Newsletter No. 473
首屆「環亞系統獎學金」頒獎典禮於2016年1月19日假大學行政樓會議室舉 行,由環亞系統有限公司客戶經理程梓安先生( 後排左五 )以及中大拓展及 籌募處處長周瑤慧女士( 後排左三 )主禮。環亞系統有限公司於2015年捐款支 持中大設立「環亞系統獎學金」,嘉許品學兼優並積極參與課外活動及義工 服務的同學。 The first Presentation Ceremony of Helix Scholarship was held on 19 January 2016 at the Conference Room of the University Administration Building. The Ceremony was officiated by Mr. Darren Ching, Account Manager of Helix System Limited ( 2nd row, 5th left ), and Ms. Janet Chow, Director of Institutional Advancement of CUHK ( 2nd row, 3rd left ). Established by Helix System Limited in 2015, the Scholarship aims to award students with outstanding academic achievement and active participation in extra-curricular activities and voluntary services. 十三名中大生獲頒環亞系統獎學金 Thirteen Outstanding Students Received Helix Scholarship 工程學院的太陽能車設計團隊參加1月10日於科學園舉辦的「新能源、新世代」太陽能車比 賽,其太陽能車「The CUE」與其他參賽設計相比,在限定時間達到最高充電量,於八隊香港 大專院校團隊中脫穎而出,榮獲「最佳可再生能源轉換獎」。 團隊測試了七款高效太陽能板於不同天氣狀態的發電效能後,挑選出合適款式。流線型的車 身於泊車後可「變型」,展開太陽能板,大幅增加充電量。 ‘The CUE’—a solar car designed by a team of students from the Faculty of Engineering entered the ‘New Energy New Generation’ Solar Car Competition held at Hong Kong Science Park on 10 January and won the Renewable Energy Capture & Conversion Efficiency Award for capturing the most solar energy (compared to other teams’ designs) within a set period of time. Designed to run entirely on clean, renewable solar power, the solar car can be ‘transformed’ from its streamlined shape to a new shape, which enables the extension of its solar panels, maximizing their efficiency in solar energy capture. 太陽能車THE CUE奪最佳可再生能源轉換獎 Solar Car ‘THE CUE’ Won Renewable Energy Capture & Conversion Efficiency Award Prof. Simon Haines ( standing ), the current Chairman of the English Department, saw Professor Parker not only as a builder of academic institutions, first in Australia and then in Hong Kong: but also as a builder of lives, with his enthusiasm and advocacy for the potential and the future opportunities of students and younger colleagues. Other speakers attested to Professor Parker’s inspiring role as a colleague and teacher. The memorial event also included musical performances and readings from the poetry of Thomas Hardy, Edward Thomas and Seamus Heaney, as well as from Professor Parker’s own novel, Building on Sand . His memory and legacy will live on for many years. 別了,教授! Farewell to our Professor! Prof. David Parker的告別儀式於1月29日下午假晨興書 院舉行,禮堂內坐滿了專程來向Professor Parker道別 的師生好友。 去年10月,Professor Parker在澳洲阿得雷德市與世長 辭。他於當地出生並接受教育,其後在牛津大學取得博 士學位,曾任澳洲國立大學英文系系主任。2000年至 2009年,任職中大英文系系主任,畢生致力於小說、文 學道德論與生命書寫的研究,集小說家、短篇故事作家 與學者於一身,是一位善於教導及啟發人心的師長。 任職中大期間,Professor Parker為榮譽博士及院士撰寫 及宣讀讚辭;又成立人文價值研究中心、創辦至今已成 為本地及國內大學文學系盛事的中國大學莎劇比賽。退 休後,Professor Parker繼續為中大晨興學院設計及講 授通識科課程,亦是香港人文學院的主要創辦人之一。 現任英文系系主任Prof. Simon Haines( 站立者 )認為 Professor Parker不僅在澳洲及香港兩地的大學建樹良 多,更是影響生命的導師。他竭力為學生和年輕學者開 拓更多機會,鼓勵後輩發揮所長。告別儀式的致辭者一 致讚揚並懷緬Professor Parker對同事及學生的支持與 啟蒙。 當天的儀式還包括音樂表演、詩歌朗讀,以及頌讀 Professor Parker所寫的小說 Building on Sand 。 Professor Parker留下的回憶、教導及啟迪,將長留人間; 他的學術生命,亦將在學生,好友與後輩身上,得以延續。 Morningside College Hall was packed on the afternoon of 29 January with former students and colleagues, who had gathered to pay their last tributes to Prof. David Parker. He passed away last October, in Adelaide. Professor Parker was also born and educated in Adelaide, and completed his PhD studies at Oxford. He was Professor and Chair of English at CUHK from 2000 to 2009, having earlier been Head of English at the Australian National University. His scholarly research concentrated mainly on the novel, on ethics in literature, and on life- writing. He was also a novelist and short story writer himself. Above all he remained all his life an inspiring teacher. During his tenure at CUHK Professor Parker was also Public Orator; he penned and delivered many citations for our honorary doctorates and fellows. He established the Research Centre for Human Values, and helped created the Chinese Universities Shakespeare Festival, a long-standing signature event among the literature departments of many local and mainland universities. After his retirement, he continued his service to CUHK by designing and teaching the General Education programme at Morningside College. He was also a leading figure behind the creation of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities. 473 • 4.3.2016 5
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