Vice-Chancellor's Report 1978-82
——; (Rumberger, E. ; and Schöttler , M.). "Th e influenc e o f hear t rat e o n resistance and impedance of the vascular system wit h and without barorecepto r control." I n Cardiovascular System Dynamics—Models and Measurements, edited by T . Kenner, R.Busse and H. Hinghofer-Szalkay, pp. 491-500. New York: Plenum Publishing Co., 1982 . ——: → 044. Hamann, W. ——. " 'Pattern o f fatigue ' in touc h corpuscles during repetitive mechanical stimulation." I n Abstracts of the Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences, 3 (1981 ), p. 26. —— an d (Lee , N . B.) . "Maintaine d mechanica l stimulatio n o f touc h corpuscle s i n Vitami n A deficien t rats. " Journal of Physiology, 32 5 (1982), p. 73 . —— an d (Lee , N . B.) . "Sensitivit y o f touc h corpuscle s i n Vitami n A deficien t rats. " Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology, 6 7 (1982), pp. 281-286 . ——: →0 44. K o o , Anthony 顧克仁 ——. " Effects of enkephalin s an d th e mollusca n neuropeptid e o n th e hamste r chee k pouch microcirculation. " Microvascular Research, 24 (1982), p. 237 . ——. " Vagotomy attenuates th e histamine-induce d vasodilatatio n i n th e ra t gastri c microcirculation. " Journal of Physiology, 325 (1982), pp. 23-24 . —— an d (Wong, T . M.) . "Cros s toleranc e t o beta-endorphi n i n th e morphine treated hamster." In Proceedings of the 4th Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences, 4 (1982 ), p. 54 . —— an d (Wu , P . C) . "Microvascula r oxyge n tensio n i n th e hamste r chee k pouc h wit h experimentall y induce d epithelia l caicinoma." Microcirculation, 2(1982 ), pp . 99-110 . Leung, Man-sing 梁文聲 ——: → 044. Tam, Michael S. C. 譚 兆祥 ——. "Hypokalemi c effec t of Gossypol." Neuroscience Letter. ——; (Chen, C . B.; Goldstein, M. B.; Gougoux, A.; Halperin, M. L.; and Stinebaugh, B. J.). "Studie s o n the regulation o f hydrogen ion secretio n i n th e collectin g duc t i n vivo : Evaluatio n o f factor s tha t influenc e th e urin e minu s bloo d Pco 2 difference. " Kidney International, 20 (1981), pp. 636-642. ——; (Chen, C . B. ; Duran, M. A.; Goldstein, M. B.; Gougoux, A.; Halperin, M. L.; Lemieux, G.; Stinebaugh, B. J.; and Vinay, P.). "Studies o n th e mechanis m whereb y acidemi a stimulate s collectin g duct hydrogen ion secretio n i n vivo. " Kidney International, 20 (1981), pp. 643-648 . ——; (Bercovici, M. ; Goldstein , M . B. ; Halperin , M . L. ; Pichette , C. ; and Stinebaugh , B . J.) . "Elevatio n o f bloo d lactat e concentration by alkal i therap y withou t requirin g additiona l lacti c aci d accumulation : Theoretica l considerations. " Critical Care Medicine, 10: 5 (1982), pp. 323-326 . 系内同寅合著 Co-authored Publication (Intra-department) 044 Baumann , K.; Hamann , W.; and Leung , Man-sing . "Mechanica l factor s of the skin determining the responsiveness of touch corpuscles in the rat." Journal ofPhysiology,332 (1982) . 精神科學系 Department of Psychiatry Chan, David W. O. 陳維鄂 —— an d (Jackson , D. N.). "Individua l differences in the perception and judgment o f psychopathology." Multivariate Behavioral Research, 17 (1982), pp. 3-32. Chen, Char-nie 陳佳鼐 ——. "Aspect s of psychiatric education and training—A personal view." Journal of Hong Kong Psychiatric Association, 2(1981 ), pp. 2-5. 110
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