Newsletter No. 427
No. 427, 19.11.2013 7 高錕教授八秩壽辰快樂! Happy 80th Birthday, Professor Charles K. Kao! 高錕教授伉儷 Professor and Mrs. Kao 三十多位中大前校長高錕教授的好友及舊同事於11月 4日在校園舉行慶祝會,向高教授致敬和獻上祝願,祝 賀他八十壽辰。高教授偕夫人黃美芸女士一同出席,場 面溫馨。 Prof. Charles K. Kao, former Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, celebrated his 80th birthday on 4 November. Prof. and Mrs. Kao had an enjoyable morning at a birthday party held on campus, meeting some 30 old friends and colleagues at CUHK who conveyed their best wishes and respect to the great man. 城市化新紀元講座 Urbanization in the New Era Lecture 中文大學與聯合國開發計劃署在10月19日舉辦題為「可持續發展的城市─城市化的新紀元」公開講座。聯合國副秘書 長及聯合國開發計劃署副署長Rebeca Grynspan( 右五 )就可持續城市和城市化議題發表演講,並與觀眾討論中國城 市邁向可持續發展的路徑。 講座由地理與資源管理學系,城市研究課程,環境、能源及可持續發展研究所,以及未來城市研究所合辦。會上,地理與 資源管理學系系主任陳永勤教授( 右一 )與城市研究課程主任伍美琴教授( 左一 )也分享了他們的觀點,並主持討論。 Jointly organized by CUHK and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), a public lecture titled ‘Sustainable Cities—Transition to Urbanization in the New Era’ was held on 19 October. Ms. Rebeca Grynspan ( 5th right ), UN Under-Secretary-General and UNDP Associate Administrator, gave a speech on sustainable cities and urbanization. She also interacted with the audience on the pathways of Chinese cities in pursuit of sustainable development in the new era. The event was supported by the Department of Geography and Resource Management; Urban Studies Programme; the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability; and the Institute of Future Cities of CUHK. On the occasion, Prof. Chen Yongqin David ( 1st right ), chairman of the Department of Geography and Resource Management; and Prof. Ng Mee-kam ( 1st left ), director of the Urban Studies Programme, shared their views and facilitated the discussion. 中大隊成龍挑戰盃獲佳績 CUHK Athletes Shine at Jackie Chan Challenge Cup 中大運動代表隊於10月在嶺南大學舉行的第十七屆成 龍挑戰盃中成績優異。女子乒乓球隊成功衞冕贏得冠 軍,女子籃球隊連續四屆奪魁。男子乒乓球隊和男子足 球隊則獲亞軍,男子排球隊獲得季軍。 The CUHK sports teams got excellent results in the 17th Jackie Chan Challenge Cup 2013 held at Lingnan University in October, with the women’s table tennis team clinching the championship again, and the women’s basketball team winning the championship consecutively for the fourth year. Meanwhile, the men’s table tennis and men’s soccer teams got two 1st runner-ups, and the men’s volleyball team was the 2nd runner-up. 圖書館古琴雅聚 Library Guqin Gathering 大學圖書館系統於9月27日晚假 崇基學院謝昭杰室舉辦「泠泠清 潤—香港中文大學圖書館藏卞趙 如蘭捐贈古琴,姚錫安琴聚」。用 於演奏的伏羲式無名古琴,由著名 中國音樂學學者卞趙如蘭教授惠 贈中大圖書館。此琴的 斵 造年代據 斷可上溯至明初。 雅聚在大學圖書館館長李露絲女 士致歡迎辭後隨即開始。演奏古琴 的姚錫安是中國語言及文學系本科 生,同場有香港中樂團余美麗女士 琴歌姜夔〈古怨〉及〈杏花天影〉, 中國語言及文學系博士生李向昇朗 誦周夢蝶〈行到水窮處〉。當晚出 席有過百知音,包括教職員、學生 及公眾人士。 The University Library System presented ‘Flowing Sonority: Guqin from Rulan Chao Pian Music Collection of CUHK Library & Guqin Gathering with John Yiu’ on September 27 at Tse Chiu Kit Room, Chung Chi College. The guqin used for the performance came from the unique and valuable Rulan Chao Pian Music Collection donated to the CUHK Library. It was estimated that the guqin was probably crafted in the early Ming Dynasty. After Ms. Louise Jones, University Librarian, delivered a welcoming address, the guqin gathering started. Guqin performer John Yiu is an undergraduate student of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Miss Yu Mei-lai, a full-time musician of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, sang two songs; and Mr. Lee Heung-sing, a PhD candidate at the Chinese Language and Literature Department, recited a poem. More than 100 staff, students and members of the public had an enjoyable evening. 姚錫安與伏羲式無名古琴 John Yiu on an antique guqin
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