
Chin Ming HUI

Ph.D., Northwestern
Assistant Professor
Rm 344, Sino Building
3943 4246
2603 5019
Self-Regulation Laboratory

Teaching Areas

  • PSYC1091 Your Journey into Psychology
  • PSYC6000 Major Psychological Approaches
  • PSYC3750 Counseling in Applied Settings
  • PSYC4905 Research Practicum
  • PSYC5230 Independent Study in Social Psychology

Research Interests

Human beings are active agents whose thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are determined by their desires and needs. I have been conducting research to understand how motivations are expressed and fulfilled in goal pursuit and relationship processes. To fully appreciate the complexity of the motivational processes involved, my research identifies and differentiates the influences of distinct types of motivational concerns.


Recent Publications

Chow, J. T. S, & Hui, C. M. (in press). How does trait self-compassion benefit self-control in daily life? An experience-sampling study. Mindfulness.

Li, S., Ng, J. C. K., & Hui, C. M. (in press). For you and for me: Harvesting the benefits of prosocial spending in romantic relationships. Journal of Positive Psychology.

Hui, C. M., Fung, J. M. Y., Hui, Y. Y., & Ng, J. C. K. (in press). Why goal pursuers prefer to seek support from close friends: The roles of concerns for accessibility. Asian Journal of Social Psychology.

Hui, C. M., Lui, K. F. H., Lai, W. Y., Wong, Y. K., & Wong, A. C. N. (2020). Beauty and the beast: Promotion concerns and the pursuit of physically attractive mates. Journal of Personality, 88, 892-907.

Hui, C. M., Ng, J. C. K., & Shieh, N. (2020). Perceiving change in responsiveness from the relationship partner’s behaviors. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11, 835-845.

Li, S., & Hui, C. M. (2019). The roles of communal motivation in daily prosocial behaviors: A dyadic experience-sampling study. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10, 1036-1045. 

Klinger, J., Scholer, A. A., Hui, C. M., & Molden, D. C. (2018). Effortful experiences of self-control foster lay theories that self-control is limited. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 78, 1-13.

Molden, D. C., Hall, A., Hui, C. M., & Scholer, A. A. (2017). Understanding how identity and value motivate self-regulation is necessary but not sufficient: A motivated effort-allocation perspective. Psychological Inquiry, 28, 113-121.

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  • dummy+852 3943 6650

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