Newsletter No. 446
446 • 4.11.2014 3 大家遵守。「所以,研宿的規例愈寫愈長!」他笑稱。翻查一 下,2001年的宿規只兩頁,今有四頁半加上四頁的約章和一 般資料介紹,宿生還要簽名作實,確是鉅細無遺。 在他眼中,不管是研究生或本科生,都已成年了,故他亦盡 量給予他們最大自由,甚少會「打蛇」(突擊巡查宿生有否 未經許可讓訪客留宿)。當舍監二十多年來,要數難忘的回 憶,就是他在八十年代末那一次罕有的「打蛇」,「我是知行 樓的舍監,當天向宿生事先張揚會在晚上十一時許『打蛇』, 結果晚上我到大堂時,發現幾十位宿生齊集那裏,一待我出 現,他們就一齊起哄鼓掌,對我的做法表示支持,真是特別 的經驗。」蘇教授說。 女舍監的體會 Alice說:「中大校園就像一個大花園,寧靜安逸,環境仿如 外國郊外,是在香港少有的。舍監住所在九樓,但早上我能聽 到鳥兒歌唱,令人愉悅。遺憾的是工作忙碌,未能騰出時間在 此間多散步,欣賞美景,更少利用運動設施來強健身體。」 樂住中大的蘇教授特別補充,日後退休,希望能在沙田區覓 得住所,以貼近校園。 30 Years on Campus Prof. So York-kee Clement said he is happy to live on campus over a long period of time. ‘I was a student resident throughout my six years of undergraduate and postgraduate studies at CUHK. When I came back from the US and began to teach at the University, I chose to live in a hostel and that has lasted till now. As a student, I lived in the temporary hostel made of metal. It was situated next to the Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field. I also lived in Wen Lin Tang, Madam S.H. Ho Hall, Ming Hua 住遍校園三十載 蘇鑰機教授以十二字真言總結他住在校園的住宿史—「日日 住中,長期住中,快樂住中。」 蘇教授說:「由入讀中大本科和研究院的六年時間,以至赴 美唸書後回來任教,我都是住在宿舍。學生時代入住夏鼎 基運動場旁以鋅鐵搭建的臨時宿舍、文林堂、何善衡夫人宿 舍、明華堂、應林堂、現址為五旬節會樓的舊研究院宿舍,任 教時曾居於會友樓、知行樓,1995年入住舊研宿,現在則居 於賽馬會研究生宿舍,我想居住宿舍數目之多,足以名列前 茅。」 現在回看,自成為中大人起,蘇教授只要在香港,就是住在 校園,前後已有三十年,也從未想過離開校園居住。提到這 點,他難掩雀躍,「唸書時已住慣了宿舍,感覺親切。校園環 境這麼好,設備齊全,上班方便,節省交通時間,隨時又可回 辦公室處理事務。再說,我的太太 李月蓮 ( Alice )是新傳學 院的校友,兩個兒子也喜歡這裏,繼續住校,當舍監,是多贏 的。Alice也當了研宿名譽女舍監,分擔處理女宿生的事宜。」 事先張揚的「打蛇」 先後擔任本科生和研究生舍監,蘇教授認為兩者的工作類 似,最大的分別,是研究生較集中課業和研究,不一定想參與 太多宿生活動。 「還有一點,就是二十年前出任舊研宿舍監之初,有九成宿 生是本地生,其餘的為內地生和交換生;現在情形剛好相 反,整體千多名宿生中,內地生佔九成。」蘇教授說。 本來不認識的人要住在同一屋簷下,不免有分歧。蘇教授指 出,最好的調解方法就是溝通,並總結經驗,寫成規例,讓 Tang, Ying Lin Tang, and the Postgraduate Hall which is now the Pentecostal Mission Hall Complex. As a teacher, I first lived in Friendship Lodge, Chih Hsing Hall, then moved to the Postgraduate Hall in 1995. My latest residence was at the Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall. If you have to compile a “highest numbers of hostels lived” list, I think I do have a place,’ Professor So pointed out. Professor So has been living on campus for 30 years, and has never thought of living outside. ‘I am used to hostel life. It feels warm. Living in this fully equipped, picturesque campus, much time is saved commuting to and from campus. I can go to office any time to work. My wife, Lee Yuet-lin Alice , an alumna of the School of Journalism and Communication, and my two sons also love the campus. So, living on campus and being the warden is win-win for us. In fact, Alice takes up the job of honorary lady hostel warden to take care of our female student residents.’ Announced Inspection Comparing the duties of undergraduate and postgraduate hostel wardens, Professor So said they are similar. But as postgraduate students focus more on their studies and research, they may not like to participate in a lot of hostel activities. ‘Another point I like to mention is that when I was the warden of the Postgraduate Hall two decades ago, about 90% of the residents were local students; the others were mainland and exchange students. Today, the distribution is reversed—of the 1,000-plus students, 90% are from the mainland,’ said Professor So. When strangers live together, conflicts are inevitable. According to Professor So’s experience, communication is the best way to address the conflicts and the lessons learnt are incorporated in the hostel regulations. ‘As a result, the hostel regulations grow thicker and thicker!’ said Professor So. Back in 2001, there were only two pages of regulations. Today, there are four and a half, together with four more for declaration and general information. Student residents have to sign on them. As both graduate and undergraduate students are adults, Professor So gives them maximum freedom and seldom inspects their rooms to check for visitors staying overnight without authorization. Having been warden for over two decades, the most unforgettable experience is his rare inspection in the late 1980s. ‘Back then, I was the warden of Chih Hsing Hall. One day I announced to all students that an inspection would be carried out at about 11 pm. When I arrived at the lobby as said, dozens of students greeted me and applauded my operation. What a unique experience it was!’ remarked Professor So. Comments from the Lady Warden Mrs. So said, ‘CUHK campus is quiet and comfortable like a huge park, reminiscent of certain overseas suburban environments. It is rare in Hong Kong. Our flat is located on the ninth floor, but I can hear birds sing in the morning. What a pleasure. I regret that I cannot spare more time to stroll around and use the fitness equipment, due to my busy schedule.’ Professor So plans to live in Sha Tin, close to CUHK, after his retirement. 蘇鑰機教授 崇基社會學(1980) 研究院傳播學(1982) 新聞與傳播學院教授 賽馬會研究生宿舍舍監 Prof. So York-kee Clement Sociology, Chung Chi College (1980) Communication, Graduate School (1982) Professor, School of Journalism and Communication Hostel Warden, Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall 蘇鑰機教授主持宿生活動抽獎 Professor So hosting a lucky draw in the hostel 蘇教授伉儷(三排右一及二)與宿生 Professor and Mrs. So (1st and 2nd right, 3rd row), and student residents Photo by ISO staff
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