Newsletter No. 462
462 • 4.9.2015 5 英國語文網絡計劃總結發布會 Dissemination Seminar of Thematic Network on English Language 由香港特區政府優質教育基金委託、中大優化英語教學研究中心主辦的優質教育基金小學英國語文網絡計劃, 於6月18日舉行了2014至15年度總結發布會,吸引超過二百名來賓,包括教育界同工及優質教育基金的委員,以及 來自超過五十間學校的校長、老師、學生及家長。 中心總監及計劃領導麥陳淑賢教授( 前排右五 )致歡迎辭後,教育學院院長梁湘明教授( 前排左四 )致送獎狀予 參與學校及老師。接着,梁教授和麥教授頒發獎盃及獎狀予「趣味英語拼音」比賽優勝者。之後教育局高級課 程主任陳麗珊女士( 前排右三 )作主題演說,探討如何運用網上資源加強小學英語的學習與教學。 Commissioned by the Quality Education Fund (QEF), the Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching (CEELT) of the Faculty of Education held a dissemination seminar on 18 June to celebrate the closing of the yearly project ‘Quality Education Fund Thematic Network (QTN) on English Language (Primary) 2014–15’. The event attracted more than 200 guests from the education sector, the QEF, as well as principals, teachers, students and parents from over 50 primary schools in Hong Kong. After a welcoming address from Prof. Barley Mak ( 5th right, front row ), director of the CEELT and QTN project team leader, Prof. Alvin Leung ( 4th left, front row ), Dean of Education, presented certificates to the participating schools and teachers of the QTN project. It was followed by the presentation of trophies and certificates to the winning students of the ‘Fun with Phonics’ competition. After that, Ms. Lowetta Chan ( 3rd right, front row ), senior curriculum officer from the Education Bureau, delivered a keynote speech on using e-resources to enhance ESL learning and teaching in primary schools. 促進高等院校女性領導力圓桌論壇 Roundtable Discussion on Promoting Women Leadership in Higher Education 社會科學院代表團赴台交流 Social Science Delegation Visits Taiwan 中大社會科學院與台灣成功大學人文社會科學中心於6月28日至30日在 台南市合辦「正向社會科學研討會」,院長趙志裕教授率領一行十八人 代表團參加。活動期間,兩地學者就城市社區、高齡、意義幸福及創新、 農村社區及性別研究等多個議題交流,並探討共同研究計劃,為雙方 計劃於年底成立全球首間正向社會科學聯合研究中心奠定重要基礎。 代表團由人文社會科學中心主任戴華教授及其他成功大學代表接待, 並於活動期間到訪三個台南社區,了解有關的研究項目。 The Faculty of Social Science of CUHK and the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS) of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Taiwan jointly organized the ‘Seminar on Positive Social Science’ in Tainan from 28 June to 30 June. Led by Prof. Chiu Chi-yue, Dean of Social Science, the 18-member delegation had fruitful exchanges on a number of research areas and discussions on possible collaborations, including urban community, ageing society, well-being and innovation, rural village, and gender studies. Such research collaborations will be the founding stone of the world’s first research centre on positive social science planned to be established in the end of this year. Warmly welcomed by Prof. Tai Hua Terence, director of the CHASS, among other representatives of the NCKU, the delegation also visited three local communities in Tainan where some of the research projects were conducted. 性別研究中心與女性及家庭友善政策小組合辦圓桌論壇,8月4日於祖堯堂 探討如何促進高等院校內的女性領導力。 Janet Beer教授( 前排右四 )作專題演講,題為「大學女性:職業發展、領導 力與管治」。她是利物浦大學首位女校長,也是英國羅素大學聯盟內研究型 大學中僅有的三名女校長之一。 Beer 教授探討三大議題:是否需要在高等院校積極推廣女性領導?如需 要,哪些措施可令大家一致認為公平公正?哪些措施已證實行之有效?她以 英國數據說明,大學高層的女性代表長期不足,要解決問題顯然要積極介 入,而有效介入的例子包括雅典娜天鵝章程計劃。 性別研究中心聯席主任蔡玉萍教授( 前排右三 )展示中大教學人員性別比例 的動態數據。2005至2014年間,中大的女性A3教授、A1/A2教授、副教授 和助理教授各維持在約11%、16%、32%和37%,顯示大學的女性高職級教 員比例長期不足,有必要積極介入。 Co-organized by the Gender Research Centre and the Task Force on Women and Family- Friendly Policies at CUHK, the Roundtable Discussion on Promoting Women Leadership in Higher Education was held on 4 August at Cho Yiu Conference Hall. Prof. Janet Beer ( 4th right, front row ) delivered a keynote speech ‘Women in Universities: Career Progression, Leadership and Governance’ at the roundtable. She was the first female Vice-Chancellor of University of Liverpool and one of the only three female vice- chancellors in the Russell Group of large research-intensive universities in the UK. Professor Beer addressed three key issues: whether there is a need for positive intervention to promote women leadership in higher education; if yes, what measures would be considered just and fair by all? What measures have been proven to be effective? Mainly based on UK data, she opined that because of the continued under representation of women leaders in the higher education, positive intervention is clearly needed to address the issue. She also gave a few examples of effective intervention, including the Athena SWAN Charter. Prof. Susanne Choi ( 3rd right, front row ) , co-director of the Gender Research Centre, presented trend data on the gender composition of faculty members at the Chinese University. Between 2005 and 2014, the percentages of female A3 professors, readers/ A1/A2 professors, associate professors, and assistant professors at CUHK have remained at around 11%, 16%, 32% and 37% of their respective post categories, indicating the continued under-representation of female faculty members at higher ranking professorial positions at the University and suggesting the need for positive intervention. 校園消息 Campus News
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