Newsletter No. 529/530
中英高等學府雲集中大 Sino-British University Partnership Deepened at CUHK 中大於12月5至7日舉辦中英高等教育人文峰會,為「中英高等教育人文聯盟」(聯盟)的年度活動,加深大學 與內地及英國夥伴大學的關係。峰會以「中國與人文」為主題,集結約八十位來自中英兩國十八所高校的學 者和代表,就推動跨學科、跨地域和跨文化的互動交流慧見。開幕儀式於12月6日在中大舉行,主禮嘉賓包 括校長段崇智教授(前排左四)、香港特區政府行政長官林鄭月娥女士(前排中央)、中聯辦副主任譚鐵牛 院士(前排左三)、英國文化協會香港總監施捷先生(前排右三),以及清華大學校務委員會主任兼聯盟主 席陳旭教授(前排右四)。該聯盟在2016年成立,中大是五所中方成員院校中唯一的香港院校。 CUHK hosted the China-UK Humanities Annual Forum from 5 to 7 December. As the annual event of the China-UK Humanities Alliance for Higher Education in 2018, the Forum enhanced the University’s closer partnership with both Chinese and British partner institutions in the humanities. With a theme of China and The Humanities, the Forum gathered about 80 delegates comprising government officials, university leaders and academic members from 18 institutions of mainland China and the UK. The meeting served as a platform for sharing views and experiences of mutual interest, for cross-cultural and transnational dialogue and cooperation in the field of the humanities and for deepening exchanges of the participating Sino- British universities. The opening ceremony was held on 6 December on CUHK campus, with the officiating guests including Vice-Chancellor and President Prof. Rocky S. Tuan (front row, 4th left); Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor (first row, centre), Chief Executive of the HKSAR; Prof. Tan Tieniu (first row, 3rd left), Vice Minister of the Central People’s Government’s Liaison Office in the HKSAR; Mr. Jeff Streeter (first row, 3rd right), Director of British Council Hong Kong; and Prof. Chen Xu (front row, 4th right), Alliance Chair and Chairperson of the University Council, Tsinghua University. The Alliance was initiated in 2016 with founding members from five Chinese universities, among which CUHK is the only participating university from Hong Kong. 中國文化研究所海外影響力獲肯定 Winning the Overseas Impactful Award for Sinology 中大中國文化研究所深耕細作半世紀,讓華人學者 了解世界最新研究方法與學術理念,與海外同道分 享中國人文傳統與思想智慧,於「致敬國學:第三屆全球華 人國學大典」榮獲年度海外影響力大獎,成為首家獲頒此 國學界權威獎項的香港機構。 The Institute of Chinese Studies of CUHK has won the Overseas Impactful Award for Sinology in the ‘Tribute to Sinology: The 3rd Sinology Ceremony for Global Chinese’ for its contributions to helping the Chinese scholars gain the cutting-edge research methods and academic ideology and sharing Chinese humanistic tradition and wisdom with its overseas counterparts over the past half-century. The Institute is the first Hong Kong institution receiving the prestigious award in sinology. 校長率團訪美加學府 Vice-Chancellor Visits Institutions in the US and Canada 校長段崇智教授(左六)於本年10 月率團出訪美加多所知名學府,加 強交流合作。訪問團成員包括副 校長霍泰輝教授(左五)及陳偉儀 教授(左八)、副校長(行政)及秘 書長吳樹培先生(左四),以及工 程學院、醫學院、社會學系及地理 與資源管理學系代表。是次出訪, 除了鞏固大學與耶魯大學及雅禮 協會的長期夥伴關係,更開啟了大 學與約翰·霍普金斯大學、波士頓 兒童醫院及麻省理工學院等機構 的科研合作之門。 A high-level delegation led by Prof. Rocky S. Tuan (6th left), Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, visited a number of renowned institutions in the US and Canada in October 2018. The delegation comprised Pro- Vice-Chancellors Prof. Fok Tai-fai (5th left) and Prof. Chan Wai-yee (8th left), Vice-President (Administration) and University Secretary Mr. Eric Ng (4th left), and representatives from engineering, medicine, sociology, and geography and resource management. The visits reaffirmed the University’s partnerships with long time partners such as Yale University and the Yale-China Association, and paved way for future collaborations with institutions at the forefront of research, including Johns Hopkins University, Boston Children’s Hospital and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 「節約能源獎勵計劃」初見碩果 The First Fruit of Energy Conservation Incentive Scheme 大學於2014年推出香港院校首個「節約能源獎勵計劃」,旨在降低校 園的能源消耗和碳排放,嘉許禮於本年12月初舉行,共有二十七個部 門獲頒證書。計劃將校園建築物分A、B組,當中A組的建築物於四年 間合共減少消耗約一千六百萬度電,相等於三千三百三十三個香港家 庭一整年的用電,成績令人鼓舞。 In 2014, the University launched the first Energy Conservation Incentive Scheme among the Hong Kong institutions to reduce energy consumption and carbon emission on campus. Twenty-seven units were recognized in the ceremony held in early December. The Scheme divided the campus buildings into Groups A and B. The Group A buildings have encouragingly reduced 16,000,000 kWh, which is equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 3,333 local families. (圖片來源:第三屆全球華人國學大典組委會) 06 # 5 2 9 / 5 3 0 | 1 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 8
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