Newsletter No. 308
第 308 期 2007 年 12 月 4 日 No. 308 4 December 2007 香 港中文大學致力發展成為一所國際化大學,學 生來自全球各地,校園洋溢着多元文化的氣 息。每年約有250名本科生來自中國內地,來自海外 的則約有60名,修讀一年或一個學期亞洲課程的交換 生又有數百名。有見於非本地生與日俱增,學生事務 處於2005年6月成立來港生組,為非本地生及本地生 構築文化交流的平台。本刋就來港生組的服務宗旨及 範圍,訪問了學生事務處處長梁天明博士。 梁天明博士說,處理非本地生的各項事務,由大學各 部門協調,交換生及非本地本科生的入學及選科事 務,分別由學術交流處及入學及學生資助處負責;學 T he Chinese University has students from all over the world, who enrich its campus with their diverse cultures. Each year, there are about 250 undergraduates from mainland China and 60 from overseas. In addition, several hundred exchange students are here to take semester-long or year-long Asian Studies courses. In view of the rise in non-local student numbers, the Incoming Students Section of the Office of Student Affairs was established in June 2005 to serve as a platform for cultural exchange between non-local and local students. We interviewed Dr. Timothy T. Leung, director of student affairs, on the guiding principles and services of the Incoming Students Section. Dr. Leung explained how various University depart- ments coordinated with each other to offer service to incoming students. The Office of Academic Links arranges admission and course selection for exchange students while the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid is responsible for the admission affairs of mainland and overseas undergraduates. After the start of a semester, academic consultants from the faculties help students with academic issues, and the Colleges take care of their daily needs. Dr. Leung pointed out that non-local and local students have very different cultural backgrounds. The former need time to adapt to a new environment. Hence it is necessary to set up a special section to take care of their needs. Multifarious Activities The Incoming Students Section helps students from a variety of backgrounds integrate into the campus by offering a range of extra support. International House, 構築 文化 交流的橋樑 來港生組 Building a Bridge for Cultural Exchange Incoming Students Section 識彼此的文化。此外,每年八月,來 港生組也協辦內地本科生的迎新營, 統籌校長與內地生會面。由今年起, 更舉辦海外本科生的迎新活動,並組 織來港生茶會。 梁天明博士續說︰「我們的活動多姿 多采,部分是邀請所有同學參加的, 例如法國、韓國和意大利的文化節。 今年的新春嘉年華更是別具意義,由 內地生以主人家的身分,主持攤位遊 戲,派發紅包,讓不同文化背景的學 生了解中國節日。」來港生組也照顧 非本地的研究生,例如今年七月便推 出一項校外住宿網上資訊服務。 擴濶本地生視野 梁天明博士認為,「交換生在港逗留的時間較短,僅 半年或一年。他們多視香港為一個起點,從這裡連接 亞洲其他地方,例如在假期時,到中國大陸、越南、 馬來西亞或泰國等地觀光。至於在中大唸上四年的非 本地生,則必須充分適應本地的學制和生活環境。在 上課時,全班很可能只有數名非本地生,孤單的感覺 往往油然而生。如何融入本地生社群,是他們最大的 挑戰。」 有本地生抱怨,大量非本地生加入,分薄了大學的設 施及資源,也影響他們的就業機會。不過,梁天明博 士相信,「挑戰及競爭,對本地生來說,是一個鍛鍊 的機會。例如內地生讀書十分勤懇,或會刺激本地生 對學業的追求更加精益求精。另外,本地生在與來港 生交流時,可以趁機練習英語及普通話,提升運用這 兩種語言的能力。更重要的是,他們可藉此更加了解 不同國家和地區的文化及風土人情,從而擴濶眼界, 提升視野。」 院及書院則照顧他們學業及生活所需。至於來港生 組,便提供多樣化的額外支援,協助來自五湖四海的 莘莘學子,融入中大校園。梁博士解釋,「非本地生 的文化背景與本地生不同,他們離鄉別井來到一個人 生路不熟的地方,需要時間適應,大學認為需要成立 一個專責部門提供照顧。」 提供多姿多采活動 來港生組也負責管理於2005年成立的國際生舍堂,為 非本地生提供宿位,並在舍堂舉辦多項活動,例如迎 新晚會、體育活動、烹飪班、燒烤活動和萬聖節晚會 等,讓來自世界各地的學生一起生活,共同學習,認 established in 2005 and managed by the section, provides accommodation for incoming students and runs activities such as orientation nights, sport games, baking classes, barbecues and Halloween parties. In August every year, the Incoming Students Section co-hosts an orientation camp for mainland undergraduates and arranges meetings between the Vice-Chancellor and mainland students. Starting from this year, the section also holds orientation activities for overseas undergraduates as well as tea parties for incoming students. Dr. Leung continued, ‘We have a colourful assortment of activities. Some are open to all students. Examples include the cultural festivals of France, Korea and Italy. In this year’s Chinese New Year carnival, mainland students hosted game booths and gave out red packets. It helped enhance foreign students’ understanding of Chinese festivals.’ In addition, the section launched an online off-campus housing information service for non- local postgraduate students this July. Broadening Perspectives Dr. Leung observed, ‘As exchange students stay for a relatively short time in Hong Kong, say, six months or a year, they often regard this city as a starting point from which to connect to other places in Asia. For example, during the holidays, they may travel to mainland China, Vietnam, Malaysia or Thailand. By contrast, overseas and mainland undergraduates who are here for four years, have to be well adjusted to the local education system and living environment. As there may only be a few non-local students in a class, it is easy for them to feel lonely. Assimilation into the campus community will be important for them.’ Some local students are worried that the large number of non-local students will thin out resources and affect their own employment opportunities. Dr. Leung, however, holds a more positive view. ‘Competition and challenge are excellent training for local students. The diligence of mainland students can serve as stimulus for them to excel in their studies. They can also strengthen their language abilities through the use of English or Putonghua to communicate with incoming students. Most importantly, local students can expand their vision through exposure to the cultures and customs of other countries and regions.’
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