Newsletter No. 551

宣 布 事 項 / A nnouncements 人事任命 湴 湴 陳國康教授獲任命為大學輔導長,2020年1月31日履新,任期  四年。 Prof. Chan Kwok-hong Raymond has been appointed as the University Dean of Students for a period of four years, taking up office on 31 January 2020. 榮休教授 Emeritus Professor 物理系肖旭東教授獲頒榮休教授名銜,2020年1月15日生效。 Prof. Xiao Xudong of the Department of Physics has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor with effect from 15 January 2020. 非教學僱員經「中大人事信息系統」(CUPIS)查閱整體表現評分及增薪點 Information on Overall Performance Rating and Merit Increment (for Non-teaching Staff) to be Accessed via CUPIS 全職非教學僱員現可透過「中大人事信息系統」(CUPIS)之僱員自助服務功能(ESS),查閱 其按績效評核和發展制度(PRDS)/ 績效獎賞計劃(PLRS)於2018/19評核年度之整體表現 評分及所獲發的增薪點。僱員可於登入 CUPIS 後到以下頁面查閱有關資料: 主要功能表 u 自助服務 u 績效管理 u 我的績效文件 u MI and Overall Ratings 請各部門通知其僱員上述安排。 Full-time non-teaching appointees may now refer to information on their overall performance ratings and Merit Increment granted for the 2018/19 review exercise, under the Performance Review and Development System (PRDS) / Performance-Linked Reward Scheme (PLRS), in the Employee Self-Service (ESS) of CUPIS. Such information may be accessed via the following navigation path after login to CUPIS: Main Menu u Self Service u Performance Management u My Performance Documents u MI and Overall Ratings Departments/Units are requested to convey the information above to their appointees. 07 # 5 5 1 | 1 9 . 0 1 . 2 0 2 0 最後一批校園環境檢測結果公布 Final Batch of Campus Environmental Test Results Released 校方早前委託化驗所於不同時間在校園各處抽取環境樣本作測試,並於去年12月 先後發布三批結果。最後一批結果於本年1月3日公布,部分針對二號橋遠近空氣樣 本中的二噁英、總多氯聯苯及多環芳香烴(以苯並[a]芘計算)含量。結果顯示,三 種污染物的含量分別介乎每立方米0.053至0.069皮克、0. 286至0.949毫微克及 0.075毫微克以下至0.151毫微克。數字處於香港往年錄得的範圍內,亦低於全球不 同地區及世界衞生組織訂定的參考水平。 其它結果針對催淚氣體殘留物。化驗所於大學體育館、大學正門附近及新亞書院採集 環境空氣樣本、環境表面擦拭樣本及水辦,檢測鄰-氯代苯亞甲基丙二腈(通稱CS)、  α氯乙酰苯、辣椒素及二氫辣椒素、氰化氫及鎳。結果顯示,空氣及表面擦拭樣本中, 各種殘留物的濃度均低於報告下限,未能偵測。至於水辦,鎳以外的化學物濃度低於 報告下限,鎳濃度則介乎每公升1微克以下至2微克,在世衞參考水平之下。 綜合四批環境檢測結果,各泥土、水和空氣樣本中的二噁英、總多氯聯苯及多環芳香烴 含量正常,而環境空氣樣本、環境表面擦拭樣本及水辦中,亦未見催淚氣體殘留物含量 超標。所有數據及報告已上載至大學網頁,以供省覽。 The University appointed laboratories to collect environmental samples at different times and locations on campus to test for harmful substances last year and released partial results in December in three rounds. The final batch of results was released on 3 January this year. Some of these results concern the amounts of dioxins, PCBs, and PAHs (as benzo[a]pyrene) in air samples near and far from the No. 2 Bridge. Results show that the amounts of the three pollutants are between 0.053 and 0.069 pg I-TEQ/m 3 , 0.286 and 0.949 ng/m 3 , and less than 0.075 and 0.151 ng/m 3 respectively. The numbers are within the range observed in Hong Kong in previous years. They are also below the reference levels stipulated by various regions around the globe and the World Health Organization (WHO). Other results concern tear gas residues including 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (commonly known a s CS ), alpha - chlor oace tophenone, c aps aicin and dihydrocapsaicin, hydrogen cyanide, and nickel. Air, swab, and water samples were collected in the University Sports Centre, near the main entrance, and in New Asia College. Results show that the amounts of the residues in air and swab samples are below the reporting limit and were not detected. As for the water samples, the amounts of pollutants other than nickel are also below the reporting limit, whereas the amounts of nickel are between less than 1 μ g/L and 2 μ g/L, which are below WHO’s reference level. In conclusion, the four batches of test results indicate that the amounts of dioxins, PCBs, and PAHs in soil, water, and air samples are normal. Similarly, the amounts of test gas residues in air, swab, and water samples are below limits. All data and reports have been uploaded to the University website for reference. 緬懷周瑤慧女士 In Memory of Ms. Janet Chow 拓展及籌募處處長周瑤慧女士於2020年1月3日去世,大 學痛失良才,深表哀悼。 周女士在香港中文大學先後取得理學士及工商管理碩士 學位。2001年回母校工作,加入醫學院為教習醫院院務 室主任。2010年出任拓展及籌募處處長,為大學的策略 發展募集捐贈,管理大學籌款事宜。 2015年4月《中大通訊》的一篇專訪中,周女士談到籌募 工作帶來的感悟:「在這崗位經歷很多捐贈個案。我覺得 每一宗都是緣分:有人願意捐贈,同時大學也有項目需要 支持,兩者放在一起,其實有點天意。」 中大校長段崇智教授對失去這位「極寶貴、忠誠、盡責的 大學成員」深感悲痛:「熟悉瑤慧的人都知道她專業、勤 懇、熱情且心繫他人……即使在她最黑暗的日子,她仍一 如既往盡心盡力服務大學,令我們無比感動。我們永遠 懷念她。」 周女士身後遺下丈夫與兩位女兒。追思會將於校園舉行, 詳情有待公布。 周瑤慧女士,願你安息。 The University mourns the loss of a dear colleague and a special friend of many, Ms. Janet Chow, Director of Institutional Advancement, who passed away on 3 January 2020. Ms. Chow obtained both her Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Administration degrees from CUHK. In 2001, she began working for her alma mater as Director of Clinical Sciences Administration at the Faculty of Medicine. In 2010, she was appointed Director of Institutional Advancement and had since been soliciting donations for the strategic development of the University and overseeing the University’s fundraising matters. In an interview with the CUHK Newsletter published in April 2015, Janet spoke fondly of what she had learned from her job: ‘I have handled many donation cases during the past years. I believe destiny is at work in each case: when the University needs funding for a project, there is always someone willing to support it financially. It feels like destiny that the right support would come.’ CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan expressed his deep sorrow for losing ‘a highly valued, loyal, and dedicated member of the University’. ‘Those of you who were close to Janet know of her professionalism, conscientiousness, passion, and caring for others…. Her dedication and desire to be of service to the University, even during her darkest days, touched us all. We will miss her sorely.’ Ms. Chow is survived by her husband and two daughters. A memorial service will be held later on campus, with details to be announced in due course. May you rest in peace, Janet. 掃描閱讀結果 Scan to read the result