Newsletter No. 534

05 # 5 3 4 | 1 9 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 9 到 任 同 仁 / N ewly O nboard 宣 布 事 項 / A nnouncements 2018年度長期服務獎獲獎者名單 List of Long Service Award 2018 Awardees 在2018年度,大學共有二百五十三位僱員在長期服務 獎計劃下獲獎,當中二十九位獲得「三十五年長期服務 獎」,一百三十二位獲得「二十五年長期服務獎」,九十 二位獲得「十五年長期服務獎」。長期服務獎獲獎者名 單已刊登在人力資源處網站(首頁  Highlights  2018 年度長期服務獎獲獎者名單)( https://www.hro.cuhk . )。 In the year 2018, a total of 253 staff members are eligible for the awards under the Long Service Award Scheme, including 29 awardees for the 35-year Award, 132 awardees for the 25-year Award and 92 awardees for the 15-year Award. The list of long service awardees is posted on the Human Resources Office’s website (Home  Highlights  The List of Long Service Award 2018 Awardees) ( list-of-long-service-award ). 中大網站問卷調查 Survey on the CUHK Website 中大網站是大學其中一道重要的傳訊橋樑,為校內外人 士發放資訊。歡迎大家對中大網站提出意見,以提升網 站質素。請往以下網址,或到中大網站的「提出意見」 頁面填寫問卷。 The CUHK website is one of the major communication channels for the University to deliver information to the internal and external parties. To keep the website’s quality at its best, you are cordially invited to give your precious opinions regarding the website. You may visit the webpage below or go to the ‘Send Your Comment’ section on the CUHK website to fill out the survey. choose the advanced clinical stream and gain experience in dealing with more complex cases such as craniofacial anomalies, high-functioning children with autism, hearing impairment, and conducting endoscopic examination of swallowing. Students could then have a comprehensive understanding of various communication disorders,’ said Professor Lee. For example, a hearing-impaired person who has received cochlear implants will first learn to tell silence from sound, then to classify different levels of loudness and pitch, and lastly to identify speech sounds. For the elderly who have swallowing disorder, speech therapists would help them strengthen their tongue and throat muscles and improve their swallowing ability. This could free the elderly from the torment of using feeding tubes. Speech therapists rely on assessment tools to conduct diagnosis. The Division of Speech Therapy has developed a number of computer-assisted assessment tools. For example, the Division cooperated with the Department of Electronic Engineering and the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages in 2015 to develop the ‘Hong Kong Cantonese Tone Identification Test’ and the ‘Cantonese Spoken Word Recognition Test’, which assess tone perception ability and word recognition ability, respectively. Based on the test results, speech therapists can figure out the type and the degree of communication disorders. Students will be taught to use these tools in the programme. Objective Structured Clinical Examination When it comes to exams, the programme under the Faculty of Medicine adopts objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) which is commonly used in medical licensing examination. Students are required to go through 10 OSCE stations. In each station, students are assessed on one clinical skill, e.g., diagnosis or treatment, after examining simulated patients or watching video clips. Speech therapists are in short supply globally. In the US the ratio of speech therapists to population is 1:2,290. In Hong Kong, the ratio is 1:20,000. In mainland China, it is 1:1.3 million. The Hong Kong Government is creating school-based speech therapist posts for primary and secondary schools from 2019–20 on. Every two schools could hire one speech therapist. If such measure is implemented by a total of around 1,000 schools in the city, about 500 vacancies will need to be filled. On the other hand, in the 2018–19 Budget, the Government proposed to provide speech therapy services for elderly service units. All these are evidence of the surging demand for speech therapy services from different sectors. From children to the elderly, from language disorder to dysphagia, service receivers and their problems may come in different forms, but one thing remains the same: finding cure is a long way to go. Speech therapists need to have abundant patience and flexibility to adjust treatments based on service receivers’ particular conditions, and foster trust with them and even with their family members. It’s an arduous journey, but also the reason why speech therapists are worth their salt. M. Mak 言語治療科開發出各類專業診斷工具,如「香港粵語聲調辨識測驗」 The Division has developed various signature assessment tools, e.g., the Hong Kong Cantonese Tone Identification Test Information in this section can only be  accessed with CWEM password .  若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。