API | Description |
getRelatedPeople(people_name,[reuqired_page]) | Return a list of people whose name is related with people_name |
getRelatedCompany(company_name) | Return a list of companies whose name is related with company_name |
getRelatedPeople(people_name1, people_name2, [including_people_list, excluding_people_list]) | Return 2 list of people whose name is related with people_name1 and people_name2 |
getRelatedCompany(company_name1, company_name2, [including_company_list, excluding_company_list]) | Return 2 list of companies whose name is related with company_name1 and company_name2 |
API | Description |
getPersonObject(pid) | return name, age, birthday, gender, hometown, introduction of the person |
getPersonTimeline(pid, [duration, latest_event_number]) | return timeline of the person |
getPersonSocialNetwork(pid, [school_mates, work_mates, fellow_townsmen, friends, duration, neighbour_number, layer]) | return social network of the person according to the network type |
API | Description |
getCompanyObject(stock_id) | return company register name, address, stock name, stock id, industry, revenue, stock return, performance |
getCompanyTimeline(stock_id, [top_leaders, board members, duration]) | return the timeline of employee changes in the company |
getSocialNetwork(stock_id, [employees, company, sector, duration, neighbour_number, layer]) | return social network of the company accroding to the network type |
API | Description |
getGraphStatistics(social_network_type) | return radius, spectral_radius, average_clustering_coefficient, average_shortest_path_length, center, density, periphery, is_strongly_connected, number_of_strongly_connected_components, strongly_connected_components, is_weakly_connected, number_of_weakly_connected_components, weakly_connected_components |
getGraphStatistics(social_network_type, unique_node_id) | return closeness, betweenness, in_degree_centrality, out_degree_centrality, in_degree, out_degree, eccentricity |
getShortestPath(pid1, pid2, [including_pid_list, excluding_pid_list]) | return shortest path between two people |
getShortestPath(stock_id1, stock_id2, [including_stock_id_list, excluding_stock_id_list]) | return shortest path between two companies |
getShortestPath(stock_id, pid, [including_stock_id_list, excluding_stock_id_list, including_pid_list, excluding_pid_list]) | return shortest path between people and company |
getRelationBridge(stock_id1, stock_id2, [duration]) | return bridge between companies |
getPeopleBridge(stock_id1, stock_id2, [duration]) | return people who connect two companies |
GetSubIndustyD(subIndustry) | return colleges which alumnus are most common working in sub industry. |
GetIndistryD(industry,top) | return a list of colleges which alumnus are most common working in this industry. |
GetCompanyDistribution(college,top) | return the most common companies which are most alumnus of this college work in. |
GetTitleDistribution(college,top) | return a sorted list of title which alumnus of this college most get. |
API | Description |
calculateSocialNetworth(social_network_type, unique_node_id, [pagerank, hits]) | return social networth of people |
findExpertCompanyInSectors(sector_list) | return expert company in sectors |
findExpertPeopleInSectors(sector_list) | return expert people in sectors |
findExpertPeopleInCompanies(company_list) | return expert people in companies |
findImportantCompaniesInSectors(sector_list) | return important company in sectors |
findImportantPeopleInSectors(sector_list) | return important people in sectors |
findImportantPeopleInCompanies(sector_list) | return important people in companies |
API | Description |
getPeopleTimelineSimilarityEvent(pid1, pid2, [pid_list,duration]) | return the timeline similarity event between people |
getPeopleTimelineSimilarityScore(pid1, pid2, [pid_list,duration]) | return the timeline similarity score between people |
getCompaniesTimelineSimilarityEvent(stock_id1, stock_id2, [stock_list, duration]) | return the timeline similarity event between companies |
getPeopleTimelineSimilarityScore(stock_id1, stock_id2, [stock_list, duration]) | return the timeline similarity score between companies |
getPeopleCompanyTimelineSimilarityEvent(stock_id, pid, [stock_list, pid_list, duration]) | return the timeline similarity event between companies and people |
getPeopleCompanyTimelineSimilarityScore(stock_id, pid, [stock_list, pid_list, duration]) | return the timeline similarity score between companies and people |
API | Description |
crawlingPeopleRelatedWeiboOriginalPost(pid, person_name) | extract people related original weibo post |
crawlingCompanyRelatedWeiboOriginalPost(stock_id, company_name) | extract company related original weibo post |
crawlingRetweet(retweet_url, weibo_id) | extract retweet of original weibo post |
identifyWeiboPostRelatedWithPerson(weibo_id, pid) | identify whether the weibo post is related with the person |
identifyWeiboOriginalPostRelatedWithCompany(weibo_id, stock_id) | identify whether the weibo post is related with the company |
extractEntityFromWeiboPost(weibo_id) | extract enetity from weibo post |
identifyRelationBetweenEntitiesFromWeiboPost(weibo_id, entity1, entity2) | return the relation between two entities |
identifySentimentRelationBetweenEntitiesFromWeiboPost(weibo_id, entity1, entity2) | return the sentiment relation between two entities |
getWeiboPostSentiment(weibo_id) | return the sentiment of weibo post |
getP2PSentiment(pid1, pid2, [sentiment_indicator, duration]) | return the sentiment relation between people |
getC2CSentiment(stock_id1, stock_id2, [sentiment_indicator, duration]) | return the sentiment relation between companies |
getP2CSentiment(stock_id, pid, sentiment_indicator, duration) | return the sentiment relation between people and companies |
getTopSentimentWeiboPost(pid, [sentiment_indicate, duration, number_of_return_result]) | return the top sentiment weibo post of people |
getTopSentimentWeiboPost(stock_id, [sentiment_indicator, duration, number_of_return_result]) | return the top sentiment weibo post of company |
API | Description |
getCorrelationOfCompanyProfitsVSEmployeesDuration(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) | return the correlation between company profits and employees' duration |
getCorrelationOfCompanyProfitsVSEmployeesSocialNetworth(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) | return the correlation between company profits and employees' social network |
getCorrelationOfCompanyPerformanceVSEmployeesDuration(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) | return the correlation between company performance and employees' duration |
getCorrelationOfCompanyPerformanceVSEmployeesSocialNetworth(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) | return the correlation between company performance and employees' social network |
getCorrelationOfCompanyStockReturnVSEmployeesDuration(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) | return the correlation between company stock return and employees' duration |
getCorrelationOfCompanyStockReturnVSEmployeesSocialNetworth(stock_id, pid_list, [duration, control_parameter_list]) | return the correlation between company profits and employees' social network |
API | Description |
ifNewPersonExistInXML(person,information_list) | whether the new person exist in the current data |
addNewRecord(person,information_list, update_date, source) | add new person |
mergeNewPersonInXML(person, information_list, update_date, source) | merge people's information in the current xml file |
updatePerson(pid, information_list, update_date, source) | update exist person's information |
API | Description |
addNewCompany(company, information_list, update_date, source) | add new company in xml file |
addNewRecord(stcok_id, information_list, update_date, source) | add new record in xml file |
updateRecord(stock_id, information_list, update_date, source) | update record in the xml file |
API | Description |
showBasicInformation(pid) | show the basic information of people |
showPhoto(pid) | show the photo of people |
showSocialWorthTrend(pid, duration) | show the social worth trend of people |
showLifeMap(pid,[birth place, education, work]) | show the life map of people |
showTimeline(pid, [duration, event_number]) | show the timeline event of people |
showSchoolMates(pid, [duration, neighbour_number, layer]) | show school mates social network of people |
showWorkMateds(pid, duration, neighbour_number, layer) | show work mates social network of people |
showMultiSelectiveSocialNetwork(pid, [social_network_type, duration, neighbour_number, layer]) | show social network of people accroding to user's selection |
showMultiSelectiveSocialNetwork(pid, [social_network_type, duration, neighbour_number, layer]) | show social network of people accroding to user's selection |
showShortestPathP2P(person1, person2) | show the shortest path between people |
showShortestPathP2C(person, company) | show the shortest path between people and company |
showSimilarityP2P(person1, person2, [duration]) | show the similarity between people |
showSimilarityP2C(person, company, [duration]) | show the similarity between people and company |
showTopSentimentWeiboPost(pid, [sentiment, duration, post_number]) | show the top sentiment weibo post of people |
showSentimentTrend(pid, [duration]) | show the sentiment trend of people |
API | Description |
showBasicInformation(stock_id) | show the basic information of company |
showPhoto(stock_id) | show the photo of company |
showStockTrend(stock_id, duration) | show the stock trend of the company |
showPerformanceTrend(stock_id, duration) | show the performance of the company |
showLocationMap(stock_id) | show the location map of the company |
showTimeline(stock_id, [position_rank, event_number, duration]) | show the timeline of the company |
showEmployeesSocialNetwork(stock_id, [position_rank_list, duration, neighbour_number, layer]) | show employees' social netowork in the company |
showCompanySocialNetwork(stock_id, [duration, neighbour_number, layer]) | show the social network of company |
showMultiSelectiveSocialNetwork(stock_id, social_network_type, duration, neighbour_number, layer) | show social network of company accroding to user's selection |
showShortestPathC2C(company1, company2) | show the shortest path between companies |
showSimilarityC2P(company, person2, [duration]) | show the similarity between company and people |
showSimilarityC2C(company1, company2, [duration]) | show the similarity between companies |
showTopSentimentWeiboPost(stock_id, [sentiment, duration, post_number]) | show the top sentiment weibo post of company |
showSentimentTrend(stock_id, duration) | show the sentiment trend of company |
API | Description |
db::companyinfor | store company basic information |
db::company_rank | store company pagerank value |
db::company_employee | store company' employees of every year |
db::relation_company | store social network of company |
db::relation_company_component | store employees' basic information in the company |
db::stock_return | store company's stock return |
API | Description |
db::newdata_peopleinfor | store people basic information from source2 |
db::newdata_people_edu | store people education information from source2 |
db::newdata_people_work | store people work information from source2 |
db::newdata_people_pagerank | store people work information |
API | Description |
db::weibo_data_people | store people related weibo origin post |
db::retweet_people | store people related weibo retweet post |
db::weibo_data_company | store people basic information from source2 |
db::retweet_company | store company related weibo retweet post |