
We are pleased to have invited Dr. Cindy Wong to give a talk on "So I have a degree in Psychology, now what?" on May 15, 2019.
Dr. Cindy Wong is a human resources practitioner with 20 years of progressive experience in Asia Pacific Regions. Cindy’s last role was with Jardine Matheson Limited, from 2003 Jan to Dec 2018. holding the title General Manager – Talent Management. Before joining Jardines Group HR, she was based in Shanghai for two years working as the Human Resources Director for Riche Monde China Limited (A joint-venture between LVMH and Jardine Pacific Limited). Prior to that, Cindy was the Director of Personnel and Training of Mandarin Oriental Hotel Central. Cindy is currently working as an independent talent management consultant.
Cindy has extensive experience in designing, planning and implementing talent management strategies and projects. These include employer branding, talents acquisition, graduate trainees schemes, assessment and development centres, performance management, succession planning, team building, career and leadership development, retention strategies, offering coaching and mentoring to graduate trainees and senior executives, working with organizations to utilize their human capital to its fullest potential. Cindy brings years of experiences working as a HR directors in organizations such as hotels, retails, mass communication and consumer products.
Cindy obtained a professional qualification in Hotel and Catering Management (HCIMA) in Westminster University UK. Cindy received a Bachelor (Hon) degree in Psychology. She has a MBA from University of Strathclyde and a Master degree in Education, specializing in Guidance and career Counselling at University of Newcastle. Cindy also obtained a Master degree and PhD in Organizational Systems, Human Resources Development at Fielding Graduate University in the United States. She is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
Please refer to the attached poster for the details of the talk. This is a free event! To register, visit https://qrgo.page.link/Qy9W on or before 5:30pm May 8, 2019. All CUHK PSY students are welcome!

Quota: 40 (priority will be given to final year UG students)

Full Professor and Chair
General Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Venue: LT2, Sino Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK
Time: 11:00 am, 29 October 2018 (Monday)
The strengths of event‐related brain potentials (ERPs) include a millisecond time resolution window to neural processes underlying perception and recognition of complex stimuli under relatively natural viewing conditions. I will present both systematic research conducted over the past 25 years and current data which show how we can systematically link different ERP components to different functional processes that relate to face detection (N170), norm‐based coding (P200), and identification (N250). The research I present provides converging evidence for these links emerging from investigations with diverse paradigms, including own‐race and own‐age biases in face perception, effects of facial distinctiveness and photorealistic caricaturing, effects of parametric manipulations of distance‐to‐norm in faces and their corresponding anti‐faces, and effects of facial familiarity. While basic research is yet to exploit the full potential of ERPs to investigate multiple processes in face perception, I will show a few applied examples for how these components can be used as tools to probe different aspects of face perception that are induced experimentally, or that are subject to individual differences in face recognition abilities.
About the Speaker
Prof. Stefan SCHWEINBERGER obtained his undergraduate degree in Psychology in 1988 from Konstanz University, Germany and completed his PhD at the same institute in 1991. After some years as a post-doctoral fellow, he took up a Professor position at the University of Glasgow, UK in 2000 and moved to a Full Professor position at Friedrich-Schiller- University, Germany in 2005. There he has established a highly productive research unit for person perception that is funded by the German Research Foundation. Prof. Schweinberger has been on the editorial board of several journals including The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology and Cortex. Since 2013, he is the editor-in-chief of The British Journal of Psychology. His research focus is on face and voice processing and concerns questions related to identity recognition and racial biases, among other topics. Prof. Schweinberger is a leading neuroscientist in the field of person perception. He has published over 160 peer-reviewed articles that have attracted over 8000 citations on Google Scholar.
All are welcome Enquiry: Rebecca Ma (Tel: 3943‐8145)