Newsletter No. 433
4 No. 433, 4.3.2014 內地中學生遊校園 Campus Tour for Mainland High-schoolers 入學及學生資助處於2月6日為內地中學生及家長舉辦半天的校園遊,吸引了近三百名來自內地不同省市 的學生及家長參加。 該處先在康本國際學術園舉辦入學講座,由處長王淑英教授介紹大學特色及內地招生計劃,之後安排參 加者參觀大學圖書館、書院、學生宿舍及學生活動區,並由在校內地本科生親自介紹在中大的生活,分享 學習感受。來訪學生及家長還參觀大學展覽廳,加深了解中大過去半世紀的發展歷程及成就。 The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid organized a half-day campus tour for about 300 mainland secondary students and their parents on 6 February. The visitors came from 16 provinces and cities. Prof. Wong Suk-ying Veronica, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, gave a briefing to the visitors on CUHK’s unique features and its mainland students admission scheme. The briefing session was followed by visits to the University Library, the Colleges, hostels and students activities facilities. Mainland undergraduates at the University were invited to share their study experiences with the visitors, who later toured the University Gallery to learn more about CUHK’s developments and achievements over the past 50 years. 中國研究中心開幕 Centre for China Studies Opens 肩負提供世界級中國研究教學重任的中國研究中心,於1月27日開 幕。該中心由科大衛教授( 右四 )擔任主任,致力開辦以英語教授、並 主要以國際學生為對象的中國研究課程。去年9月已開辦當代中國研 究文學士/社會科學學士課程,由優秀海外教員執教。未來中心將發 展成為擁有十位教員、三百二十位本科生、六十五位文學碩士生及約 十二位研究生的教學部門。 The Centre for China Studies held its formal opening ceremony on 27 January. With Prof. David Faure ( 4th right ) as its director, the centre’s mission is to provide world-class training in China studies. Courses are taught in English and targets are primarily international students. The BA/BSSc programme in Contemporary China Studies was launched in September last year. It has been recruiting, with success, a highly qualified international faculty. At full strength, it will include a faculty of 10, 320 undergraduates, 65 MA students, and around 12 research postgraduate students. 自閉症國際會議 International Conference on Autism 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院全球衞生中心獲得世界大學聯盟 (WUN)支持,在1月16至17日舉行「自閉症:全球挑戰與本地需 求」研究會議,乃香港首個倡導跨學科研究及社區參與的自閉症國 際會議。 中大校長沈祖堯教授( 右六 )、香港特區政府食物及衞生局局長 高永文醫生( 左六 )及WUN總幹事John Hearn教授( 右五 )主持 會議開幕儀式。逾一百五十名享譽國際的自閉症學者及業界領袖出 席,包括協康會、香港耀能協會及樂融兒童特殊教育之代表。 會議主講嘉賓來自世界各地,包括澳洲、新加坡、南非、台灣、英 國、美國及香港等,彰顯跨地域學術研究及服務發展的合作力量, 為推動自閉症在香港及亞洲地區的發展作出重大貢獻。 Supported by the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN), the University’s Centre for Global Health of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care held the first multi-disciplinary and community participatory international conference on autism in Hong Kong. Entitled ‘Autism: Global Challenges and Local Needs’, the conference took place from 16 to 17 January. The opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 6th right ), CUHK Vice-Chancellor; Dr. Ko Wing-man ( 6th left ), Secretary for Food and Health, the Hong Kong SAR Government; and Prof. John Hearn ( 5th right ), Executive Director, WUN. The ceremony was attended by over 150 internationally renowned scholars and local key stakeholders in autism research, practice, and policy, including representatives from Heep Hong Society, SAHK and the Children’s Institute of Hong Kong. Delivered by researchers from Australia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, the UK, the US and Hong Kong, the plenary presentations shared international reports on autism spectrum conditions. The conference demonstrated successful collaboration and synergy between international and local networks over research and service provisions for autism in Hong Kong, and more widely in Asia.
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