Welcome to Psychology
The study of psychology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong dates from 1963 with a course offering social psychology. In 1973, psychology was accorded minor status under the Board of Studies in Sociology. In 1982, the Department of Psychology was formed with 6 faculty members teaching the traditional range of psychology subjects. Over time, the Department has developed into a prominent department in the Faculty of Social Science offering Master's and Ph.D. levels of training in addition to the original undergraduate training.
Our Department has become a major voice in the growth of psychology throughout Asia. Our outstanding faculty members publish in widely-cited international journals; they serve as editors and are on the editorial boards of many of these journals. We have also organized and hosted major international conferences in many disciplines of psychological study. Our unique blend of indigenous approaches and collaborative research with overseas colleagues has gained us an international reputation for innovative scholarship and proactive leadership in the discipline.
Promoting a distinctive Chinese voice is a major theme of the Department's long-term strategy. We have been instrumental in the development of several Asian journals. We have also edited and authored internationally respected texts on Chinese psychology and cultural influences in psychological processes. We are drawing on our experiences and resources to help develop psychological sciences in China. In short, our Department is a key player in the expansion of psychology beyond its Western origins.
Our Department's strategy has always been to provide a thorough, empirical grounding to its undergraduates. As a consequence, many of the Department's graduates have achieved success in overseas graduate programmes. Some graduates have returned to teach and to do research in Hong Kong; others have remained overseas. Each has strengthened the Chinese voice in the discipline of psychology. More recently, our Master's and Ph.D. programmes have produced graduates to supplement the provision of social services and teaching, both in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Our Department is committed to continuing its leading role in the development of quality human resources for Hong Kong, for China, for Asia, and for the world.