Vice-Chancellor's Report 1978-82
133 Chen , Fong-ching ; Choy , Chung-loong ; an d (Ong , E.L.) . "Anisotropi c thema l expansion of oriented crystalline polymers. " Polymer, 2 0 (1979), pp. 1191-1198 . 134 Chen , Fong-ching ; Choy , Chung-loong; an d (Ong , EX.) . "Therma l diffusivit y an d conductivit y o f crystallin e polymers ." Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2 6 (1981 ), pp. 2325-2336 . 135 Chen , Fong-ching ; Choy , Chung-loong ; (Wong , S.P .); an d Young , Kenneth . "Kinetic natur e o f th e glas s transitio n II ." Polymer, 2 1 (1980), pp. 1139-1147 . 136 Chen , Fong-ching ; Choy , Chung-loong ; (Wong , S.P .); an d Young , Kenneth . "Negativ e therma l expansivit y o f polyme r crystals: Planar zig-zag chain model." Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition, 1 9 (1981), pp. 971-981 . 137 Chen , Fong-ching ; Choy , Chung-loong ; an d Young , Kenneth . "Negativ e therma l expansio n o f polyme r crystals-Lattic e model." Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition, 1 8 (1980), pp. 2313-2320 . 138 Chen , Fong-ching ; Choy, Chung-loong; and Young, Kenneth. "Negative thermal expansion in oriented crystalline polymer. " Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition, 1 9 (1981), pp. 335-352 . 139 (Cheng , K.H .); Choy , Chung-loong ; an d Hsu , Baysung . "Dielectric anisotrop y i n oriente d polychlorotrifluoroethylene. " Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition, 1 9 (1981 ), pp. 991-1002 . 140 Chik , Kin-pong ; Feng , Shih-yu ; an d (Poon , S.K.) . "Generatio n o f danglin g bond s b y hig h temperatur e annealin g an d hopping conductio n in amorphous silicon films." Soild State Communication, 3 3 (1980) , pp. 1019-1023 . 141 Cho , Wilso n K.C . an d Choy , Chung-loong . "Therma l stabilit y o f hemoglobi n an d myoglobin : Effec t o f spi n states. " Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 62 2 (1980 ), pp. 320-330 . 142 Cho , Wilso n K.C ; Choy , Chung-loong ; and (Poon, H.T.) . "Th e thermodynamic s o f myoglobi n stability. " Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 70 1 (1982), pp. 206-215 . 143 Cho , Wilson K.C. ; Choy , Chung-loong ; an d Young , Kenneth . "Kinetics o f th e pretransitio n o f syntheti c phospholipids : A calorimetric study. " Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 66 3 (1981) , pp. 14-21 . 144 Choy , Chung-loon g and Young, Kenneth . "Kineti c natur e o f th e glas s transition. " Polymer, 1 9 (1978 ), pp . 1001-1007 . 145 Choy , Chung-loon g an d Leung , Wing-pun . "Physica l propertie s o f oriente d poly(butylen e Terephthalate). " Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 27 (1982), pp. 2693-2709. 146 Lai , Hon-ming , (Suen , W.M.) ; an d Young , Kenneth . "Microscopi c derivatio n o f th e helmholt z forc e density. " Physical Review Letters, 47 (1981), pp. 177-179. 147 Lai , Hon-ming ; (Suen , W.M.) ; an d Young , Kenneth . "Microscopi c derivatio n o f th e forc e o n a dielectri c flui d i n a n electromagnetic field. " Physical Review, A2 5 (1982) , pp. 1755-1763 . 院内同寅合著 Co-authored Publication s (Intra-faculty ) 148 (Camerman , N. ; Chan , L.Y.Y .); Mak , Thoma s C.W. ; an d Yeung , Hin-wing . "Th e crysta l an d molecula r structur e o f nitroleonurine monohydrate. " Acta Crystallographica, B3 5 (1979) . 149 Chan , Kwong-yu ; (Ng , S.L .); an d Wong , Kam-han . "Cadmiu m uptak e b y th e unicellula r gree n alg a chlorella salin a CU- 1 from cultur e medi a with high salinity." Chemosphere, 887-89 1 (1979) . 150 Chan , Kwong-yu ; (Ng , S.L.) ; and Wong, Kam-han. "Effect s o f polyethlene glycol on growth and cadmium accumulation o f chlorella salin a CU-1 ." Chemosphere, 1 0 (1981 ), pp. 985-991 . 151 Chan , Kwong-y u an d Wong, Kam-han . "Stud y o f cadmium , coppe r an d lead uptake b y th e unicella r gree n alg a chlorell a salina." I n Proceedings of the Standardization of Methodology of Water Pollution Conference: I, 16 8 (1979) . 152 Chan , Kwong-yu , Wong , Kam-ha n an d (Wong , P.K.) . "Nitroge n an d Phosphoru s remova l fro m sewag e effluen t wit h hig h salinity b y chlorell a salina." Environmental Pollution, 18(1979) , p . 139 . 153 Chang , S.T. ; (Cho , K.Y .); an d Lau , Oi-wah . "Th e cultivatio n an d nutritiona l valu e o f pleurotu s sajor-caju. " European Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 12 (1981 ), pp. 58-62 . 154 Chen , Tien-chi and Mak, Thomas C.W. Book Review : Science andCivilisatio nin China, Volume 5: Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part IV: Spagyrical Discovery and Invention: Apparatus, Theories and Gifts b y Joseph Needham. The China Quarterly, 8 1 (1981), pp. 538-540 . 155 (Cheng , C.C.) ; Choy , Yuen-min ; an d Yung , Kung-hing . "Change s o f carbohydrat e compositio n o f the cell wall of tobacc o pith callu s durin g shoo t formation. " I n Proceedings of the 1st Research Conference of The Hong Kong Biochemical Association. 1980 . 156 Cho , Kar-cheong ; (Chow , K.C ); and Mark , Kai-keung . "A calorimetri c stud y o f th e therma l transitio n o f halobacteriu m catirubrum." Canadian Journal of Biochemistry, 6 0 (1982), pp. 419-421 . 157 (Cheng , C.C .); Choy , Yuen-min ; an d Yung , Kung-hing . "Carbohydrat e compositio n o f cel l wal l o f tobacc o pitch callus i n various stage s o f growt h an d differentiation. " I n Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of plant Tissue and Cell Culture (Calgary), p . 90. 1978 . 158 Chiu , Kam-wai ; Choy , Yuen-min ; an d Fung , Kwok-pui . "Th e snak e pituitary-thyroi d axis. " I n Proceedings of the 6th International Congressof Endocrinology (Melbourne), p . 323. 1980 . 159 Chill , Kam-wai and Choy, Yuen-min. "Metabolis m o f monoiodotyrosine. " ActaEndocrinologica, 97 (1981 ), p. 169 . 160 Choy , Yuen-min ; (Lau , K.M. ; Wong , Y.S.) ; an d Yung , Kung-hing . "Therma l activatio n o f tobacc o lea f peroxidase. " I n Proceedings of the International Symposium on Proteins (Taipei), p . 15 . 1978 . 161 Choy , Yuen-min ; (Lau , K.M. ; Wong , Y.S .); an d Yung , Kung-hing . "Therma l activatio n o f peroxidas e from tobacc o lea f 138
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