Vice-Chancellor's Report 1978-82
Dr. F . M . Wong , BA , MA , Ph D (from Apri l 23 , 1980) New Asia College Mr. Jame s C . Y . Watt , BA , M A (until April 26, 1980 ) Dr. Su n Kuo-tung, BA , Dip , Ph D (from Apri l 27, 1980 ) United College Professor M a Lin , BSc , PhD , J P (until October 18 , 1978) Dr. Lam Yat-wah, BSc, MSc , PhD , CEng, FIEE , FInstP (from Octobe r 19 , 1978) Three members elected by the Senate from among the academic members of the Senate Professor M a Lin , BSc , PhD, J P (until Septembe r 30 , 1978) Professor S . T. Chang , BSc , MS , Ph D (from Octobe r 1 , 1978 to July 31 , 1980 ) Professor T o Cho-yee , DipSocSt, MA , Ph D (from Augus t 1 , 1980) Professor L . B . Thrower , OBE , MSc , PhD , FLS , J P (until July 31 , 1980 ) Professor Joh n F . Jones , BA , MSW , MAPA , Ph D (from Augus t 1 , 1980) Dr. Hson-mo u Chang , BSc , MSc , Ph D Not more than four persons from Universities or education organizations outside Hong Kong who shall be nominated by the Council The Righ t Honourabl e Lor d Fulto n o f Falmer , MA , L L D (until Februar y 16 , 1981) Dr. Clar k Kerr , PhD , LLD The Righ t Honourabl e Lor d Tod d o f Trumpington , OM , MA, DPhil , DS, L LD , DLitt , FRIC , FRS Four persons nominated by the Chancellor Dr. R . C . Lee , CBE , MA , L LD , J P (Vice-Chairman ) Dr. th e Honourabl e Rayso n Huang , CBE , BSc , DPhil , DSc , FRSC, FWA , FRSA, J P The Honourabl e D . K . Newbigging , OBE , J P (until January 2 , 1979) The Honourabl e W.C.L . Brown , OBE , J P (from January 16 , 1979 ) Dr. th e Honourabl e Franci s Y . H . Tien , OBE , L L D , FRCSE , FCI , FHKIE, J P (from Octobe r 18 , 1978) Three persons elected by the Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council The Honourabl e P . G. Williams, OBE , J P (until October 13 , 1978 ) The Honourabl e Lydi a Dunn , OBE , BS , JP (from Octobe r 14 , 1978) The Honourabl e Jame s W u Man-hon , OBE , BSc , MASHRAE , JP (until October 14 , 1979) Dr. th e Honourabl e Harr y Fan g Sin-yang , CBE , MB , BS, MCh (Orth ), LLD, FRCSE , FACS , FRACS, J P (from October 15 , 1979) Dr. the Honourable L i Fook Wo, CBE, BS , MCS , DSSc, FIB, J P (until October 13 , 1981) The Honourabl e S . L . Chen , OBE , MSc , DIG , FIEE , SMIEEE, FHK I E , J P (from Octobe r 14 , 1981) Not more than four other persons, normally resident in Hong Kong, who shall be elected by the Council Dr. J . S . Lee, OBE , BA , L L D Professor Y . C . Wong, OBE , BSc , PhD, DL i t , DSc, J P Sir Yuet-keun g Kan , GBE , BA , L LD , J P Dr. th e Honourabl e Si r Kennet h Ping-fa n Fung , CBE , L LD , DSocSc , KStJ , JP Secretary of the Council Mr. Nelso n H . Young , BA , CertEd , JP (until June 30 , 1980) Dr. Fong-chin g Chen , BA , MA , Ph D (from Jul y 1 , 1980) 60
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