Newsletter No. 456
6 456 • 19.4.2015 北島榮獲詩節最高榮譽 Bei Dao Awarded Highest Honour in Poetry 文學院榮譽教授趙振開教授(北島)於3月20日獲 馬其頓斯特魯加國際詩歌節頒授最高榮譽金花環 獎,是歷來第二位獲獎的華裔桂冠詩人。 馬其頓斯特魯加詩歌節於1962年創辦,為世界三大 詩歌節之一,且歷史最悠久。金花環獎是國際詩歌 界最權威的獎項之一,獲獎的多位桂冠詩人都是諾 貝爾文學獎得主。詩歌節組委會認為,「北島被譽為 中國當代最重要的作家之一,他的詩歌超越了那個 時代文學達至的境界。」 北島原名趙振開,1949年生於北京。1978年與芒克 創辦地下文學刊物《今天》,早期曾是朦朧詩的代 表詩人之一。2007年,北島受邀到中大任教。教學 以外,北島致力於詩歌教育及國際詩歌的翻譯和推 廣,發起了「香港國際詩歌之夜」、「國際詩人在香 港」等活動,又為孩子們挑選了一百零一首中外經典 現代詩,編成《給孩子的詩》,今年1月由香港中文 大學出版社出版。 Prof. Zhao Zhenkai (Bei Dao), honorary professor of the Faculty of Arts, was awarded the Golden Wreath Award, the Struga International Poetry Festival’s highest honour, on 20 March. He is the second Chinese poet to receive the award. Founded in 1962, Struga Poetry Evenings in Macedonia is one of the world’s three major poetry festivals and the oldest one. The Golden Wreath Award is one of the most authoritative international poetry prizes. Many Golden Wreath laureates have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The Struga Poetry Evenings committee believes that ‘Bei Dao is widely considered to be one of China’s most important contemporary authors today who created poems exceeding the literary boundaries of his time.’ Bei Dao, known by his real name Zhao Zhenkai, was born in Beijing in 1949. He co-founded the underground literary journal Today ( Jin Tian ) and is one of the key poets in meng long shi (obscurist poetry). In 2007, Bei Dao was invited to teach at CUHK. In addition to teaching, he is committed to poetry education, as well as the translation and promotion of international poetry. He launched many activities such as the International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong and International Poets in Hong Kong. He also hand-picked 101 Chinese and foreign classical and modern poems for children. These were compiled into a book Selected Poems for Children , and published in January by the Chinese University Press. 全球經濟及金融研究所再獲BCT銀聯集團捐款 BCT Donation to Support IGEF 中大再次獲BCT銀聯集團慨捐六百萬港元,繼續 支持全球經濟及金融研究所設立的「BCT 銀聯集 團傑出研究員」,支票捐贈儀式於3月18日舉行, 由BCT銀聯金融有限公司董事總經理及行政總裁 劉嘉時女士( 右 )及沈祖堯校長主持。集團多位 代表、全球經濟及金融研究所的專家教授,以及 校內成員出席見證。 BCT 銀聯集團於 2012 年捐款支持研究所設 立「BCT銀聯集團傑出研究員」,大學將此榮銜授 予金融專家劉明康教授,為當時成立只有兩年的 研究所注入推動力。劉教授除了指導研究所的發 展方向,三年間主講超過二十場公開講座,並在 全球金融菁英領導研討班上擔任講師。在BCT的 鼎力支持下,研究所得以續聘劉教授任「BCT銀 聯集團傑出研究員」,為期三年。 BCT Co. Ltd. (BCT) generously made a pledge of HK$6 million in support of the BCT Distinguished Research Fellowship Programme of the Institute of Global Economics and Finance (IGEF). Officiated by Ms. Lau Ka-shi ( right ), managing director and CEO of BCT Financial Ltd., and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor, a cheque presentation ceremony was held on 18 March. The ceremony was attended by representatives from BCT, as well as faculty members of the IGEF, and other departments and units. BCT made a donation to the IGEF for the establishment of the BCT Distinguished Research Fellowship Programme in 2012. The University awarded this distinguished fellowship to Prof. Liu Mingkang, renowned expert in economics and finance, which effectively enriched the output of the IGEF despite its relatively short history. Apart from giving valuable advice towards the development directions of the institute, Professor Liu delivered over 20 public talks and lectures in the past three years. He is also one of the lecturers of the Executive Leadership Programmes in Global Finance of the IGEF. With the continued support of BCT, Professor Liu will take up the role as BCT Distinguished Research Fellow for another three years. 校園消息 Campus News 男排蟬聯冠軍 Men’s Volleyball Team Defends Champion Title 中大男子排球隊在3月15日的大專盃排球賽決賽 成功衞冕冠軍寶座。 決賽首局,中大隊主將發揮理想,先勝一仗,其 後對手城巿大學利用出色的攔網及防守,連追兩 局。在約二百名中大同學及支持者吶喊助威下, 中大隊愈戰愈勇,扳回一局。鬥至決勝局,你贏一 分,我追一分,戰情緊湊,最終中大獲勝,連續兩 年奪標。 The CUHK Men’s Volleyball Team defeated representatives from City University of Hong Kong to defend its title in the USFHK Volleyball Championship on 15 March. The CUHK team brought out their A-game early on and charged to a one-set lead. However, City University reacted promptly to fortify their blocking and defence, and claimed the subsequent two sets. With the cheering of over 200 CUHK students and fans, CUHK players stormed back in the fourth set to build up an early lead and eventually levelled the match. The deciding set was the most exciting one, with neither team being able to gain a lead. At the end, CUHK team won and captured its second consecutive champion title. 活木球隊三連霸 Woodball Team Wins Overall Championship 中大活木球隊於3月21及22日的大專盃活木球賽中,不但勇奪女子團體冠軍及男子團體季軍,更 再次奪得全場總冠軍,寫下三連霸佳績。 今年女子隊表現尤見特出,梁肇君(法律三年級)、蔡利利(體育運動科學三年級)及幸卓思(體育運 動科學二年級)囊括了女子個人首三名的獎項。兩天的賽事中,分別有五位運動員獲得「一桿過門」 獎,當中有三位是中大球員,分別是梁肇君、張健朗(中醫三年級)及蘇偉杭(體育運動科學三年級)。 The CUHK Woodball Team seized the championship for the women’s team and the second runner-up for the men’s in the USFHK Woodball Competition, held on 21 and 22 March, and walked away with the overall championship for the third consecutive year. The women team clinched three medals for the women’s individual. Leung Siu-kwan Catia (Law, Year 3), was the champion while Tsoi Lee-lee (Sports Science and Physical Education, Year 3), and Heng Cheuk-sze Cheria (Sports Science and Physical Education, Year 2), were the first and second runners-up, respectively. Besides, three of the five athletes who received the GATE-IN-ONE award were CUHK athletes. They were Catia, Cheung Kin-long Cooby (Chinese Medincine, Year 3) and So Wai-hong (Sports Science and Physical Education, Year 3).
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