M.Phil.-Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

This programme is the first postgraduate programme in Hong Kong designed specifically for the training of professional industrial-organizational psychologists. Students will receive comprehensive training in utilizing psychological knowledge for improving organizational effectiveness and employee satisfaction.
Course List
Course Code       Course Title Units
PSYC5010       Seminar in Research Methods I 3
PSYC5510       Talent Management 3
PSYC6000       Major Psychological Approaches 3
PSYC6010       Seminar in Research Methods II 3
PSYC6050       Independent Study 3
PSYC6300       Writing and Presentation 2
PSYC6520       Engagement and Motivation in Organizations 3
PSYC6530       Leadership and Group Dynamics 3
PSYC6540       Organizational Placement I 2
PSYC6541       Organizational Placement II 2
PSYC6542       Organizational Placement III 2
PSYC6550       Psychological Assessment at Work 3
PSYC6560       Learning and Development 3
PSYC6570       Seminar in Consumer Psychology 3
PSYC6580       Seminar in Professional Issues 1
PSYC7010       Seminar in Cognition 3
PSYC7012       Neuroimaging Methods in Psychology 3
PSYC7020       Seminar in Social Psychology and Personality 3
PSYC7021       Seminar in Developmental Psychology 3
PSYC8003       Thesis Research 3
PSYC8006       Thesis Research 6
PSYC8012       Thesis Research 12

* Course Description

M.Phil. Stream

Admission Requirements
  • General qualifications required by the Graduate School
  • Fulfil the "English Language Proficiency Requirement" as stipulated by the Graduate School
    (Please refer to Graduate School Homepage for details on these requirements)
  • Possess a Bachelor's degree in Psychology or equivalent
  • Obtain an overall GPA of 3.0 or above.

Qualifications for Transfer from M.Phil. to Ph.D. Pre-Candidacy


All students should:

  • obtain an overall GPA of 3.5 or above in their first year of studies;
  • submit an M.Phil. thesis proposal and pass an oral thesis proposal defense by the end of February during the second term of their first year of studies; no provision for a second attempt; and
  • satisfy members of their Thesis Committee that their proposals have the potential to be expandable to become a proper Ph.D. thesis.

Ph.D. Stream

The objective of this programme is to train students to make independent contributions to the advancement of psychological knowledge. Students are required to complete a minimum of 42 units of courses (excluding thesis research courses), pass a candidacy examination, submit a completed research report undertaken after admission, and submit a research thesis and pass an oral examination for graduation.
Admission Requirements
  • General qualifications required by the Graduate School
  • Fulfil the "English Language Proficiency Requirement" as stipulated by the Graduate School
    (Please refer to the "Postgraduate Prospectus" or Graduate School Homepage for details on these requirements)
  • Possess a Bachelor's degree in Psychology or equivalent
  • Obtain an overall GPA of 3.5 or above or honours not lower than Second Class Upper
  • Have completed an individually supervised research thesis.

Connect with us

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Rm 328 Sino Building, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

  • General Information:
  • dummy+852 3943 6650

  • Undergraduate Programme: 

    dummy+852 3943 6650

  • dummy info@psy.cuhk.edu.hk 


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