Newsletter No. 414
2013 1983 中 大人戲稱為「范記」的范克廉樓,於1969年開幕,是中大 校園首座建築物。其時三所書院校舍分散全港,范克廉樓為 不同書院的學生提供一個聚腳點。建築物前方的停車場於2000年 改建為文化廣場後,成為學生舉辦論壇、音樂會、展覽和文化節的 熱門場地。 O pened in 1969, the Benjamin Franklin Centre was the first University building on CUHK campus that served as a meeting place for the staff and students of the three founding Colleges when their buildings were scattered throughout Hong Kong. The Cultural Square outside the centre, which was a car park before 2000, is a popular place for student activities including forums, concerts, exhibitions and cultural festivals. No. 414, 19.3.2013 9
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