Quantitative Psychology Research Laboratory

Variable System Program

Program information is available here.

General Information

We are interested in quantitative methods in social research. Currently, our lab is developing different methods for the analysis of complex effects (e.g., mediated moderation) in path analysis and structural equation modeling. This is an important topic in psychometrics because in reality, the relationship among the variables are often more complicated than expected and standard models are therefore unable to describe the underlying psychological process adequately.


Meta Analysis
Meta-analysis is becoming very popular in behavioral and medical research. We are interested in using the method in applied research to solve real problems.

So, S. H.-W., Siu, N. Y.-F., Wong, H.-L., Chan, W., & Garety, P. A. (2016).  ‘Jumping to conclusions’ data-gathering bias in psychosis and other psychiatric disorders — Two meta-analyses of comparisons between patients and healthy individuals.  Clinical Psychology Review, 46, 151-167.

Connect with us

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Rm 328 Sino Building, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

  • General Information:
  • dummy+852 3943 6650

  • Undergraduate Programme: 

    dummy+852 3943 6650

  • dummy info@psy.cuhk.edu.hk 


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