Newsletter No. 476
476 • 19.4.2016 5 香港廣州創新及科技協會成立 Hong Kong and Guangzhou Innovation and Technology Association Inaugurated 亞太地區今年經濟展望 Economic Outlook of Asia Pacific in 2016 感受南亞及東南亞風情 South and Southeast Asian Cultural Festival 由香港創新及科技界人士聯同廣州市科學技術協會創辦的香港廣州創新及科技協會, 於3月18日假伍宜孫書院演藝廳舉行創會就職典禮,主禮嘉賓包括創新及科技局副局長 鍾偉強博士( 左五 )、書院院長李沛良教授( 左七 )及書院副院長兼協會執行會長黃錦輝教授 ( 左六 )。多位業界人士出席支持,場面熱鬧。書院期待與協會緊密合作,增進學生對香港 和廣州之間的創意、創新和創業機會的了解。 Co-founded by practitioners from the innovation and information technology sector in Hong Kong and theGuangzhou Association for Science and Technology, the inauguration ceremony of Hong Kong and Guangzhou Innovation and Technology Association was held at Wu Yee Sun College (WYS) Theatre on 18 March. Officiating guests included Dr. David Chung ( 5th left ), Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology; Prof. Rance P.L. Lee ( 7th left ), Master of WYS; and Prof. Wong Kam-fai ( 6th left ), Associate Master of WYS and founding executive president of the association. The ceremony was supported by many members of the relevant sectors and was a great success. The College hopes to collaborate with the association to enhance students’ understanding of the opportunities in innovation and entrepreneurship in Hong Kong and Guangzhou. 亞洲開發銀行首席經濟學家魏尚進教授應邀於3月31日假康本國際學術園,以「2016年 亞太地區的經濟展望」為題演講,吸引了約一百六十名中大教職員、學生、校友及公眾人士 出席。 魏教授闡述該銀行對四十五個成員的經濟體(包括中國和香港)及五大區域(中亞、東亞、 南亞、東南亞及太平洋)的經濟增長預測,以及對亞洲宏觀經濟走勢的看法,當中包括中國 經濟增長放緩及工業生產價格持續下降的影響。另外,自全球金融危機發生後,亞洲的經 濟增長下降,一些權威人士形容此狀況為「新常態」。魏教授詳加分析,並就如何應對經濟 放緩提出一些建議政策。 Dr. Shang-Jin Wei, chief economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), delivered a lecture entitled ‘The Economic Outlook of Asia Pacific in 2016’ at Yasumoto International Academic Park on 31 March. The lecture attracted about 160 CUHK staff, students, alumni and members of the public. In the lecture, Dr. Wei presented ADB’s latest economic growth projections for Asia, including analyses for each of ADB’s 45 developing member economies (including China and Hong Kong) and five sub-regions: Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. In addition, he also presented ADB’s analysis of macroeconomic issues in the region, such as the impact of China’s economic slowdown and the prevalence of producer price deflation. Asia’s growth pace has declined since the global financial crisis, leading some pundits to dub the situation the ‘New Normal’. Dr. Wei also analysed this issue and offered policy advice on how to counteract the slowdown. 學生事務處於3月16至24日舉辦南亞及東南亞文化節,讓學生全方位感受該等地區的文化 魅力,推動多元文化交流。 三月適逢印度及尼泊爾等南亞國家的傳統節日—色彩節,文化節安排了一系列精彩活動, 如同色彩節般繽紛多采,包括開幕表演、南亞及東南亞市集、豆腐製作班、印尼傳統樂器演 奏工作坊、印度民俗舞工作坊、泰國水燈製作班及文化講座等。 開幕禮由中大副校長霍泰輝教授、馬來西亞駐香港總領事館領事Nuramira Akmal binti Mustapa女士及印度駐香港總領事館領事及辦公室主管Narayan Singh先生主持。 Organized by the Office of Student Affairs, the South and Southeast Asian Cultural Festival, was held from 16 to 24 March to introduce the kaleidoscopic cultures of these two regions and facilitate intercultural interaction on campus. March is the time when many South Asian countries like India and Nepal celebrate the ancient Holi Festival, which is also known as the festival of colours. The Cultural Festival presented a wide array of activities which included an opening ceremony, a local South and Southeast Asian market, a tofu making workshop, an Indian folk dance workshop, a Thai water lantern making workshop and cultural sharing sessions, which were as rich in content as the colours in the Holi Festival. Officiating at the opening ceremony were Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Mrs. Nuramira Akmal binti Mustapa, Consul of the Consul-General of Malaysia in Hong Kong; and Mr. Narayan Singh, Consul of the Consulate-General of India and Head of Chancery.
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