Newsletter No. 549/550
07 # 5 4 9 / 5 5 0 | 0 4 . 0 1 . 2 0 2 0 A research team led by Prof. Chen Shih-chi, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, collaborated with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US and developed the Femtosecond Projection Two-photon Lithography (FP-TPL) printing technology, a groundbreaking discovery that brings nanoscale 3D printing into a brand new era. The achievement has been published in Science . In comparison with the conventional nanoscale 3D printing technology, FP-TPL makes use of temporal focusing to project a million points simultaneously at the same focal plane for parallel nano-writing, scaling up the fabrication speed by 1,000–10,000 times. This in turn lengthens the laser lifetime extensively and indirectly reduces the average printing cost by 98%. FP-TPL can benefit many fields, ranging from nanotechnology to advanced functional materials, from micro-robotics to drug delivery devices, as it allows the fabrication of large-scale complex and overhanging structures. 機械與自動化工程學系陳世祈教授及其 團隊與美國勞倫斯利佛摩國家實驗室合作 研發出「飛秒鐳射投影雙光子聚合光刻」 (FP - TPL)列印技術,引領3D打印邁進全 新領域。研究成果已於 Science 發表。 有別於傳統的3D打印技術,FP - TPL利用 新聚焦方法同時投影一百萬個光點在同一 個焦面上,令列印速度提升數千至一萬倍, 可大幅延長鐳射光源的壽命,間接令列印 成本減低九成八。FP - TPL可用以製造複雜 及大型的懸垂或倒勾結構,適用於高端納 米科技、先進材料、醫療用微支架及藥物 傳輸等。 3D打印新突破 Major Breakthrough in Nanoscale 3D Printing Technology The Faculty of Engineering hosted a conference titled ‘When Wall Street Met Main Street—Real vs Virtual Economy’ on 4 November 2019 to examine the booming developments of financial technology (FinTech) and its associated collaboration opportunities. Officiated by Prof. Martin D.F. Wong, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Prof. Michael Zhang, Associate Dean (Innovation and Impact) of the Faculty of Business Administration, the conference was attended by more than 500 industry practitioners, professors, researchers, government officials and regulators. 工程學院於2019年11月4日舉行題為 「WhenWall Street Met Main Street — Real vs Virtual Economy」研討會, 探討金融科技的新發展及相關合作 機遇。研討會由工程學院院長黃定發 教授及商學院副院長(創新與影響力) 張曉泉教授主禮。是次論壇吸引逾五 百名業界人士、教授、研究員、政府及 金融監管機構人員參與。 探索金融科技的新世界 Tapping into the World of FinTech Prof. Zhou Bolei of the Department of Information Engineering was named by the MIT Technology Review as one of the top innovators under the age of 35 in the Asia-Pacific region in 2020. Professor Zhou has developed innovative techniques such as Class Activation Mapping and Network Dissection to help researchers and practitioners in discerning model prediction and detecting mistakes made by the AI models which can be applied in fields including medical imaging, health care and autonomous driving. 信息工程學系周博磊教授入選2020年 MIT Technology Review 三十五歲 以下亞太區科技創新者之列。周教授 開發的Class Activation Mapping及 Network Dissection等創新技術有助 科研人員和相關從業員更有效地利用 人工智慧系統預測及洞察系統存在的 問題,從而提高其可靠度,以應用於醫 學圖像診斷、生物醫療保健及自動駕 駛等領域。 周博磊教授獲選為亞太區創新先鋒 Prof. Zhou Bolei as Top Innovator in Asia-Pacific 四學者獲裘槎科研獎 Four Scholars Receive Croucher Fellowships and Award 本校四位傑出學者憑藉卓越的研究成就獲裘槎基金會頒發 獎項。物理系王建方教授(左上)榮獲「裘槎優秀科研者獎 2020」,內科及藥物治療學系馬青雲教授(右上)和黃秀娟教授 (左下)獲得「裘槎優秀醫學科研者獎2020」,而生物醫學工程 學系周仁杰教授(右下)則獲頒「裘槎前瞻科研大獎2019」。 Four CUHK scholars were presented with prestigious awards from the Croucher Foundation for their excellent research achievements. Prof. Wang Jianfang (left, top) from the Department of Physics was awarded the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2020. Prof. Ronald C.W. Ma (right, top) and Prof. Ng Siew-chien (left, bottom), both from the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, received the Croucher Senior Medical Research Fellowships 2020. Prof. Zhou Renjie (right, bottom) from the Department of Biomedical Engineering was awarded the Croucher Innovation Award 2019. 校長膺美國解剖學家協會院士 Vice-Chancellor Conferred American Association of Anatomists Fellowship 段崇智校長獲選為2019年度美國解剖學家協會院士,以表揚他在 解剖科學尤於骨骼組織工程和再生醫學領域的貢獻。 段教授表示:「很榮幸獲頒授協會院士銜,並感謝我的研究團隊和 合作夥伴。」他和研究團隊最近通過結合生物技術及幹細胞研究, 開發了可修復及再生人體組織的轉化應用技術,並利用微型生物反 應器的平台,製造了世上首個名為「微關節」的三維關節,以複製人 類關節及測試治療關節炎的藥物。 Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan was named a Fellow of the American Association of Anatomists (AAA) 2019 in recognition of his contributions to anatomical sciences, particularly in the field of tissue engineering and regeneration. Professor Tuan said, ‘I am honoured to have the fellowship conferred on me by AAA. I would like to thank my research team and partners.’ Professor Tuan and his research team have recently integrated biotechnology with their stem cell research and successfully developed translational applications for human tissues repair and regeneration. By making use of the microbioreactor platform, they have also engineered ‘microJoint’, the first-ever three-dimensional joint-on-a-chip, to replicate human articular joints and test potential therapeutic agents for osteoarthritis.
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