Newsletter No. 539

05 # 5 3 9 | 0 4 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 9 創業者聯盟 League of Entrepreneurs 「香港中文大學校友傳承基金」於5月10至11日舉辦「中大創業日」,透過講座、工作坊、初創項 目展覽以及今年新增的「日內瓦國際發明展得獎項目巡禮」,傳遞最新創業資訊,展示新穎創業 項目。 首日亦舉行第三屆「中大創業大賽」決賽,由最後五強爭奪超過十萬港元獎金獎品。最終由研發 線上客服機械人的柏拉美有限公司、創建全球潛水員社群的深圳市蒴果創新科技有限公司,以 及研發穿戴式血壓手環的智感科技有限公司,分別榮獲冠亞季殊榮。 CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2019 was held by the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund on 10 and 11 May. Talks, workshops, startup exhibitions and a showcasing of award-winning projects in the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva were organized to inform the public of the latest entrepreneurial trends and startup ideas. The CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition, now in its third year, took place on the first day, with five finalists competing for over HK$100,000worth of prizes. Parami Co. Ltd., a software company specializing in chatbots and automated customer service, took home the championship. First and second runners-up were Deepblu Inc, an online scuba diver community, and Intelligent Sensing Limited that produces wearable devices for blood pressure measurement, respectively. p 左起:吳國偉教授、趙偉仁教授、嚴秉泉教授及黃鴻亮教授 From left: Enders Ng, Philip Chiu, Anthony Yim and Randolph Wong 遊走於刀鋒和筆尖間 The Scalpel and the Brush 要比較外科醫生和畫家間的共同處,除了銳利的觀察和穩定的雙手,還有甚麼?黃鴻亮教授補 充,是專注各項細節、確保由構思至執行的步驟無誤,且要心無旁貸追求理想的結果。 黃教授聯同醫學院外科學系的趙偉仁教授、吳國偉教授及嚴秉泉教授,於5月10及11日在香港 會議展覽中心舉行的2019微創外科國際會議場外,展示了他們的畫作。 趙教授是知名的嶺南派畫家,吳教授則集各派書法之大成。黃教授擅於油畫,並愛以畫畫來鍛 煉自己。嚴教授剛剛退休,全心投身藝術創作。他們同是以一顆赤子之心用手術刀救急扶危,另 方面又通過畫筆展現所思所感。 除了展示各自的擅長,四位教授亦展出以「手術室」為主題的作品,藉着不同媒體和混合手法, 側寫外科醫生在手術室內一面。 Besides sharp eyes and steady hands, what do surgeons and painters have in common? According to Prof. Randolph Wong, attention to detail, careful management of an entire process from inception to execution, and a single-minded pursuit of a desired outcome. Professor Wong was one of the four CUHK surgeons who put their artistic output on display at the Art Exhibition by Surgeons held alongside the iMISC (International Minimally Invasive Surgery Conference 2019) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 10 and 11 May. The others were Prof. Philip Chiu, Prof. Enders Ng and Prof. Anthony Yim. Professor Chiu is an accomplished artist of Chinese traditional painting in his own right. Prof. Ng has effortlessly mastered many styles and schools of Chinese calligraphy. Professor Wong’s medium is oil and he uses it to mimetic perfection. Professor Yim has just retired and is devoting himself full-time to furthering his artistic interest. All are united by a passion for saving lives with their scalpels and expressing how they think and feel with their brushes. In addition to works of their respective genres, they exhibited one colloboration, ‘The Operating Suites’, a composite painting of mixed media on cardboard depicting an oblique reflection of surgeons’ life in the operating theatre. 虛擬實境豈止遊戲 Applying VR on Mental Health Research 虛擬實境科技大行其道,應用 愈趨普及。中大創先河與AXA 安盛及Oxford VR聯手開展研 究計劃,於香港應用虛擬實境 作臨床測試,以管理各種工作 及生活常見的精神健康問題, 包括迴避社交、焦慮及抑鬱徵 狀。該研究計劃將提供多個專 門設計的情境,並設有英語及 廣東話版本。 (左起)中大副校長張妙清教授、AXA安盛亞洲區行政總裁韋國敦及Oxford VR 行政總裁Barnaby Perks於4月29日簽署合約。計劃將廣邀公眾參與,預計於 2020年完成,詳情將於6月公布。 CUHK, AXA Hong Kong and Oxford VR joined hands to pilot the first-of-its-kind clinically-validated trial in Hong Kong using the virtual reality (VR) technology platform for managing common mental health issues, such as social avoidance, anxiety and depressive symptoms in people’s daily lives and work. A variety of specially-designed scenarios offered in both English and Cantonese will be developed for the trial. (From left) Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; Mr. Gordon Watson, CEO, AXA Asia; and Mr. Barnaby Perks, CEO, Oxford VR signed the contract on 29 April. The pilot scheme will recruit the public to participate and is expected to be completed next year. Programme details will be announced in June. 宇宙的美好缺憾 Beautiful Asymmetries in the Universe 「在我眼中,宇宙是美好的,但我們看 到的,遠比看不到的少,實是缺憾。故 此,我將講座的題目定為『宇宙的美 好缺憾』。」物理系朱明中教授在「智 慧的探索」公開講座系列第四講說。 講座於5月24日舉行,朱教授從初中 開始熱愛天文學,一直追尋宇宙中最 微小的粒子。他說:「隨着在希格斯玻 色子、暗物質、暗能量、黑洞、中微子 和重力波的新發現,基礎物理學研究 踏入黃金歲月,有助探索宇宙萬物的 起源。」 朱教授指出,上述的前沿研究也有不少中大人的身影,「我們參與了大亞灣中微子 振盪實驗,見證了新類型電子類中微子轉換模式的發現;又加入位於瑞士歐洲核子 研究中心的ATLAS大型國際粒子對撞實驗組,團隊更獲大學教育資助委員會第八 輪卓越學科領域計劃撥款約七千八百萬港元支持,擴展在ATLAS的工作。自2011 年起,每年暑期分別有兩名本科和五至六名研究生在歐洲核子研究中心做研究。」 ‘The universe is beautiful. It’s regretful that what we cannot see is far more than what we can. That’s why I used “Beautiful Asymmetries in the Universe” as the title of the lecture,’ said Prof. Chu Ming-chung, Department of Physics. This marked the fourth lecture of ‘The Pursuit of Wisdom’ Public Lecture Series, held on 24 May. Professor Chu fell in love with astronomy when he was a junior secondary student. Since then, he has continued studying the smallest particles in the universe. He explained, ‘The new discoveries of Higgs Boson, dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutrinos and gravitational waves pushed the study of fundamental physics into a golden age, paving the way towards understanding the origin and structure of matter.’ He pointed out that CUHK researchers and students are active in participating in groundbreaking research. ‘We took part in the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment and discovered a new type of neutrino transformation. By participating in the ATLAS experiment, which is based at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (known as CERN), we study the fundamental structure of matter. Our team has recently been awarded funding in excess of HK$78 million from the Areas of Excellence Scheme under the University Grants Committee. Starting from 2011, two undergraduates and five to six postgraduate students are granted research opportunities during a summer with CERN.’