and multimodal systems’ respectively. This year, 297 scholars were elected IEEE fellows worldwide. With the two newly-elected fellows, the total number of IEEE fellows in CUHK has risen to 30. 杜維明論全球華人的文化認同 Prof. Tu Weiming Speaks on the Cultural Identity in Chinese Community 「信興藝文講座」於3月7日於中大校園舉行,邀得北京 大學高等人文研究院院長及哈佛大學研究教授杜維明 教授主講,題目為「文化中國具有意義的『我們』如何 可能」,吸引逾四百五十名中大員生、學術界及公眾人士 參加。 杜教授分享他對全球華人文化認同的看法。內地、香港、 澳門、台灣、星馬及散布全球各地的華人力圖維護他們 珍視的文化,營造繼往開來的文化認同。杜教授認為中 華民族面向世界的自我定義應建立在開放、多元、寬容 和深具自省能力的人文精神之中。這一願景的前提是群 體的、批評的、理性的和仁愛的「自我意識」的呈現。 The first lecture of the Shun Hing Lecture Series in Arts and Humanities was held on 7 March on CUHK campus. Prof. Tu Weiming, director of the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Peking University and Research Professor at Harvard University, was invited to share on the topic ‘A Truly Meaningful "We" in Cultural China: How Is It Possible?’ The lecture attracted an audience of over 450, including CUHK staff and students, members of education and public sectors. Professor Tu shared his views on the sense of cultural identity in the global Chinese Community. The Chinese in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and in the global community have endeavored to embrace and to advocate their precious culture, while building a strong sense of cultural identity. He hoped such a cultural identity could be established in a humanistic spirit of freedom, diversity, inclusiveness and self-reflection, and most important, incorporating a vision of communal, critical, rational and benevolent self-consciousness. 學者論大學教育的理念與現實 Scholars on Ideal and Reality of University Education 第一場五十周年博文公開講座於3月9日假香港中央 圖書館舉行,由中大冼為堅中國文化講座教授李歐 梵教授( 左 )及哲學系關子尹教授( 右 )主講,題目是 「大學教育的理念與現實」,吸引近三百人出席。 李歐梵教授回顧七十年代因嚮往新亞精神而加入中大 這中國文化氣息和人文底蘊豐富的大學,繼而談到前 北大校長蔡元培定義的大學,以及前中大校長金耀基 教授在《大學的理念》和陳平原教授在《中國大學十 講》所述,帶出一脈相承的大學精神。關子尹教授則 The first CUHK 50th Anniversary Public Lecture, entitled ‘The Ideal and Reality of University Education’, was held on 9 March at the Hong Kong Central Library. Presented by Prof. Lee Ou-fan Leo ( left ), Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture of CUHK, and Prof. Kwan Tze-wan ( right ), professor in the Department of Philosophy, the lecture drew a full house of about 300 participants. Professor Lee recalled his admiration for the spirit of New Asia College and the rich Chinese culture and humanistic spirit of CUHK which drove him to join the University in the early 70s. He gave an account of what a University spirit should be by quoting the definition of a university by Mr. Cai Yuanpei, former president of Peking University, drawing on the book The Idea of the University by Prof. Ambrose King, former CUHK Vice- Chancellor, as well as Ten Lectures of Chinese University by Prof. Chen Pingyuan. Professor Kwan briefly introduced the much-discussed Humboldtian Model of university education, traced its historical background, discussed its basic tenets and ideals, and showed how it has influenced the development of university education worldwide. This Humboldtian backdrop was then compared to the reality of contemporary university education in order to arrive at some critical reflections on the educational practices in universities of our time, especially regarding the disinterested nature of education and research, and the solitude and freedom of a university. The two scholars also engaged in a dialogue with the audience on the contradiction between business management model and the ideal of a university, as well as development under the system. The 50th Anniversary Public Lecture Series consists of eight lectures ( ) . 重點介紹現代大學發展史中的「洪堡特模式」,除簡 述其歷史緣起、基本理念、對後世各地大學教育的影 響外,更就洪堡特的觀點對今日普世大學教育的實踐 作出批判性的反思,特別側重教育與研究不涉利害的 本質、知識的不確定性和大學的「清靜與自由」。兩位 學者隨後與觀眾暢談,涵蓋時下公司管理模式與大學 理念的矛盾,以及如何在制度裏尋求空間。 博文公開講座系列共有八講,詳情見網頁 6 No. 414, 19.3.2013
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