- PSYC1040 性學概論
- PYSC3700 異常心理學
- PSYC4900 心理學實踐(一)
- PSYC4904 臨床及健康心理學實習
- PSYC4910 論文研究(一)
- PSYC4920 論文研究(二)
- PSYC2540 人類發展心理學
- PSYC2650 性格心理學
- PSYC4909 心理學實踐(二)
- PSYC5220 人類發展心理學個別研習
- PSYC5230 社會心理學個別研習
Shu, T-M., & Lam, S.-f. (2016). Is it always good to provide positive feedback to students? The moderating effects of culture and regulatory focus. Learning and Individual Differences, 49, 171-177. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2016.06.012
Cheng, R. W.-y., Shu, T.-M., Zhou, N., Lam, S.-f. (2015). Motivation of Chinese learners: An integration of etic and emic approaches. In R. B. King, & A. B. I. Bernardo (Eds.), The Psychology of Asian Learners: A Festschrift in Honor of David Watkins (pp. 355-368). Springer Asia.
Tam, K.-P., Shu, T.-M., Ng, H. K.-S., & Tong, Y.-Y. (2013). Belief about immutability of moral character and punitiveness toward criminal offenders. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 603-611. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1559-1816.2013.01041.x
Ng, H. K.-S., Tam, K.-P., & Shu, T.-M. (2013). Narcissism and punitiveness in a non-ego-threatening condition. Personality and Individual Differences, 54, 442-446. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2012.10.015
Shu, T.-M., & Lam, S.-F. (2011). Are success and failure experiences equally motivational? An investigation of regulatory focus and feedback. Learning and Individual Differences, 21, 724-727. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2011.08.002
Ng, H. K.-S., Tam, K.-P. & Shu, T.-M. (2011). The money attitude of covert and overt narcissists. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 160-165. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2011.03.036