• 2008 - Master Class

2nd Symposia
Phaenomenologica Asiatica

Master Class in Phenomenology for Asian Scholars 2008


Intentionality in Husserl and Merleau-Ponty


Part 1: Prof. John J. Drummond (Fordham University, USA)
Part 2 : Prof. Renaud Barbaras (University of Paris-Sorbonne, France)


10 August - 27 August 2008

They will each give four 3-hour lectures on the captioned theme. A participants' symposium will held on 3 - 4 August, in which every participant will give a presentation on a topic related to the above theme.

Prof. John J. Drummond

PROF. John J. Drummond is the Robert Southwell, S.J. Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and the Humanities at Fordham University in New York City. He received his B.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., writing a dissertation on Husserl's philosophy of perception under the direction of Professor John Brough. He has taught at Georgetown University (1974–75, 1987-88), Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (1975–87), Mount Saint Mary's College in Emmitsburg, Maryland (1988-99), and at Fordham University since 1999.

Professor Drummond's specialty is contemporary philosophy, especially the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and the existential and hermeneutic traditions that arise therefrom. He has written extensively on Husserl's theory of intentionality, focusing more recently on his theory of evaluative—and specifically moral—intentionality. He has also done recent work on the relations among phenomenology, formal logic, and formal ontology, and he hopes to connect this work with the work on evaluative intentionality to reveal the special manner in which the valuable properties of things and the specifically moral properties of agents and their actions are manifested to us.

Professor Drummond's published works include Husserlian Intentionality and Non--Foundational Realism: Noema and Object (Kluwer, 1990) and Historical Dictionary of Husserl's Philosophy (Scarecrow, 2008). He has edited or co-edited four collections of essays on Husserl and phenomenology: Phenomenology of the Noema (with Lester Embree); The Truthful and the Good: Essays in Honor of Robert Sokolowski (with James Hart); a special edition of the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly devoted to Husserl; Phenomenological Approaches to Moral Philosophy (with Lester Embree); and Husserl's Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese Perspectives (with Kwok-ying Lau). His more than 60 articles and 80 philosophical lectures in the United States, Denmark, Belgium, France, Ireland, People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Japan, Peru, Italy, Czech Republic, Austria, Norway, and Finland are devoted to discussions of Husserl, Aristotle, the general theory of intentionality; the particular theory of moral intentionality (valuation and volition); the emotions; perception; space; the nature of community, especially political community; and the theories of pure logical grammar and of logic.

For many years, Professor Drummond served as general editor of the book series Contributions to Phenomenology, and he continues to serve on the editorial boards of four book series. He is (with Burt Hopkins) the co-editor of The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenom-enological Philosophy, and he is a member of the editorial boards of Husserl Studies and Recherches husserliennes. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and of the Executive Council of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. He serves on several advisory boards and is a member of the boards of directors of the Fordham Center for Ethics Education and the Fordham University Press.

Prof. Renaud Barbaras

Born in 1955, Renaud Barbaras is professor of contemporary philosophy at the university Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. His teaching and research interests include husserlian and post-husserlian phenomenology, particularly Merleau-Ponty and Jan Patočka, phenomenology of perception and phenomenology of life. His main publications are : De l'être du phénomène - Sur l'ontologie de Merleau-Ponty, Grenoble, Millon, 1991, 2001. American translation by L. Lawlor and T. Toadvine : The Being of the Phenomenon, Indiana University Press, 2003 ; La perception - Essai sur le sensible, Paris, Hatier, 1994. New Edition, Paris, Vrin, 2008 ; Le tournant de l'expérience - Recherches sur la philosophie de Merleau-Ponty, Paris, Vrin, 1998 ; Le désir et la distance - Introduction à une phénoménologie de la perception, Paris, Vrin, 1999. American translation by Paul Milan : Desire and Distance, Stanford University Press, 2005 ; Vie et intentionnalité - Recherches phénoménologiques, Paris, Vrin, 2003 ; Introduction à la philosophie de Husserl, Editions de la Transparence, 2004 ; Le mouvement de l'existence. Etudes sur la phénoménologie de Jan Patočka, Editions de la Transparence, 2007 ; Introduction à une phénoménologie de la vie, Paris, Vrin, 2008.






11 August 2008 (Mon)

Orientation and Welcoming Dinner


University Guest House

12 August 2008 (Tue)

Part 1: Lecture 1

09:30 - 12:30

LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

13 August 2008 (Wed)

Part 1: Lecture 2

09:30 - 12:30

LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

15 August 2008 (Fri)

Part 1: Lecture 3

09:30 - 12:30

LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

16 August 2008 (Sat)

Part 1: Lecture 4

09:30 - 12:30

LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

18 August 2008 (Mon)

Part 2: Lecture 1

09:30 - 12:30

LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

19 August 2008 (Mon)

Part 2: Lecture 2

09:30 - 12:30

LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

21 August 2008 (Thu)

Part 2: Lecture 3

09:30 - 12:30

LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

22 August 2008 (Fri)

Part 2: Lecture 4

09:30 - 12:30

LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

25 August 2008 (Mon)


09:30 - 18:30

G03, Fung King Hey Building

25 August 2008 (Mon)

Farewell Dinner


China Red Shanghai Cuisine

26 August 2008 (Tue)

Symposium and Closing Ceremony

09:00 - 12:00

LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

Date:11 August 2008 (Mon)

Event:Orientation and Welcoming Dinner


Venue:University Guest House

Date:12 August 2008 (Tue)

Event:Part 1: Lecture 1

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

Date:13 August 2008 (Wed)

Event:Part 1: Lecture 2

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

Date:15 August 2008 (Fri)

Event:Part 1: Lecture 3

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

Date:16 August 2008 (Sat)

Event:Part 1: Lecture 4

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

Date:18 August 2008 (Mon)

Event:Part 2: Lecture 1

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

Date:19 August 2008 (Tue)

Event:Part 2: Lecture 2

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

Date:21 August 2008 (Thu)

Event:Part 2: Lecture 3

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

Date:22 August 2008 (Fri)

Event:Part 2: Lecture 4

Time:09:30 - 12:30

Venue:LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

Date:25 August 2008 (Mon)


Time:09:30 - 18:30

Venue:G03, Fung King Hey Building

Date:25 August 2008 (Mon)

Event:Farewell Dinner


Venue:China Red Shanghai Cuisine

Date:26 August 2008 (Tue)

Event:Symposium and Closing Ceremony

Time:09:00 - 12:00

Venue:LG202, Wen Lan Tang, Shaw College

Class Profile

Educational Background

Educational Background

No. of people





Ph Doctor



Post-doctoral Fellow or lecturer



Assistant Professor or above






Regional Distribution


No. of people


Hong Kong









South Korea









Master Class in Phenomenology 2008

Master Class in Phenomenology 2008