Newsletter No. 415
亞太國際教育協會年會及展覽 APAIE Conference and Exhibition 一千二百名來自四十六個國家及地區高等學府的專家 教授和教育界翹楚,參與由中大主辦的第八屆亞太 國際教育協會(APAIE)年會暨展覽。活動於3月11至 14日假亞洲國際博覽館舉行,亦為大學的金禧校慶活 動之一。 APAIE是第一次在香港召開年會,開幕禮由教育協會 主席、中大協理副校長張偉雄教授及中大校長沈祖堯 教授主持。隨後,沈校長發表主題演講,闡述非典型 肺炎對亞洲的影響。另一場主題演講由中國教育部 國際合作與交流司司長張秀琴女士主持,分享高等教 育政策發展與國際化步伐。 Over 1,200 experts in education from 46 countries and regions attended the Eighth Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Conference and Exhibition hosted by CUHK from 11 to 14 March at the AsiaWorld-Expo. The event was part of the golden jubilee celebrations. This was the first time APAIE held its annual conference in Hong Kong. Officiating at the opening ceremony were Prof. Gordon W.H. Cheung, APAIE President and Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK. Professor Sung delivered a keynote speech on the impact and lessons brought by SARS to Asia. Another keynote speaker was Madam Zhang Xiuqin, director general of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, Ministry of Education, who spoke on the development and globalization of higher education in China. The APAIE Conference is the largest international education conference held in the region. Some 50 parallel sessions and over 150 exhibition booths from different institutions were set up to showcase the world’s higher education landscape. The first-ever Global Dialogue saw heads of international education associations from five continents exchanging ideas about our future. On 13 March, over 80 participants attended the Presidents’ Roundtable held on CUHK campus. Five speakers, namely, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung; Prof. Tan Chorh-chuan, President, National University of Singapore; Dr. Lim Duck-ho, President, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea; Prof. Ian O’ Connor, Vice-Chancellor and President, Griffith University, Australia; and Dr. Tom Apple, Chancellor, University of Hawaii at M ā noa, shared with the audience their views on topics such as new technology in education, social responsibility of universities, and nurturing global citizens. 是次與會人數和參展機構都是歷屆之冠,是區內歷來 最大型國際教育會議。除了主題演講,還有近五十場分 場會議。展覽場館有一百五十多個攤位,供參展的教育 機構介紹其特色。首度舉辦的「全球對話」則讓來自五 大洲的教育協會領袖交換意見。 3月13日,八十多位大學校長或高層人員移師中大祖堯 堂參與校長圓桌會議,沈祖堯校長、新加坡國立大學 校長陳祝全、韓國漢陽大學校長林德鎬、澳洲格里菲 斯大學校長IanO ’ Connor和夏威夷大學馬諾分校校長 Tom Apple分別就教育科技新趨勢、大學社會責任、培 養世界公民等議題發表意見。 引進速光放射治療系統造福癌症患者 TrueBeam System to Benefit Cancer Patients 獲李嘉誠基金會撥款四千萬支持,中大醫學院及威爾斯親王醫院得 以添置最先進的TrueBeam速光放射治療系統,治療癌症病人。基金 會主席李嘉誠先生與醫院管理局主席胡定旭先生於3月20日主持啟用 典禮。 TrueBeam速光放射治療系統具精確的放射束塑形及強度調控效能, 配以精細的影像及動態管理系統,能精準地針對腫瘤範圍,減低對 正常細胞的傷害。而其高劑量效能讓放射治療速度比傳統治療快 四至八倍,縮短放射治療時間,加強療效之餘,也減輕病人不適。 With a $40 million gift from the Li Ka Shing Foundation (LKSF), the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK and the Prince of Wales Hospital have installed the TrueBeam System, the most advanced linear accelerator and an innovative radiotherapy technology for cancer treatment, at the hospital. Mr. Li Ka-shing, chairman of LKSF, and Mr. Wu Ting-yuk Anthony, chairman of the Hospital Authority, hosted the launching ceremony on 20 March. The TrueBeam System has a high-definition beam shaping and modulation capacity, as well as sophisticated imaging and motion management systems that deliver radiation with accuracy and minimize the risk of normal tissue injury. The high dose-rate capacity allows it to deliver radiation as much as four to eight times faster than conventional radiotherapy. With it, patients will be treated in a shorter delivery time and treatment outcomes will be enhanced. 李嘉誠先生(右二)、胡定旭先生(左二)及沈祖堯校長(左一)聽取腫瘤學系名譽臨床副教授甘冠明醫生介紹 TrueBeam 速光放射治療系統 Mr. Li Ka-shing (2nd right), Mr. Wu Ting-yuk Anthony (2nd left), Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (1st left), CUHK Vice-Chancellor, are being introduced to the TrueBeam System by Dr. Michael K.M. Kam, clinical associate professor (honorary), Department of Clinical Oncology No. 415, 4.4.2013 5
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