Newsletter No. 308

第 308 期 2007 年 12 月 4 日 No. 308 4 December 2007 其他消息 Other News 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news are available at 教職員分享 互聯網教學實踐 Staff Share Excellent E-Learning Practices ■ 內地高交會中大 攤位吸引業界及 學生 CUHK Booth Becomes a Point of Focus in China Hi-tech Fair ■ 兩代警隊「一哥」球場相遇 Police Chiefs Meet on Football Field ■ 創新博覽會展出 四輪轉向的環保 混合動力智能車 Intelligent Omni-directional Hybrid Electric Vehicle Shown in Innovation Expo ■ 加拿大前總督宣揚包容接納 Former Governor General of Canada Promotes Acceptance T he Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, former Governor General of Canada, delivered a lecture on ‘From Hong Kong to Hong Kong in 65 Years’ on 12 November at CUHK. She spoke about Canada as it was when she arrived there as a child of three, as well as Canada’s idea of citizenship today. The talk attracted 200 guests, including CUHK staff and students, and members of the local cultural community. Born in Hong Kong in 1939, Madame Adrienne Clarkson went to Canada as a refugee with her family in 1942. She said Canada was a ‘white country’ then, but it has become the country that is most open to immigants in the world today. Madame Clarkson emphasized that free schooling and medical care may be the major incentives for people to emigrate to Canada, but the country never looks at new immigrants as mere 劉遵義校長(右)向伍冰枝女士致送紀念品 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (right) presents a souvenir to Madame Adrienne Clarkson 加 拿大前總督伍冰枝女士於11月12日在中大演講,題 目為「From Hong Kong to Hong Kong in 65 Years」, 分享她三歲從香港移居加國時的情況,並闡述加國現時廣納 各地新移民的政策,如何使國力日趨強盛。講座吸引了二百 多名嘉賓出席,包括本地文化藝術界人士及中大師生等。 伍冰枝女士1939年生於香港,1942年與父母以難民身分移居 加拿大。她說當時加國仍是以白種人為主,但多年後的今 天,加國乃全世界對新移民最開放的國家。 伍女士指加拿大提供的免費教育和醫療也許是吸引新移民的 原因,但政府不會視他們為純粹得益者,反認為他們給國家 帶來裨益。她亦寄語新移民,要接納加國的歷史、文化,成 為國家的一員,履行公民責任,共同謀求國家的福祉。 伍冰枝女士於1999年至2005年任加拿大第26任總督,卸任 後,成立加拿大公民協會,透過發展各種計劃與活動,幫助 新歸化的公民更快融入加國的主流生活。 她亦活躍於加拿大文化圈,在廣播業、新聞界、藝術界及公 眾服務方面經驗豐富,表現卓越,並積極宣揚包容、接納、 歸屬感和公眾責任。 beneficiaries. It believes that they also benefit the country by bringing something new. She pointed out that new immigrants should make an effort to become a member of Canada by identifying with the country’s history and culture, and by assuming the responsibilities of a Canadian citizen and acting for the well-being of the country. Madame Clarkson served as Canada’s 26th Governor General from 1999 to 2005. Since leaving the office of Governor General, she has founded the Institute for Canadian Citizenship to help acculturate new Canadian citizens into mainstream Canadian life through various initiatives. Madame Clarkson has had a rich and distinguished career in broadcasting, journalism, the arts and public service, and she actively promoted tolerance, acceptance, sense of belonging and public responsibility in her different positions.