Newsletter No. 497
05 # 4 9 7 | 0 4 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 7 公積金計劃投資回報成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 基金 Fund 3.2017 1.4.2016–31.3.2017 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 1.88% 1.51% 14.64% 15.50% 平衡 Balanced 1.33% 1.21% 9.19% 10.89% 穩定 Stable 0.78% 0.68% 3.08% 2.58% 香港股票 HK Equity 3.38% 2.13% 19.26% 20.98% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 1.67% 1.69% 20.23% 20.59% A50中國指數 A50 China Tracker –0.52% –0.49% 5.15% 4.99% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.09% 0.02% 0.78% 0.15% 美元銀行存款* USD Bank Deposit* 0.23% 0.14% 1.35% 0.48% 澳元銀行存款* AUD Bank Deposit* –0.55% –0.64% 1.94% 0.40% 歐元銀行存款* EUR Bank Deposit* 0.76% 0.77% –6.03% –5.93% 人民幣銀行存款* RMB Bank Deposit* 0.18% –0.03% –3.11% –4.18% 強積金數據請參閱 : For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month 全球最高能量密度水系液流電池 Aqueous Redox Flow Battery with Record Energy Density 機械與自動化工程學系盧怡君教 授(右二)及其科研團隊研發出高 能量新型鋅–碘溴液流電池,刷 新了目前水系液流電池能量密度 的紀錄。水系液流電池是兩種電 解液通過離子交換來產生電能的 裝置,具有安全、環保、系統設計 靈活、壽命長達數十年的特點。研 究團隊在鋅–碘液流電池中添加 溴離子後,其能量密度即時提升 至高達每升101瓦時(Wh L — 1 ), 電池容量增加至少兩成。 這種新儲能系統兼備能量密度和循環性能,非常適合應用於市場日益龐大的電動汽車。盧 教授表示:「電動汽車如應用這種電池,可大幅降低價格,行駛里程也更長。同時,這種電池 更安全,不怕普通的碰撞,有利提高電動汽車的安全度。」這項研究突破已發表於國際知名 學術期刊《能源及環境科學》,並獲英國皇家化學會旗下雜誌《化學世界》重點報道。 A high-energy-density zinc/iodine-bromide redox flow battery (ZIBB) has recently been developed by Prof. Lu Yichun (2nd right) and her research team of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. ZIBB achieved the highest reported energy density for aqueous redox flow batteries. Aqueous Redox Flow Battery is a device that generates electricity by electron transfer between two electrolytes. It is safe, friendly to the environment, with high design flexibility and long life which lasts for several decades. With the introduction of Bromide ions, Professor Lu’s research group boosted the energy density of ZIBB to as high as 101 Wh L –1 , an improvement of at least 20% in capacity relative to a control system. This new energy storage system with high energy density and a stable cycle life has potential in the growing market for electric cars. ‘The price of electric cars would be significantly lowered if this type of battery was adopted, with much longer driven mileage. Moreover, this type of battery is much safer as in a regular crash,’ Professor Lu commented. The breakthrough was published in the renowned journal Energy & Environmental Science in early 2017, and was recently featured by the magazine Chemistry World , published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. 聯合國新城市議程與《香港2030+》 UN New Urban Agenda and ‘Hong Kong 2030+’ 香港約每十年便檢討城市發展策略,而《香港2030+》是政府對香港跨越2030年的策略研 究。4月1日,中大城市研究學士課程及城市設計碩士課程與聯合國兒童與青年事務委員會 及聯合國可持續發展網絡舉辦「城市構想家園地2.0」,以「環球視野,本土行動︰聯合國新 城市議程與香港2030+」為題,讓大眾了解聯合國新城市議程,共同為香港的未來獻策,並 作為《香港2030+》公眾諮詢的參考。香港特區政府規劃署副署長李志苗女士應邀出席,百 多名城市規劃專業人士、學者、年輕人及市民參與,討論如何將聯合國新城市議程納入香港 城市發展,並提出具體實踐方案。 Hong Kong has reviewed the territorial development strategy around once every decade. ‘Hong Kong 2030+’ is a comprehensive strategic study to update the territorial development directions beyond 2030. CUHK’s second Urban Thinkers Campus was held on 1 April, co-organized as part of the UN-Habitat coordinated World Urban Campaign by the BSSc in Urban Studies and MSc in Urban Design Programmes at CUHK, the UN Major Group for Children and Youth, and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. With the theme ‘Global Vision, Local Action’, the event brought together over 100 participants to discuss the synergies between ‘Hong Kong 2030+’ with the UN’s New Urban Agenda document. The forum was graced by Ms. Li Chi-miu, Deputy Director of Planning Department of the HKSAR Government. It brought over 100 urban planning and related professionals, academics, young people and citizens together to reflect on the Hong Kong 2030+ process, and to explore solutions that shape Hong Kong’s urban future with reference to the New Urban Agenda. 新任副校長 New Pro-Vice-Chancellor 大學校董會依據《香港中文大學條例》第5(6)條及規程7規定,委任 吳基培教授為副校長,任期三年,由2017年8月1日起生效。 The Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong has appointed Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University for a period of three years with effect from 1 August 2017, in accordance with Section 5(6) and Statute 7 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance. 新任大學輔導長及協理副校長 New University Dean of Students and Associate Vice- President 大學校董會依據《香港中文大學條例》規程10第5段規定,委任陳浩 然教授以兼任方式出任大學輔導長,任期三年,由2017年8月1日起生 效。陳浩然教授亦獲委於同一期間兼任協理副校長。 Prof. Edwin H.Y. Chan has been appointed by the Council as University Dean of Students, in accordance with Statute 10.5 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance. He has also been appointed as Associate Vice-President. Both appointments are on a concurrent basis for a period of three years with effect from 1 August 2017. 新任書院院長 New College Master 大學校董會委任陳德章教授繼李沛良教授出任伍宜孫書院院長,任 期四年,由2017年8月1日起生效。 Prof. Anthony T.C. Chan has been appointed by the Council as the Master of Wu Yee Sun College for a period of four years with effect from 1 August 2017, to succeed Prof. Rance P.L. Lee.
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